Halloween costumes are being purchased from sea to sea.. coast to coast.. and all places in between..
The Western World has a way of celebrating dark days like All Hallows Eve in a purely capitalistic style—mixed with overdone sexuality and outfits too skimpy for some robust women to even get them above their thighs.
This year’s most popular costume so far? Sexy Big Bird. Does Mitt Romney approve or would he cut the funding?
Toddlers in Tiaras.. Honey Boo Boo. Move on. We have Big Bird…
There are some who are worried about the present day sexualization of the girls’ Big Bird outfit. And Bert and Ernie too.. Some may roll their troll eyes at people who think that the sex-charged culture is overdoing its tendency to take more Chinese-made fabrics off of younger girls, they will say those who slam the skimpy designs are prudes, but think about the facts that surround us.. Pedophilia is alive and well. As a matter of fact, there have been countless news stories in the past few weeks concerning Japan’s addiction to child pornography. Just yesterday, the website Reddit banned links to Gawker after the site exposed a dirty troll’s predilection for creating sub-boards to showcase underage girls in bikinis or women who don’t know their photos were being snapped and posted online.. The Creepshots are all over the net. People of Walmart jokes are sent throughout the world on a daily basis, clogging up work emails with more images of larger women in thongs walking around Walmart…all the while getting their innocent picture snapped and posted on the internet.
We have gone from using the net as a hobby to using it as a way of life. And in turn, being that so many now ‘live’ their ‘lives’ on the world wide web, porn and all the like will continue to flourish.
So back to Halloween. Think of this, moms and dads of the world (and you don’t have to be an old prude of a parent to think of this) .. say you just purchased that skimpy Big Bird outfit for your underage daughter. No harm, right? She is just going to a party of other kids, right? Other girls in skimpy cop costumes or half-nude portrayals of nurses.. And your daughter, the innocent girl she is, gets her photo snapped in a provocative position(s). Posted online. She suddenly has fame across the school. She’s the ‘slut’ who wore the whore Bird attire at the party.. she is the ‘easy’ one who will do anything. And remember, she is not even 18 year. Those images don’t die. That reputation won’t either. The bullying has just begun.
When I go through retail stores and see more and more provocative apparel for extremely young women I cannot help but to think it’s all designed on purpose to sexualize the female gender early and often. Men get beer commercials that appeal to them around the age of 12—get them early the beer industry figures. As for women? Get them early too.. put kinky designs on underwear and sell them to girls who don’t even reach puberty yet.
Do I sound like an old dud?
Maybe I do. But prudish thoughts as opposed to what? Having your daughter’s image posted online, wearing some skimpy Big Bird outfit, for pedophiles and perverts (AROUND THE GLOBE MIND YOU!) to find, download, and use for their disgusting enjoyment? I’ll take the prudish thought any day over that horrid reality.
Halloween then vs now.. A different time. Different strokes for different folks.
Remember when you were a kid, assuming you are not, and finding that perfect plastic superhero outfit? or that fun costume that increased your chances of getting more based on the pure cuteness of it? Those days are gone. Legs out out. Breasts are flopping. Makeup is on. Women are lookin’ sexy and gettin’ their hair did. All for a night of ass-less chaps and leather Halloween costumes, whips chains and few brains. Horror is gone. Instead sexy is in. Freddy Krueger used to frighten. Now women dress as the ‘sexy’ Freddy. And there is a sexed up Michael Myers and Jason, too, just in case you didn’t get enough stimulation with your woman dressing like a pornographic version of the child-killing burned villain ..
But in the end the most troubling thing to me that we live in a society that is glorifying the wrong things. Honey BOO BOO doesn’t even understand enough to know that for much of her life, she will be considered a fool simply because of her childhood role on her show. We also live in a world that has forgotten decency, morality, and intelligence We just dress the part fill the cart. No matter what nation of slaves created the item. No matter what it looks like, we just want to show off some skin.
Finally, we live in a world where crimes against children are rapidly increasing.. Though I am sure someone with ‘facts’ will tell me we just know more crimes now than we did before, I don’t care. In my point of view, when I hear Kids in Syria are gunned down.. kids all across the world live in fear.. some are turned into war criminals.. some are starved to death.. some are shot for standing up for girls’ rights.. some are brutally killed, like Jessica Ridgeway in Colorado, may her soul rest in eternal peace and love somewhere..
But we just keep putting on the scantily clad sexgarb and hoping to show enough skin to excite someone… hopefully that someone isn’t the type of person you wouldn’t want to bring home to mom and dad. Of course, mom and dad bought you the outfit, so maybe they’d be proud..