Matt Drudge reacts to net neutrality today on Twitter..
The FCC chairman was once a lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry.
Get ready to hear a lot about net neutrality and Tom Wheeler, whether you want to or not.
But it’s important you do.
You could be paying more for services online.. for TV.. for streaming ..
The GOTHAMIST reports a money quote here:
Does it seems fishy that Obama picked someone who pushed industry deregulation to head the federal agency that regulates said industry? It does, doesn’t it. When he was nominated, an insider told Reuters that, “All of the senators in the Commerce Committee know Tom as a lobbyist who funnels funds to them, not as a stand-up guy from a regulatory agency who is able to take heat.” But it’s probably worth pointing out that Wheeler managed to drum up about $700,000 in campaign contributions to both of Obama’s presidential runs.
Understand net neutrality as if your own free speech depends on it.
It may.