New science now revealed: Early humans, we are told by leading anthropologists, had general equality. A research study concludes that for most of the evolutionary history of human, both genders had equal footing in the chaotic game of life.. MORE: Mark Dyble, the leading anthropologist on the study at University College London, said: “There is still this wider perception that hunter-gatherers are more macho or male-dominated. We’d argue it was only with the emergence of agriculture, when people could start to accumulate resources, that inequality emerged.”..
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
I can explain the headline. But I sure can’t comprehend the body
The Large Hadron Collider, now fired up and colliding with energy, have observed a rare and new decay of the Bs particle.. It is a previously unseen subatomic process that only occurs about four times out of a billion, an advance that may help explain the imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe.. The rest is physics. And science.. And I have trouble, as I have always had, wrapping my mind around the metaphysical.. Not that I don’t try.
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Who paved the road to ISIS?
A long look back: Who created ISIS? That question has suddenly became a campaign issue for Jeb Bush. But it is also an American issue–a question that should be answered with some thorough facts. NEW YORK attempts to begin putting the puzzle together–though it neglects to talk about weapons that the United States, under Obama, was pouring into to the ‘freedom fighters’ in Syria and Libya. The world has played chess for quite some time in the Middle East..
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Speed controls have been installed on ‘dead man’s curve,’ the crash site in Philadelphia.. But that may only be a part of the story.. There is still intrigue swirling not only around the engineer of the train, but also the eyewitnesses and visual evidence that something really big and fast hit the train prior to it crashing.. There are even rumors that two projectiles hit the train around the same time..
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More death of the coal region news
I feature some telling headlines from my hometown now and then, today’s offers more compelling information that the dream of the coal region, once filled with hope and coal in veins, is slowly becoming a relic of a past generation.. Catholic parishes in Ashland, Gordon and Girardville to merge This is a double whammy, of sorts: A region losing its luster, and a religion losing its collections. Telling tales from northern boundary of the coal region this Sunday morning..
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Friday, May 15, 2015
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts signed a state of emergency declaration on Thursday after federal agriculture officials determined a second farm in the state has tested positive for the highly contagious avian flu virus H5N2.
And that is not a good thing for turkey prices, chicken prices, egg prices, or birds.
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An eastern South Dakota farm with 1.3 million egg-laying chickens is the first in the chicken-production business in the state to be infected with a deadly flu virus despite efforts to prevent it
The bird flu continues to spread.. From state to state.. bird to bird.. And your wallet. Turkey, egg, and chicken prices will continue to rise as the number of dead birds pile up..
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
More first hand reporting on the AMTRAK train crash in Philadelphia
Thanks to an NBC NEWS producer.. MORE.. Janelle Richards, an NBC Nightly News producer, was on the train. She said all of a sudden she heard a loud crash and people flew up in the air, there was a lot of jerking back and forth, a lot of smoke, then everything just stopped and people starting asking how to get off the train. “The people that were able to get up, stood up and were able to find an exit,” Richard, who was okay, said. Richards said her car did not tip over. A passenger on the train had blood streaming from her face as they got up and made their way to the rear of the train car, where a man was able to open up a door wide enough for them to get out.
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An Amtrak train has crashed in Philadelphia, and several people appear to be injured. Train 188 was traveling from Washington, D.C., to New York City on Tuesday night when it crashed. MORE.. First responders are swarming onto the scene.. An AP reporter was on the train.. a former Congressman is too, and is tweeting pictures.. SUCH AS THIS PHOTO It would also appear that Patrick Murphy broke the news, Tweeting that he was just on am Amtrak that crashed..
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Earth shakes
Nepal earlier.. now this: A powerful 6.8 earthquake has struck off the eastern coast of Japan’s Honshu island, USGS and Japan Meteorological Agency report. Shaking has been felt in Tokyo.
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THE ‘Subway Conquestors’ hit NYC..
It’s like a setup for a new NINJA TURTLES movie… instead of Shredder and the Foot Soldiers, this is reality.. Various sources report: A rogue group of subway vandals calling them the ‘Subway Conquestors’ is allegedly on a mission to attack the rail system From CBS in NEW YORK: Police sources believe they were responsible for an explosion in the Bronx, and have been linked to one at Brooklyn’s Nostrand Avenue station in April. In the Nostrand Avenue incident, police arrestedKeyshawn Brown, 16, and accused him of placing a piece of metal on the tracks. “There are plenty of other people out there in the same gang, engaging in the same activities,” Max Diamond explained. Diamond is a self-proclaimed rail enthusiast. He has tracked the group for two years on social media. He said the acts are getting more extreme as the vandals try to one up each other. They have been accused of changing destination signs to confuse passengers, surfing train cars, and stealing MTA equipment and gear.
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Nepal shakes rattles and rolls all over again
At least four people have been killed by the 7.3 magnitude quake that hit Nepal on Tuesday, the International Organization for Migration said. Paul Dillon, a spokesman for the organization, told CNN that the deaths occurred in the town of Chautara, east of Kathmandu.
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Seymour no more Bin Laden: White House responds
Seymour Hersh rocked the world a bit today with the story that the Bin Laden raid was faked and staged.. I wrote earlier that a number of conspiracy theorists already theorized that the raid either did not occur or did not occur as said.. The White House was forced to respond to the story today, calling the Hersh story baseless Being that Seymour Hersh and not Alex Jones is saying this, I think the media will be forced to pay more attention–not that it should matter if a story is backed up by facts.. The White House refuting this isn’t going to make the story vanish. But speaking of staged. There is one thing I want to bring your memory hole back to for a moment.. Remember after Bin Laden’s death was announced, official media sources got a hold of that magic photo of the Administration paying close attention to what was described as live coverage of the raid–Hillary Clinton upped the ante a bit with her hands over her mouth in shock. But it came out a bit later–and was not widely reported–that the original White House account of the ADMIN watching the ‘firefight’ did not really happen. As a matter of fact, the head of the CIA was forced to admit that live video footage of the event did not even happen. It’s your choice what to believe. OR not believe.
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Monday, May 11, 2015
How to find the origin of a quote on the Internet. In the matrix.
nI read a link posted by George Knapp on Facebook and Twitter tonight to a website called Educating Humanity. The link describes well respected people who say we may be living in a simulated reality. A matrix.. Just like the movie version.. This quote, in particular, was present: Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has spoken out about the digital simulation. “Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking away at about double the speed of the human brain,” the NASA scientist told Vice. “ If you make a simple calculation using Moore’s Law [which roughly claims computers double in power every two years], you’ll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire human lifetime of 80 years – including every thought ever conceived during that lifetime – in the span of a month. “In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed. "Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this. "One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, seeing what we need to see when we need to see it. "What I find inspiring is that, even if we are in a simulation or many orders of magnitude down in levels of simulation, somewhere along the line something escaped the primordial ooze to become us and to result in simulations that made us – and that’s cool.” While searching for Rich Terrile’s actual quote in VICE (the aforementioned story didn’t link the VICE article), I found YOUR NEWS WIRE declaring this headline: Universe A Matrix Computer Game Designed By Aliens, Say NASA Now, with all due respect to YOUR NEWS WIRE, one scientist speaking doesn’t proclaim NASA’s official position. And even more, if you read then quote displayed originally by Terrille, he said that some theorists have claimed this and that he finds it cool. As do I.. But… Terrile didn’t proclaim we are all simulated and fake. And it certainly didn’t warrant this headline from another strange site I found called ST THOMAS AQUINAS VS NASA (real stuff) .. They went as far as calling this scientist insane for saying that some people say something that other people have always contemplated. The UK EXPRESS fishwrapper over in the UK also did its part, saying that a NASA scientist said we ‘May’ be living in a matrix. Even though he entertained the thoughts only of others, as I said.. With a keen eye, you may notice the text of the EXPRESS article is the same as the others.. which means someone copied off of someone. And with the net, it’s tough to tell if the chicken or the egg came first. In this case, the quote or the highly copied story reposted and reposted all over again. But finally, all of these stories regardless of who the first one to write it was, all mentioned that Rich Terrille was interviewed by VICE .. and that is where all sources are deriving the quote about the simulated matrix notion…I thought about this long and hard, and something was telling me I heard this all before.. Like I read it before. Like maybe I was in a simulated matrix and someone kept rebroadcasting the same link over and over again. So I checked the COAL SPEAKER archive and realized hat this quote was printed on my very site in 2012!! Years ago.. So did I someone hear it before St. Thomas who hates NASA did? And the Knapp linked site? And the EXPRESS? No.. I Checked VICE actually had an article in 2012. Proof here: … and even more interesting, the VICE article THEN quoting Terrille actually talks about a show he appeared on in 2010: THROUGH THE WORMHOLE.. So … that would mean all of these websites TODAY featuring this quotation as if it’s new are actually repeating news from 5 years ago. Think of it like this: If you were in your matrix, bought a car in May 2010, you now own your car. But also there is a good likelihood that your car was fixed at least 6 times and had way too many things happen to it, causing you to doubt your reality and hate your existence. But you also most likely had the chance to go to a car dealership and eat their “free” popcorn while your car was looked at by professionals, who told you that your car was ‘done for’ and that you should be a new car. And you’re going through it all over again. All in this matrix. But the theory is interesting, don’t get me wrong. I think about it often. The offensive part, to me, is how the internet has a knack for repeating and regurgitating articles simply for click porn. Especially when higher profile people link it without realizing that it was first reported in 2012. And 2010. All in the matrix. All by sims. On earth.
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Chewing gum dumb
There is news about a study today proving–proving no less–than chewing gum increases the chances of getting a song stuck in your head OUT OF YOUR HEAD.. The conclusion of this revolutionary study came from asking less than 100 people and asking them about whether they had songs stuck in their head after chewing bubble gum.. No mention on the type of gum–maybe the aspartame of the sugar free brand fried their remaining brain cells just trying to stay happy with a good tune..? Nonetheless, while the study is being shared on social media locations with ease, I am doubting the conclusions. I don’t chew gum often–mostly because I have researched a little too much of the added chemicals. I chew fresh ginger.. And if it’s strong enough, that will make you forget anything.. Next for the researchers of this University: Scaring people gets rid of hiccups. A study of 5 people.
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Friday, May 8, 2015
Days like today...
…when I think a self-hosted Wordpress blog is the worst idea ever for a person like me who often has little time to keep up with it. And then someone hacks into it and posts 1000 posts about Viagra. UGHH..
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The sounds high above our heads on the edge of space The source of the noises, which were captured 22 miles above Earth, remain a mystery to scientists, though many have speculated about the cause. Those speculations include ocean waves, gravity waves, clear air turbulence, noise from the balloon cable itself, and even a wind farm under the balloon’s path
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Monday, May 4, 2015
Now come the locusts..
What plague will be next!? There is a fascinating story making the rounds online.. Originally reported in the Courier Mail in the UK, PLAGUES of locusts have been devouring their way through the state’s central west compounding the hardships suffered by drought-affected farmers. Get this..Matthew Killoran writes, More than 150 swarms have been reported to Biosecurity Queensland so far this year, with some reported to be more than 40ha in size and thick enough to “black out the sky”.While their activity has been dying down as winter approaches, there are fears eggs are lying dormant waiting to return in favourable weather conditions.There were only 15 swarms reported throughout the state from 2011 and 2013. But before you get ready for a Christian style rapture, keep in mind that this pest is somewhat normal and there are stories from history of it happening. And while that’s fine and dandy, just picture a wall of locusts flying at you.. Maybe it’s time to consider harvesting them. I hear they can be tasty morsels of crunchy flavor.
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