Saturday, May 21, 2016

David Icke dumbfounds BBC’s Andrew Neil by insisting ‘royal family are lizards’

David Icke dumbfounds BBC’s Andrew Neil by insisting ‘royal family are lizards’:


In an interview with the BBC’s This Week, Icke defended the outlandish reptilian theory.

When Neil asked: “Do you still think the Royal Family were shape shifting lizards?”

Icke replied: “Yes, I do.”

Neil then asked Icke if he still wanted people to believe that 9/11 is a conspiracy.

“Yes,” he replied.

“I can see the point that you might that you have some questions about 9/11, but if you also think that Buckingham Palace is inhabited by lizards, it kind of undermines you,” Neil said in bemusement.

However, Icke defended his claims.

“It’s not that simple. The whole big back story before you get to what I’m saying, if you deliver it in one line - ‘the world is run by reptiles’ - you meet on one level, ‘Oh that’s crazy’ - immediate reaction.

“But when you see the back story and the evidence to support this, ancient and modern, you see that one throwaway line in a completely different context.”

Earlier in the interview, Neil pressed Icke to give recent examples of conspiracies in the world.

“Ironically, we’ve had [Chancellor] George Osborne this week trying to ridicule conspiracies, involving the EU by likening them to believing in the Loch Ness monster,” Icke said.

“And in the same week, we’ve had the Daily Mail exposing the PM for conspiring, in effect, with big business to frighten the public into staying in the EU, while publicly, to Parliament as well, saying he would come out if the negotiations, renegotiations, don’t work.”

If you have listened to conspiracy radio over the past 20 years, none of this should come as any form of a shock. David Icke has been saying this for some time.. nothing notable is new in the interview. With the exception that now the mainstream is able to hear the conspiracy theory of the lizard face morphing royals and politicians..

WHEN VIRAL GOES GOOD!!IF you didn’t see Candace Payne, a...


IF you didn’t see 

Candace Payne, a Dallas mother of two, laugh hysterically while wearing a Chewbacca mask, you should. It should almost be mandatory on a gloomy day.

She wasn’t anyone famous.. but literally minutes after posting herself in a car wearing a brand new Chewy mask, her Facebook exploded. It completely shattered the Facebook live video stats.

The views were in the millions.. Even KOHL’s send toys for the entire family (Good marketing Kohls) ..

She captioned the video ‘the simple joys.’  And her video makes you just…happy!

The comments I have seen on the videos have been kind and fun. No one degenerating it into some needless debate. Nothing talking politics.. no one laughing or bullying her.. 

No, instead, it would seem that her Chewbacca mask is exactly what America needs right now. Something to bridge the numerous gaps that divide us on so many levels.

Just a happy woman in her car, sneaking a video of her in Chewy attire. 
Completely innocent and completely beautiful as she laughs. And her laugh is actually quite contagious. 

Enjoy if you haven’t already:


Unfortunate reasons that ASHLAND PA is in the news

The homeland is making headlines.. the coal region is not comforting today.

Yesterday, the day started in the little former bustling coal region villa of Ashland Pennsylvania with a horrible fire. As reported right here.

At the end of the day, while my and son and I enjoyed some evening pizza and adult beverages (Ayden excluded on that one) at a local Italian restaurant, we came to discover that the person who brandished a gun at the White House and was shot was Jesse Oliveri from Ashland PA! Small town boy. Big city headlines.

This is how CNN reported the shooting:

A Secret Service spokesman said the incident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. ET when a man carrying a gun approached a checkpoint on E Street near the White House. The suspect was given verbal commands to stop and drop the gun, and when he failed to comply, he was shot once by a Secret Service agent and taken into custody. Secret Service officers and an agent provided medical aid to the suspect, and the city’s EMS said he was transported to a local hospital with critical injuries.

The president wasn’t there at the time, instead he was away golfing. Oliver was shot in the abdomen. He is in critical condition at last report.

Rumors fly in small town. 

While we were eating out food and discussing the high degree of embarrassment that an entire town feels with an indictment like this, another customer announced that he received word a street in town was closed and that the FEDs swooped in to the home of Oliveri and were conducting searches. While I have no idea if that was true or not, it seemed reasonable that someone who just showed off a gun at the Presidential mansion and then got shot would have searches performed at his house.

And that’s the story. 
Surely there is MORE to the story  yet to be heard. But at this point, it’s blemish on an already blemished town.

For hours I hoped the news got it wrong and they meant Ashland, Kentucky.. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Bloody Disgusting reminded us all today: 13 years ago was when...

Bloody Disgusting reminded us all today: 13 years ago was when Buffy the Vampire slayer ended..
I never really liked Buffy much, except the show Once more with Feeling. My friend, a big Buffy fanatic, a fairly wrote a series on my website heh where he used the pseudonym ‘Mr Benson.’

I think the most alarming thing is to contemplate the quick massive of time–and 13 years went fast.

There is a massive fire in my home town of Ashland Pa this...

There is a massive fire in my home town of Ashland Pa this morning.. These photos appearing on Skook News look alarming. Most likely a substantial portion of the block is lost.
Hoping all got out safe and the effects are helped by compassion of neighbors..

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Western Ecuador Rattled by Magnitude 6.7 Earthquake: USGS

Western Ecuador Rattled by Magnitude 6.7 Earthquake: USGS :

The quake’s epicenter was 36 miles south of Esmeraldas at a depth of about seven miles.

A destructive Pacific-wide tsunami was not expected, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

PA spring..

It definitely sleeted today. It may have snowed.. I cannot tell. But it was cold. 

Frost watches tonight.
Hope you didn’t plant yet on the East Coast..

KTLA meteorologist told to put on a sweater during live weather...


KTLA meteorologist told to put on a sweater during live weather forecast.. Really..

“We’re getting a lot of emails,” said someone behind the scenes as the meteorologist was given a sweater to put on over her dress.

And now for some Sunday evening conspiracy theory..Enjoy.


And now for some Sunday evening conspiracy theory..


Biting the dust. Time’s up. An antique store going as...

Biting the dust. Time’s up. An antique store going as brick and mortar shopping centers become antiques of today.. Reconcile the books while we may, old time is still a flyin. The same mall that opens today tomorrow will be dyin (at Schuylkill Mall)

Farmers sue Monsanto over alleged Roundup cancer link// MORE: Three Nebraska farmers and an agronomist, all diagnosed with cancer, have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging the seed and chemical giant of purposely misleading the public about the dangers

Farmers sue Monsanto over alleged Roundup cancer link// MORE: Three Nebraska farmers and an agronomist, all diagnosed with cancer, have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging the seed and chemical giant of purposely misleading the public about the dangers

With each new trailer and screen shot I see of the upcoming...

With each new trailer and screen shot I see of the upcoming TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2 movie, I get more excited. My son can’t wait either.

A full listing of all the previews and TV spots here..

A group of anti-Donald Trump Republicans is trying to lure Dallas Mavericks owner and billionaire businessman Mark Cuban into the presidential race as a third-party candidate, according to a published report..

And accordingly Cuban denied the #NeverTrump movement its potential third party candidate..



Winston Ross writes this in NEWSWEEK: 

The immediate effect of drug manufacturer Pfizer’s announcement Friday that it will no longer sell its drugs for use in executions is obvious: States are about to have a tougher time finding the necessary ingredients for a lethal injection cocktail. Pfizer and other drug makers have long expressed concern about products that are designed to be “life-saving” instead used for the opposite purpose, and the New York-based manufacturer has taken a clear stand.

“Pfizer makes its products to enhance and save the lives of the patients we serve,” the company said in a statement. “Consistent with these values, Pfizer strongly objects to the use of any of our products in the lethal injection process for capital punishment.”

MAY DAY!!This is not May weather.. Temperatures cold this...


This is not May weather.. Temperatures cold this morning in the East.. it will be so all day.. the POLAR VORTEX, I suppose? Even in the early parts of when summer heat should be reigning?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A chain of earthquakes like the ones that hit Kumamoto Prefecture and neighboring areas could occur in other regions, given the numerous active faults in the nation. The Kumamoto Earthquake illustrated the fact that Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries. About 10 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in the nation.

A chain of earthquakes like the ones that hit Kumamoto Prefecture and neighboring areas could occur in other regions, given the numerous active faults in the nation. The Kumamoto Earthquake illustrated the fact that Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries. About 10 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in the nation.


There is a boom in calls for exorcisms in Idaho, apparently..
This report from KIVI-TV reporter Roland Beres, an ABC affiliate in the state:

BOISE, Idaho - As Idaho’s population grows, there has been an influx of new construction, new restaurants, and oddly enough, and increased amount calls for exorcisms.

“Many times we get calls because people are having activity in their homes or businesses,“ exorcism expert and founder of Apparitions Paranormal Investigations Jeff Mason explained. "We actually had the entity identify itself as a demon attached to a resident of one exorcism.”

Despite the doubt and sometimes laughable portrayals of exorcisms in Hollywood movies, Pastor Mike Freeman said that the issue is a reality for some people – especially those living in Third World countries.

“You step into the Third World and it’s definitely a ‘We’re not in Kansas’ anymore moment,” Freeman explained.

“To assume our way of viewing reality as the only way is to limit ourselves.“

There is an inundation of talk about exorcisms as of late throughout the world. Creepy stories of demon possession, house possession, and Pope Francis calling on more priests to battle evil.

And now it has moved to Idaho…

THE BERNIE SANDERS WICCAN FESTIVAL..They feel the Bern.Reporting...

They feel the Bern.

Reporting from the LA TIMES: 

Participants were “smudged,” meaning the smoke from the sweetgrass was wafted over them before they could enter the sacred circle and begin a Wiccan ritual to support Sanders ahead of Oregon’s primary on Tuesday.

“Welcome to the ‘Feeling the Bern ritual,’” Leigha Lafleur, 41, told the gathering  as she prepared to lead them in the “amplification of positive energy of Bernie Sanders and the progressive movement.”