The verdicts are coming in.. those of the people I now who saw BATMAN VS SUPERMAN are highly upset.. one person’s reaction was shock when she learned that the film cost almost a billion bucks *($800 mil to be exact)* to create.. a monstrosity of a borefest..
BUT BUT BUT.. stop the presses, here’s the latest bat news: Easter weekend take moneywise for the flick is going to be wide and big. $171 predicted for BATMAN VS SUPERMAN, despite the bad reviews. Despite the bad reactions. Despite Ben Affleck. The $171 mil will be minus Affleck’s children, as well..
The movie’s release is pre-summer. The spring Cherry Blossoms are not even done blooming. The genius of Warner Bros was to release a film like this – comic book, bombs, fights, explosions, Wonder Woman in a skimpy outfit – when kids were home from school. During a three day weekend when teens had nothing to do but go to the movies.. The marketing was also amazing with product placement everywhere, including in the cereal aisle for my five year old to have the choice of BATMAN or SUPERMAN flavor..
And finally, despite the misgivings and criticism, Affleck is scoring some points for his role as Wayne. Maybe not from me. But from enough people.
All that said, the movie is getting 30% at Rotten Tomatoes. The movie is also most likely going to drop next week after this initial trial run in over 4000 theaters as the Easter Bunny hops along..
Oh…..second place this weekend? Take a guess. The mighty ZOOTOPIA…
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