Thursday, June 30, 2016

Facebook announced on Wednesday that it has once again changed the secret recipe that decides what to show its users in their Newsfeeds.

Here is what you need to know based off of the few things people actually know: Newsfeeds are going to feature less click bait links.. less “you will never believe what she said” nonsense.. less politics and less divisive uncivil nonsense that clutters the otherwise cluttered newsfeed of the day.

Facebook wants to make it personal. Go back to the roots–family, friends, baby pictures, endless vacation shots from the mountains… You know the drill. 2008 stuff.

I am good with it. I check Facebook much less than before. But when I do, I get annoyed with the stream of news nonsense that is already known.

But there could be an ulterior motive at play here too..

Don’t forget the controversy that Mark Zuckerberg recently found himself in.. The site was stearing readers away from conservative content. But not only that media sin exposed, the bigger was how Facebook’s internal agorithms actually invent news stories and change new cycles–making less important things bigger. Think of it.. how can Chewbacca Mom, for as fun as she was, receive 70 million hits in a few minutes. It’s all in the code, baby. Make it look natural but behind the scenes know it’s not.

I am fine with friends and their status updates.

But what Facebook may have done wrong is wait this long. Maybe after all this time of being force-fed manipulated nonsense-content, people have moved on. Moved on to other platforms.. or just back to reality again? Time will tell.

Friends and families unite!!Facebook won’t bite.
But Zuckerberg? He still has that tape overtop of his MIC..

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