Monday, October 24, 2016



Guillotines made the act of decapitating someone relatively quick (but not painless), but before the guillotine was invented, using a sword or axe often meant multiple strokes were required. Mary, Queen of Scots, for example, required three strokes when she was executed in 1587. Think that’s bad? According to Tudor History, Margaret Pole, the Eighth Countess of Salisbury, was beheaded by an inexperienced executioner who botched the job and practically shredded her head and neck. made the act of decapitating someone relatively quick (but not painless), but before the guillotine was invented, using a sword or axe often meant multiple strokes were required. Mary, Queen of Scots, for example, required three strokes when she was executed in 1587. Think that’s bad? According to Tudor History, Margaret Pole, the Eighth Countess of Salisbury, was beheaded by an inexperienced executioner who botched the job and practically shredded her head and neck.

Interesting breakdown..

Interesting breakdown..

This is an image from Seph Lawless–one of my all time favorite...

This is an image from Seph Lawless–one of my all time favorite photographers and one of the coolest people online today .. he takes footage inside abandoned places. He is best known for his work with malls that are closing or have closed, sneaking in and taking video and footage from inside of malls that once were amazingly busy and popular. He also has been in some very emotionally heavy places.. 

When Seph posted this doll head on Facebook, he also wrote this: (my emphasis added)

It is true that I’ve been inside and photographed some of the same abandoned houses that were used by serial killers Anthony Sowell and Michael Madison over the years. Both serial killers acted independently and used abandoned homes to torture, murder and hide the victims bodies in and/or on the property of these abandoned homes. Both men are currently on death row.
That being said I’ve seen crazy things inside abandoned places that make no sense at all and at times are truly frightening like a sex chamber set up at an abandoned building in Detroit that I reported to the Detroit PD years ago and never released those images and some that are just creepy like this abandoned home that had a room full of mannequin heads along with old lab equipment and intricate surgery tools oddly out of place.

People ask me all the time if I get scared in locations like this and the answer is undoubtedly yes but not because of ghosts…I’m petrified of humanity.

The Walking Dead torture porn hour

The WALKING DEAD gone too far!?
Fans revolted and repelled at Sunday night’s Torture Porn hour?

Fans are in a nightmare scenario: The Walking Dead may have lost its edge last season, but this year may have actually stooped lower and began the trend of being unwatchable..

The DAILY BEAST’s Melissa Leon writes this"

zombie drama aired its all-time most unwatchable hour Sunday night in a mind-numbingly brutal Season 7 opener that finally, after some ballsy meandering, revealed the identity of Negan’s victim, who was clubbed to death with a barbed-wire baseball bat in last season’s much-maligned cliffhanger.

You can read the entire review of the first night of the season here.

There is only so much you can do … Only so much hopelessness before you lose fans.

And I predict this year is the season when fans will say goodbye..

Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis

Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis :

This is much different than the ABC NEWS poll released yesterday showing Clinton with a 12 point advantage ..

The noteworthy number may be the sampling of R, D, and Inds…

The final stretch now begins. WE are almost to Election Day .. And then we can have our lives back again.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

AT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates.

AT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates.:

And one of the biggest deals of all, AT&T is taking over the universe so much so that is will NOW OWN BATMAN..

That is a pretty big deal.

This is a mega merger.. Mega mergers as such often frighten me a bit.. And the thought of BATMAN characters and other DC Comics personalities being used for awful phone commercials is equally horrifying … And you know if they can do it they will..

But interestingly enough, people who hate mergers like this also hate Donald Trump, but the has expressed a desire during his ‘Gettysburg Address’ to somehow halt mergers like this if he becomes president! From the HR report:

Donald Trump expressed that he would not approve the AT&T and Time Warner merger if elected president. “Deals like this destroy democracy,” said Trump during a rally in Gettysburg, Pa., on Saturday, where he discussed what he would do in the first 100 days of his presidency.

Trump also said he would like to break up the Comcast-NBCUniversal merger. He opened up his speech, claiming the election is “rigged” against him and expressed that members of the media “lie and fabricate stories to make a candidate they don’t like look as bad and dangerous as possible.”

The real problem so often seems to be the consolidation of media power.. the powerless small guys have no shot at making it big. Thankfully the Internet came along and changed things, but with the NET being ceded over to the world government powers instead of the United States, I worry about the consequences of nations who could care less about the freedom of press saying what websites the press can have.. And even if you hate the Trump movement, you need to be aware that it is based off of a frustration deep within the United States over big trade deals, big mergers, factories closing, and bills for utilities going up despite the corporate executives making massive Christmas bonus dollars on top of already highly inflated salaries..


God save BATMAN..

AT&T won’t.

The political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

I recall after 9/11, that particular Halloween, how ultra-sensitive and weird things were.. I remember the political ramifications of what you wore–the outfit could put you in the wrong category.. Are you with ‘us’ or against us..?

This year may be about the same.
It was strange to watch the Al Smith dinner the other night and see Donald Trump being jeered by the crowd of media elites for his commentary about Hillary–it was not really as much funny as it was biting. Hillary was more routine, more common.. more traditional. But this year the election is not traditional at all.
There are friendships dying and marriages drying, all because the people within relationships are choosing different candidates. Facebook has become a hostile battleground of red vs blue acquaintances..  It is all really too much .. over the top.

And this year, at your door step, the next fight might occur .. . Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are going to be there.. not in the forms of ADs or flyers in the mail, but in plastic form. Halloween masks.

x x x

I have been reading my Twitterverse feed as of late about this very topic. There are indications, we are told by prognosticators of all that is political, that the mask sales are indicators of who will WIN the election.  Some put about as much stock in that as people who say they see wooly little insects and that means a record setting year for snowfall was going to occur.

According to various reports from around the Halloween stores across America, people are buying up Trump masks over Hillary likenesses about 2 to 1.. Some locations even report a 3 to 1 advantage for the billionaire..  Clinton fans opine that it is not necessarily because the purchasers like Donald Trump .. but instead because recipients of the mask intend on mocking the Republican candidate for president across the fruited plain..

The HUFFINGTON POST just wrote up an article about very scary looking Trump mask production processes in mainland China.. –Maybe an import Trump would stop if he becomes president?

There are so many versions of his profile. And they are being bought up everywhere.

So … the polls.
Polls that show Hillary pulling ahead of Trump. Polls that indicate she is going to win the election, maybe not by a landslide but instead a razor close margin with the help of some swing states.

But history..
History of mask sales indicating who would win an election.
In 2008, TIME magazine had a story showing a 55-45 advantage of Obama over McCain in sales. It also spoke about How Reagan outsold Carter (despite polls in 80 showing Carter would win) …  And look at the numbers And realize just how close the mask sale figures were to the final popular vote tally.. maybe there is something to this?

But a cautionary tale for Trump fans who think his mask sales indicate a victory on November 8: Richard Nixon. His face is still a top seller. He is one of the most highly disregarded presidents because of his criminal activity and mental illnesses.. But people wear his face–often even during bank robberies.

Either way get ready. Get the candy warmed up.
Donald Trump is about to ask for a hand in a town near you.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The denial of service attack of October 21..


Remember a few weeks go when the internet was ceded to the world When Obama said that the United States was done? It was signed over to an international consortium of nations–many of which don’t believe in free speech or true journalism.

Starting early this morning, the East Coast started having trouble surfing the web. The West Coast was hit in the afternoon..

Major sites like Spotify, Amazon, and Twitter were hit with outages..

It became a big deal as time went on.. The biggest websites seemed to be hit with a DDOS attack..

There are reports as I write this post that the US Department of Homeland Security is on the case, investigating the now major disruption of the world wide web across the United States.

Three weeks from election.
From winter..
And without much media attention except for a passing glance.

The outages appear to have resulted from a “distributed denial of services” attack on web hosting firm Dyn. Firms such as Dyn “act as the internet’s phone book and facilitate your request to go to a certain webpage and make sure you are taken to the right place. If the (domain name server) provider that handles requests for Twitter is down, well, good luck getting to Twitter,” explains Gizmodo.

The outages were primarily across the United States. It was purposely done.. This map from proving the denial of service hit..

THE NEW YORK TIMES is reporting this troubling detail:

The company, Dyn, whose servers monitor and reroute internet traffic, said it began experiencing what security experts called a distributed denial-of-service attack just after 7 a.m. Reports that many sites were inaccessible started on the East Coast, but spread westward in three waves as the day wore on and into the evening.

And in a troubling development, the attack appears to have relied on hundreds of thousands of internet-connected devices like cameras, baby monitors and home routers that have been infected — without their owners’ knowledge — with software that allows hackers to command them to flood a target with overwhelming traffic.

The FBI said late today that it was looking into this as a criminal activity issue or a nation state attack..
Only weeks from an election….
As the Russia/Wikileaks/Trump accusations wildly flew at the latest debate..
Strange times to live in.

There is wild speculation around the global WEB tonight that the hit today was just a practice run.. just a dry run.. just an attempt to see how things played out. The real breach may be election day, we are told.. This is just a warm up, some fear.. From the DAILY MAIL:

A massive co-ordinated series of cyber attacks has forced hundreds of major websites from Amazon to Twitter offline across the globe – and WikiLeaks believes its supporters were responsible.

It urged its backers to ‘stop taking down the US internet’, saying ‘Mr Assange is still alive and WikiLeaks is still publishing’.

It then tweeted: ‘The Obama administration should not have attempted to misuse its instruments of state to stop criticism of its ruling party candidate.’

The Ecuadorian government switched off Assange’s internet service Sunday after he released another tranche of emails showing the contents of a speech given by Hillary Clinton to Goldman Sachs.


I said to a friend today during the NET blackout: Imagine if we would have talked about this 20 years.. imagine if we would have said a few “websites” would have gone down! Laughable we would say..! Ridiculous we’d conjecture..
but real it is..

real indeed..
Very real when big sites that we rely on go down..
Or……major servers on an election day where voters rely on technology to record their decisions.



Kevin Meaney dead at 60

Kevin Meaney dead at 60

A day in the life of autumn..

A day in the life of autumn..

YOU MAY BE NEXT from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

YOU MAY BE NEXT from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

President Eisenhower’s $14 Billion Heart Attack

President Eisenhower’s $14 Billion Heart Attack:

JFK may have had his own checkered medical history, but his predecessor’s health proved far more precarious for the country.

This is a fascinating read.. the President, who ate a burger and onions, ended up with a heart attack.. the nation ended up learning about his daily regiment including bowel movements…. and he won a second term despite a mild stroke and speech problem.

History is amazing…

Clown sightings: the day it all began

Clown sightings: the day it all began :

The UK GUARDIAN has a good article concerning all of these clown sightings.. and (as they refer to it) patient zero and the first person this year to start the frenzy.. From the article:

The first person to spot a clown, the patient zero in the current epidemic of threatening clowns sightings spreading across the US, was a little boy at a low-income apartment complex in Greenville, South Carolina.

He ran to his mother, Donna Arnold, and told her what he had seen: two clowns in the woods, both brightly dressed and made up. One with a red fright wig and the other with a black star painted on his face. They whispered something to the boy.

“They were trying to lure him to the house,” his mother told me, pointing toward the woods.

A path into the woods led down into a shaded hollow, at the bottom of which was a small pond. Beside it sat a house that seemed abandoned. Someone had boarded up the windows, and the balcony sagged. New bags of potting soil sat near the basement door, though.

A friend of mine said to me last night that her daughter is frightened to go trick or treating this year for Halloween.. that the school bus is buzzing with rumors and speculation from older kids about clowns.. that the clowns are supernatural and they could kill or at the very minimum steal a child away from safety..

And a modern day urban legend is born!

Exciting times to be living through such a rash of clown sightings..

The problem is, most of these ‘sightings’ most likely aren’t real. As you can read if you go back through my archive dump of 'creepy clown’ news (click the tag below this article) , I don’t think even half of them are actual real..

Some may be. Others could be copycats.. and lots, a big number I bet, is mass paranoia and hysteria.. seeing shadows and thinking they are clowns behind shrubs.

The modern tale of horror as we inch closer to Halloween is the pale face under a full moon … it is frightening, these clowns. Even if they are not really there.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The small town clown ban hits my son’s school!

I received a circular from my son’s school today the clowns are banned!!

The Halloween parade coming up for his kindergarten has been marred by the small town clown scare of 2016.. The clowns, the mailing to parents said, will not be permitted.

No outfits with white paint.
No red wigs..
nothing…Clowns are barred from appearing.

It is getting a bit silly, isn’t IT?

A ban on clowns, but not on vampires..? Not on ghosts..? Not on ghouls of any sorts.

No, clowns. They are an emblem of death but … maybe they are being banned because of a fear of death and not the fear of clowns!

Maybe we are not afraid of the teenagers hiding in the woods with white paint? Maybe we are not too affected by those meandering around under street lights with wigs and red noses.. No, instead, maybe we are frightened by what these symbols of the underworld represent.. maybe we are freaked by our own demise?

Regardless of what they represent or why we are afraid, schools and entire towns banning clowns for Halloween seems a little big ludicrous..

Target is affected, too..

Target Removes Clown Masks From Stores After Recent Scares »
It is a world a silly. Insane. CLOWN. Can’t wait for November when the clown crisis clears up… Until then it’s cloudy with a Chance of mild hysteria

And along with stores banning them, ENTIRE TOWNS are also saying they can’t appear during Halloween trick or treating. School across America, not just my son’s nestled in the coal region of Pennsylvania, is calling quits on white paint.

It is all silly. It is all ridiculous.. it is all too much.

Let the small town clown nonsense of 2016 just end.


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Board passes anti-clown ordinance - Kemper County Messenger - DeKalb, Mississippi

Board passes anti-clown ordinance - Kemper County Messenger - DeKalb, Mississippi:
The Kemper County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance during its regular meeting on Monday that makes it unlawful for any person of any age to appear in public in Kemper County in a clown costume, clown mask or clown makeup. The ordinance was signed into effect by Kemper County Board President Johnny Whitsett at 11:28 a.m. on Monday and expires the day after Halloween.

This sort of thing is getting little old.. A little stale.. The small town clown scare is getting a bit out of control..

West Coast now under web attack as East Coast recovers

West Coast now under web attack as East Coast recovers:

Major issues across the United States today..


Of COURSE clowns are scary!!This BBC article explains some good...

Of COURSE clowns are scary!!

This BBC article explains some good history on why..

So during your local home town clown frown you can have more reason to be afraid…….

Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal ...

Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal ... :


Actually.. this is pretty fascinating.. The more Podesta emails that come out the more weird and bizarre it gets. I have no doubt that John is a Coast insider and also listened to Art Bell back in the 90s..

That being said.. Wayne Madsen reported a few days ago a theory.. he did not believe that Russians hacked into US systems but instead a behind the scenes cladestine mission took place among hackers within the UFO community.. and that they spilled the beans to Wikileaks..

That is getting hard to dispute when you see Tom Delonge and George Knapp show up in emails, along with Astronaut Mitchell ..

There indeed is a thick plot that rivals one of the best and most watched X-FILES shows..


Islamic State militants have taken some 550 families from villages around Mosul, and are thought to be holding them as ‘human shields’ close to jihadists’ locations in the strategic Iraqi city, a spokeswoman for the UN human rights office said.

Islamic State militants have taken some 550 families from villages around Mosul, and are thought to be holding them as ‘human shields’ close to jihadists’ locations in the strategic Iraqi city, a spokeswoman for the UN human rights office said.