Can you tell the morality of a nation by which? 1) it’s religious leaders, 2) the wars it chooses to fight or 3) the way it treats its prisoners?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Billy Joel
Angry Young Man
Sunday, July 17, 2011
President Obama and his family watch World Cup soccer final.
Photo via official White House photographer Peter Souza
I always wonder: Are films like this prep work for the real thing? …
Anger over Netflix price hike: Phones ringing off the hook at company..
Loyal fans angry over increase..
It’s amazing.. the world of technology, email, downloading videos on Netflix instantly.. and what do fans do? Old fashioned complaints. They pick up the phone, get angry, and talk.. Maybe there is hope for the world after all.. people do have emotions that they can express without keyboards or mouse clicks. Bravo, humanity! Bravo..
Typhoon in the Pacific: Japan waiting for next disaster
Pacific Rim Rampage: Monster at sea as Typhoon Ma-On aims for Japan.. May become a ‘Super Typhoon’ before landfall..
Expected track of Ma-On takes it to the Southern tip of Japan and back out to sea.. BUT.. Heavy rainfall is expected in the tsunami-ravaged areas north of Tokyo. All eyes are watching the little island nation that is being slammed with new disasters every time you look..
Get ready: Heat is coming.. this week, from sea to shining sea, the American landscape is going to sizzle.. Fry eggs on the highway, water the plants.. don’t leave your pets or your elderly in cars. It’s going to be a heat wave.. Amazingly, it’s going to be 90 degrees and higher in 40 states.. This is summer 2011.
The heat will spawn some severe weather, too..