Friday, December 6, 2013

The death of Nelson Mandella is a big deal. And maybe it was the first time, too..?

Nelson Mandella, the endless time traveler on earth, is dead. He had a life of struggle and triumph.. His prison time did not stop from from history in 1994 when he became the president of South Africa. His recent battle with ailments left him on his death bed repeatedly, but his strength and ferocity kept him fighting until his last breaths were inhaled yesterday at the age of 95..

Mandella made history—and forged progress in a place that had little. 

But what else is he known for? Well.. for many, they knew him as someone who previously died..

Some people think they already witnessed Mandella’s funeral. There is paranormal lure that he was dead before—and somehow we were all no that timeline at one time, but he came back. A time slip. Like when a building shows up and you never saw it there before.. I think our minds play lots of tricks on us. What we see is not always what’s in front of us. We have a way of zooming so fast that we often neglect to even comprehend the tangible objects that are before us. And maybe Mandella was one of those—he moved so fast in life, and no one will ever be able to do what he did and how he did it. 

But was he a time traveler? Did he die before? My advice from my father this morning:

Cut the headline off the newspaper of his demise and tack it to the wall. That way when he is alive again there will be proof of his past perish.. 

Now onto the rest of the story.

TIME SLIP: Many people thought Mandella died in prison.. People even remembered news clips of people mourning and a speech from his widow.

Time slips and Nelson Mandella.. it’s called the Mandella Effect..

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