Showing posts with label joepa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joepa. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A tale of one painting. Joe Paterno had a halo after he died, but on July 14, 2012, artist Michael Pilato used his skills to remove that same halo..

Sure, the late Penn State coach is no saint. But now that the Freeh report is sinking in and new facts are being digested, it’s clear that he was no saint either. He was a man who wanted to try to cover up as much as he could to save the reputation of Penn State.. and sordid as it all seems, the children who were abused in this situation always were last on the list of people who were helped. It’s a disgusting and sick story .. one that I can’t really read about much or think about much because of how deplorable it was and is, but also because of how many generations of proud Penn State graduates are shamed for good by the scars of sexual abuse in locker rooms on the campus.

Oh, and yes, the school has decided to re-do those shower rooms.. take away the look … but not the memories. No way in hell will people forget what happened there. And with more and more information trickling out about how much higher ups knew of the situation, the story isn’t dead yet.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Smoking gun emails: Top Penn State officials debated what to do about Sandusky--in 2001!


“After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe (Paterno, the head football coach at the time) yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps,” CNN quoted Curley as saying in an email.

Curley then makes reference to “the first situation,” likely meaning the shower incident involving Sandusky and a young boy in the Lasch building in 1998.

Smoking gun emails: Top Penn State officials debated what to do about Sandusky--in 2001!