Sunday, October 4, 2015
Monday, November 25, 2013
Soda vs. Pop vs. Coke: Mapping How Americans talk
The ATLANTIC article is fascinating.. Mapping how we say certain words tells a story of who we are and shows a picture of how we migrate.
Soda vs. Pop vs. Coke: Mapping How Americans talk
10,000-year-old house uncovered outside Jerusalem
Will this change the timeline that some people thought the human race is on?
10,000-year-old house uncovered outside Jerusalem
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
4,000-year-old ‘bog body’ found with skin intact
The body showed signs of brutality, including axe wounds, leading scientists to believe the body was mutilated for a ritual sacrifice.
Science is amazing.. this is amazing.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
We have been told that early humans were warlike. What if they were not?
There would be some big implications.. And our modern “civilized society” would need to do some soul searching about how we have lost the way..
Consider this:
And here we thought that road rage evovled from stone age cave rage..
We have long been told that war is bred deep within humanity.. that our early ancestors killed and maimed for food and terrirtory.. that we are warlike in our nature.. But maybe that is all wrong!
A new study seems to suggest that mankind didn’t go to war until much later than previously thought, and that tribal societies found war to be an alien concept! So those old humans we would laugh and joke about perhaps were one with the land, one with each other, and learned to live, hunt, and forge new worlds without killing and destroying.. Could that be possible!?
Amazing to consider..