Showing posts with label convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convention. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The other thing that happens when Mitt Romney comes to town

There is a lot of fanfare this year about the chances that we could have the first Mormon president.. beyond that, the GOP platform is anti-gay marriage and pro-life.. But when Republicans party, they let their hair down and unfasten those striped ties.

The proof? Strip clubs in Tampa are prepping for the Republican presence. 

CNN is reporting this evening that while GOP officials are closely watching the track of Tropical Storm Isaac, strip clubs are getting their poles shined.  The strippers want the GOP to ‘make it rain,’ CNN says. CNN’s profile also speaks about a roof view where you can get a ‘quick launch’ lap dance. Or one called a ‘death lay.’ 

CNN is also reporting in the same dispatch that strip clubs are playing on thought that conservatives are stuffy. Clubs offering the chance to 'party like a liberal' are popping up around the city..One place called Thee DollHouse is even offering a VIP entry with a government ID, according to their sign outside. Republicans believe in voter ID. Perhaps it will translate into strip club ID as well..

How many clubs will paint the pole red, white, and blue for the week? How many strippers will come dressed or undressed in patriotic pride? G-strings with a small elephant.. lots of aspiring women working night jobs to support a day life, hoping the wealth of the Republican party will translate into dollars down  the pants and lap dances behind the plants. Interesting, though.. we will see how much play this strip club story gets. 

Some comments on the CNN article are speaking of the potential hypocritical nature of this story. After all, will CNN have a similar report about the Democrats…? Or is just expected that strip clubs will be busy when Donkeys act like asses? 

What CNN failed to talk about in their piece was just how many MALE STRIP CLUBS were going to try to get the same attention that the female folks do… and how many Republicans may sneak a show into one..? All the while cheering on the floor of the convention to have a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage…

Thee DollHouse was recently renovated and expects a large turnout for the Republican National Convention.