Friday, November 15, 2013

Discovery Magazine examines: Do We Live in the Matrix?

My take after reading this article.. And it’s a lengthy take:

My paternal grandmother died in 1997. I dreamed of her often, but she herself was never present in a dream.. only her empty house and vacant garden. A few weeks ago, for the first time, I dreamed of her and she was there—hugging me and telling me she loved me. I wrote about this on this site when it happened.

In the dream, when I asked her if there was a God, I woke up from the slumber without ever hearing an answer.. Last night, my sister (who also never had a dream she was in) had a night vision of our grandmother. . this time she was at an outdoor cafe in New York City. My sister knew it was her because she saw her red fingernails on a hand clenching a menu. 
Maybe this is the Catholic guilt within me, but the first thing I wondered “was she released from Purgatory.” Once I snapped from my age old grade school fears of sin, I then wondered.. why now? Why these visions? Why did she hug me and where was she for so much time? And why, why the HELL, did I wake up before hearing an answer as to whether or not there was a God!? …

This is a fascinating story from DISCOVER: Do we live in the Matrix? They report in this article that tests could reveal if we actually do live in a simulation of events. But they also ask the question: Would we want to know? And that question ties in with what I asked my grandmother about in the dream she appeared in.. Was there a God? I didn’t get an answer—maybe I did, and my brain just registered nothing. Perhaps we don’t need to know.. we have time to find out after we die.. or before we are born again.. 
And as far as an afterlife, just one more: Robert Lanza is a scientist who claims that modern physics proves an afterlife. That’s quite a statement to make.. He argues that life creates the universe, not the other way around. He also says space and time don’t exist as we think they do. 
It’s noteworthy to remember this: The big bang did not create something, it created nothing. It created ‘space’ and ‘nothing’ where, prior to that, there was presumably an absence of ‘nothing.’ That concept took me years to somewhat understand, but I always lose an understanding of it every time I begin to grapple with the concept again. Just imagine, the creation of ‘nothing.’ There are sounds to silence, to maybe there is something in nothing. It’s all so confusing.
Is it a matrix?
And are we creating it?
Food for thought on a Friday morning. 
Good day.

Discovery Magazine examines: Do We Live in the Matrix?

The #FreeArtBell campaign continues, now with music included

Thursday, November 14, 2013



Comet ISON has an outburst!

The chances suddenly are better we will soon see this with naked eyes in the night sky!

Comet ISON has an outburst!

Some weird Andy Kaufman stuff happening ..

I will first say I was one of the biggest Andy Kaufman fans. . truly .. He was a genius and a master in his field—his genre was either wrestling, comedy, or …whatever he decided it would be..

Sex sells. Even health care. You can sell health care two ways, perhaps. On one hand, you can show young professionals without insurance, struggling to get by, working long hours, trying to make ends meet for their families, and battling to stay healthy—Obamacare comes along and now can aid them in their struggles. Or, on the other hand, you can just remind them that they can have more sex. Apparently that is what Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, along with the ProgressNow Colorado Education, are doing in their ‘thank Obamacare’ campaign.. they decided to go with a new advertising campaign, aimed at 20 somethings, telling them that when you find out your partner has insurance through the affordable health care act, you can bang him/her. A history of inspiring government propaganda now being replaced with sex.. 

The only catch to all this? Porn sites are typically user friendly. is not.. Good luck finding a mate.

So THIS is why doesn’t work..

Panic spreads in typhoon-ravaged Philippines

Panic spreads in typhoon-ravaged Philippines

This is an amazing story being reported this morning .. Andy Kaufman’s brother has now stated that his brother is alive.. And even more, there is awoman claiming to be hid daughter! All known information said that Andy Kaufman, the legendary comic, died of lung cancer. The movie MAN NO THE MOON seems to show Kaufman’s real battle in the end with the disease.. However, we also know that some have spoken of Kaufman’s then obsession that would fake his own death. And now family and purported family are saying he is alive and well.. This is a fascinating story.. If you believe they put a man on the moon..

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ET was originally going to be a horror movie..

Interesting story..

I actually think ET works, a bit, as a horror film—even though it became more a drama than fright.

There were so many elements that, even though I cried as a kid watching it, I was a little freaked out and scared.. There was the haunting image of the suburb at sunset where ET and Eliot are walking the streets in Halloween costumes. That scene of Halloween at dusk was even more frightening to me than scenes in horror movies. And I don’t know why..

I just don’t know why..

ET was originally going to be a horror movie..

Now here's the Art Bell we love.. the talk show host is set to fight his non compete clause and has some less than kind words for Noory

Now here's the Art Bell we love.. the talk show host is set to fight his non compete clause and has some less than kind words for Noory

A friend of mine told me he is surrounded by co workers who complain all day and it is affecting him negatively

And I agree.

You know it’s funny.. Two fellow old co workers have intense ailments and talk about them frequently. I think negative talks actually makes me have ailments. It’s like a plant hearing negative sounds, it doesn’t grow right ..

I want to be around positive light and energy.. I want to be around goodness and morality.. But instead I’m surrounded by the aging anger of people who constantly complain and just want to give up..

Russian nuclear power plant infected by Stuxnet malware says cyber-security expert

More news to coincidentally coincide with GRIDEX II

Anither little weird coincidence: Waking Shark II in London..

It’s all just….a drill.
Just a drill.

Russian nuclear power plant infected by Stuxnet malware says cyber-security expert

Gridex II starts today.. Good thing Chinese troops are in Hawaii in time

Synchronization of news.. Strange correlations.. Weird times..

Gridex II starts today.. Good thing Chinese troops are in Hawaii in time

The GabCast – 12 November, 2013

This is the program that featured Art Bell calling in to Michael Vandeven’s webcast..

He spoke about his noncompete clause with Sirius XM radio, his hopeful plans to free stream through his own website, and the future of radio..

It was a great interview, and great to hear his voice, hopefully he will be free at some point to broadcast again in the medium he sees fit..


The GabCast – 12 November, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hope in the high desert.. Art Bell may challenge his non compete with Sirius XM

Give em hell, Bell


Hope in the high desert.. Art Bell may challenge his non compete with Sirius XM

Carrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here's why we spend so much


I actually have carried around carrot juice for some time now and never thought I was better than others. 

And I love carrot juice.

So that makes me REALLY better than those who drink green machines.

Carrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here's why we spend so much

Public Mass Executions Carried Out in Seven North Korean Cities

Their crimes?

Some distributed ‘pornographic materials.’

Some dared watch South Korean movies…

Now they have all eradicated from the planet.

UPI reports this money quote:

People were executed in cities such as Wonsan, Chongjin, Sariwon and Pyongsong. No one was executed in Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital.

In Wonsan, eight people tied to stakes at a local stadium with their heads covered were shot with a machine gun, a source told Korea Joongang Daily. Witnesses said Wonsan authorities brought about 10,000 people, including children, to the stadium and forced them to watch.

Public Mass Executions Carried Out in Seven North Korean Cities

A Welsh family is sick of living on Butt Hole Road. They are attempting to rename it Button Hole Road. 
I myself like the Butt Hole part, maybe just rename it Butt Hole “Circle.” 

Moody’s warns of bankruptcy in Scranton as city faces $20 million budget gap

Say it ain’t so!

Minimum wage for workers in 2012.. but now this!?

Again.. all again?

Where is the OFFICE when you need it?

Moody’s warns of bankruptcy in Scranton as city faces $20 million budget gap