Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ringling Bros. circus to close after 146 years

Ringling Bros. circus to close after 146 years:

This would appear to be a monumental thing.. a showcase of the changing times we live in.

The circus, once celebrated and honored, is closing down.. 

Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey is calling it quits after 146 years – 146 people, that is a long, long time..

There are a few shows to go .. but the curtain is closing.

The times are changing.

The two touring circuses will perform a total of 30 shows over the next four months. Most of the shows will be held in the South or the East Coast. Major stops include Atlanta, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston and Brooklyn. Tickets can still be purchased online and at venues…

And then ..

Family with no filters. #snow

Family with no filters. #snow

The restaurant formerly known as Marrones on a snowy vacant day...

The restaurant formerly known as Marrones on a snowy vacant day in Girardville PA #girardville #coal region

Snowy day.. the world is black and white even without a filter...

Snowy day.. the world is black and white even without a filter .. stay warm. Stay safe. Stay fine.

Surprise snowstorm

Surprise snowstorm

As long as my glasses don’t break I’m fine.

As long as my glasses don’t break I’m fine.

Friday, January 13, 2017

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: William Peter Blatty dead at...


William Peter Blatty dead at 89..

You may not his name. But you’re aware of his work..

He passed away yesterday, but news of his death only emerged today.

Blatty not only wrote the original Exorcist film, but he also directed the third instalment of the franchise…

He was a door to door salesman in the 1950s.. began writing in the 60s.. and the rest is history.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Darkness Dave and iHeartRadio end their relationship!


One of the best paranormal radio talkshow hosts has ended his show abruptly and iHeartRadio has ended the relationship with him and his cohost.

Dave Schrader announced late today that the show Darkness Radio has ceased to exist. A new podcast will be available five nights a week, on The show will be free and archives will exist for 90 days. After the 90 day period, payment will have to be rendered to get all programs.

Schrader said during his Facebook live broadcast late today, “download them all” so you won’t have to pay later.

This also will mean that since Schrader will no longer be an employee of iHeartRadio, his frequent appearances as the guest host of Coast to Coast a.m. will undoubtedly also end.

A fan favorite from his program called true crime Tuesday will not be going with him to the new show. It’s likely that I heart iHeartRadio has maintained ownership over that specific content..

The new program will be called Beyond the Darkness.

With every radio show that dies a podcast gets its wings

Schrader is great and maybe will be better without iHeartRadio baggage..

'Demon possessed doll' blinks and nods head before entire room shakes leaving young girl terrified

'Demon possessed doll' blinks and nods head before entire room shakes leaving young girl terrified :

There is video.
But it’s from the MIRROR.

Copper In Food, Water Could Cause Unpleasant Symptoms, Experts Say!

Copper In Food, Water Could Cause Unpleasant Symptoms, Experts Say!:

Suddenly clean eating can be bad for your health?!

CNN says its reports on Trump intel documents different from BuzzFeed's

CNN says its reports on Trump intel documents different from BuzzFeed's:

Suddenly the network attempts to distance itself from ‘yellow’ journalism

Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI

Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI :

So ‘Stinky’ did it!

Golden shower gate .. Buzzfeed forced to defend new methods of 'yellow journalism'

Pun intended ..

This amazing video sums up the 4chan trolling of Buzzfeed over golden showers and the trolling of the tolls who troll.

This amazing video sums up the 4chan trolling of Buzzfeed over golden showers and the trolling of the tolls who troll. :

The news is getting confusion.

Can someone big Murrow back up?


I get a sense, after this golden shower gate fiasco of potentially faked 4chan created news defaming President-elect Trump, there will be a debate about journalistic standards and ethics.. a report, one page at best and ripe with spelling errors, was broadcast to the entire world. Buzzfeed wrote a sensational headline and followed it up with a smaller print ‘supposed’ and 'alleged’ … they say they got the report from a person 'claiming to be a former British intelligence official.’

When tabloids broadcast sensational rumors that Obama had trysts in limos the media ethically and correctly decided not to even go there. This time??

Something isn’t adding up.

Remember the Hulk Hogan lawsuit of Gawker? He won. And there WAS a tape. In this instance it’s an allegation .. and no fact or source checking..

Fake news sunk ago. Maybe real news did too.

The golden shower gate

Fake news? 4chan did it? It’s real? He did if?
Now Russia says they don’t have anything on sexual perversions of Donald trump..

This whole things is a bizarre mess.

And instead of being the plot of a JAMES BOND movie this is more like the odd Hollywood version JAMES BONDAGE..

Trump to the news conference podium next.

It’s all just see and pee TEE VEE..

4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax !!

4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax !!:

Golden showers bringing May flowers…

All the news is fake and not a drop to drink.
Well.. perhaps that depends on what color water you prefer ..