The tale goes like this: For years, gullible Ufologists have fallen for a great hoax.. They have believed that some other civilization is coming to the planet, flying saucers around the globe, and abducting people in the deep south only to probe the portion portions of them deeply..
Apparently, the theory goes, the government has put out the false UFO stories for years.. they have given the fake stories to UFO experts who happily ate up all of the available disinformation.
A new documentary is exposing how the government case over fake evidence of ET life for decades.. The documentary is called MIRAGE MEN, and it is gaining a number of awards and lots of attention in various UFO and skeptic circles..
Steve Rose of the UK GUARDIAN writes this in his piece on this potential interstellar false flag:
The place of movies in the grand UFO conspiracy is a tricky area. Depending on which theory you subscribe to, Hollywood’s steady stream of sci-fi is either a deliberate exaggeration, designed to make the “truth” look unbelievable (the “you’ve been watching too many movies” defence), or it’s a way of psychologically preparing the populace for staggering alien secrets yet to be revealed. There are at least grounds for suspicion in the latter camp. Pilkington points to the CIA’s Psychological Strategy Board, founded after the second world war to promote US propaganda. Associated with the board was veteran film producer Darryl Zanuck. In 1951, Zanuck executive-produced seminal alien-visitation sci-fi The Day the Earth Stood Still, often cited as a government-sanctioned testing of the waters for alien contact. Like Zanuck, the film’s writer, Edmund North, was ex-military, while director Robert Wise apparently became a UFO believer on account of discussions he had with Washington figures during the making of the movie.
Steven Spielberg is a less likely government stooge, though he has been obsessed by aliens his entire career, from Close Encounters and ET up to War of the Worlds and the last Indiana Jones film (not forgetting his producer role in Falling Skies, Transformers and, er, Men in Black). If anyone’s paving the way for the big reveal, it’s Spielberg, but, after 30 years of paving, we’re still waiting.
How true that is.. not only Spielberg, but lots of others too like George Lucas ..
And who can’t listen to Whitley Strieber’s detailed description of his abduction without wincing in pain..?
The tin foil hat wearing club I subscribe —there are different sects of us—does not simply buy into every and all conspiracy theories.. we discern. we analyze.. we report.. we often don’t decide. The jury is still out amongst my brand of believers as to whether aliens, God, or even US are real.. Maybe this imaginary world is a fairy tale, or a dream.. maybe a nightmare..
Nonetheless, it’s certainly believable that government spooks can have some fun with the UFO crazed people of the planet.. And plant false information—perhaps false memories—in the world..
How widespread, though?
Why did Ronald Reagan constantly talk about alien threats.. did Dick Nixon show a dead alien to Jackie Gleason? and did IKE, the one we liked, put ‘In God we trust’ on change because aliens told him there is no God?
Or was it all a hoax..?
IS anything real?
…maybe not.
The truth is out there.
Or within.
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