Showing posts with label grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grief. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Grief: Maybe you should just avoid your pastor

I am not certain if I published this before, but I have become addicted over the past few months to a website written by Caleb Wilde, a Philadelphia-based mortician who mocks death and ads humor to the dying process..

He has written a new blog post about dealing with death and grief.. He argues that if you are going through rough straits, seeing your pastor should be secondary to seeing a therapist.  

A good read.  And something sadly that every human on this planet will face or has faced already: Grief about death and losing someone close..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's been a long week so far..

It has been a pretty trying day.. my  dog Bailey, after a few short years of life, was put down this evening.. It was a pretty rotten scene.. I feel absolutely terrible.. my head is pounding.. And life is .. strange. It begs the question of a post-earth existence.. What else is out there? If pets and humans once again coexist on the higher playing field of heaven.. do bad dogs go to hell? Is there a pet purgatory for animals that bit their owners.. but what if their owners were bad, too?? All of these questions, all with no answers.. All to be asked by people confused about their very essence.. All to be pondered by great minds, small minds, the mindless. Because it’s not just all great minds that think alike, but all minds in general.. We think alike because we are human. And since we are human we wonder.. What else is out there .. and what else is within..