Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The great debate finale thought

I know this may not be the popular opinion.. But I really don’t think much changed last night. I think those who liked Hillary Clinton will like her more.. This who like Donald Trump will do the same..

In my humble thought, if you only watched the first half hour of the rumble in Long Island, you’d walk away thinking that Trump soared–Hillary did not seemed prepared for the kinder and gentler Donald, despite his sniffling.. If you watched the last half, you’d think that Hillary cleaned Donald’s clock. The middle hour was a murky tale of nasty one liners and lipstick on teeth..

The debate to end all debates actually was not as good as some may have hoped it would be. Camp Clinton is claiming the crown and the media is piling on with articles about the best quips back to Trump and Howard Dean publicly pondering if the Republican candidates snorted crack before the debate.. But the conservative media is piling on the same..

The partisan divide is only more evident. After the debate, a Drudge poll had Trump leading 90% to Hillary’s 10%.. I thought how ridiculous. When I saw the CNN poll showing about 70% thought Hillary won I thought it was equally ridiculous..

Everyone is playing to their own crowd. There is no unbiased reporting anymore, and when there is it’s comes with low ratings and little to no concern from the public.

Instead we picked our corners already. The only thing left to do now is cheer on the candidate we most want to see bloody the other.

This may be the most partisan election since 2000 … And God help us if a repeat of disputed chads happens this year.

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