Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Child porn charges filed against ex-state Rep. Farnham

Even worse and more damning: Documents show that Farnham—who publicly promoted legislation to protect children—had his secret online life where he said that he could not handle a child over the age of 12.. he proclaimed he was most sexually stimulated by those who were 6,7, or 8.. 

“12 is about as old as i can handle,” Farnham allegedly said in one online chat in November, according to the charges. “i love them at 6 7 8”

It is certainly not the first time someone in power abused their rank.. Also it’s not the first time that someone in power led a double life—on one hand a model citizen protecting children from predators and on another hand being a predator himself..

Also damning: Not only did he use his personal computer for the sex trade, but allegations have also been made that he used his government computer, too. He just couldn’t get enough. He traded content directly from his legislative office, it is said..

Farmhan resigned just in March 2014—he cited health.  He said in a statement, “I have been battling serious health issues for a number of years and the coming months will require my full attention.” How true that is.. Though perhaps the ‘health’ issue is not one of the physical category.  Also in March—the same time as the resignation over health issues of course—Mr. Farnhan’s office was being searched by various alphabet agencies.. Weeks later we find out how serious and perverse the charges actually are.. 

Perhaps in the weirdest twist of fate, Mr. Farnham will now be subject to the provisions of laws he helped strengthen, and he will face tougher penalties for the crimes he committed.

He should know the penalties, he co-sponsored the bills..

Child porn charges filed against ex-state Rep. Farnham

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