Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Now this is dedication to a cause.. 

Painful protest: Artist Pyotr Pavlensky nails his testicles to Red Square!

Insult to injury: Now George Noory's Coast to Coast AM airs on the same channel that Art Bell's Dark Matter did...

I smell PremRats..

Insult to injury: Now George Noory's Coast to Coast AM airs on the same channel that Art Bell's Dark Matter did...

do you live in centralia?

I lived there originally in my life. We moved back last century. I still visit. My roots are there, regardless of how few buildings are.. My memories from childhood remain there, too.

I was moved to true emotion and sadness this morning looking at some images from the Philippines. I saw a photo, which I will not share due to the graphic nature, of a father holding his toddler in his arms.. he was weeping. She was dead.. he was taking her to the morgue. She was the victim of this tremendous disaster that will be the storm for the record books.. I cannot fathom the thoughts of what happened here.. I also cannot explain how angry I am at American media for their selfish attitude regarding news. They cover politics as though it matters.. they feed us trivial garbage, a steady diet of nonsense that spews from their talking head mouths. I dislike them not for who they are, but for who they pretend they are.. We don’t get news. Thank God for the Internet. I am going to post some links at the bottom of this update that, if you want help, you can click on and send whatever..

The situation in the Philippines has been officially designated a ‘calamity’ by the government there..

Bodies in the Philippines are being piled high in the streets.. I have a big fear that 10,000 dead is an understatement.. I really fear this..
Anger is rising..
Planes that are carrying important aid are grounded because they are TOO BIG to land at the disaster zone’s airport..
Photos of the wrath..
Even more disaster: Earthquake rattles the area hit by superstorm Haiyan..
There are also warnings coming that mudslides may be the next disaster that will unfold for this poor people..

Once again: I was amazed this morning: Tens of thousands potentially dead in the Philippines, China lost a lot of farms from the same storm, another storm kills hundreds in Somalia.. and the top story on the big three network morning news shows? The ‘cold’ in the United States and the coating of snow that some people got—a coating! It’s November. It gets cold. And it snows. Sometimes there’s cold November rain, so say the Guns N Roses. Sometimes snow. Either way, there was no coverage of the unfolding disaster in other nations. But other nations know what goes on in America—we just don’t know what goes on there.. Sickening, news media..sickening.


The Red Cross has a Philippine website


PH peso (PhP) account for humanitarian emergencies:Account Name: Community and Family Services International
Account Number: 6735-0500-18
Bank Name: BPI Family Bank
Bank Address: Legaspi-Amorsolo Branch, G/F Filomena Bldg., 104 Amorsolo St. Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
US dollar (USD) account for humanitarian emergencies:Account Name: Community and Family Services International
Account Number: 6734-0077-63
Bank Name: BPI Family Bank
Bank Address: Legaspi-Amorsolo Branch, G/F Filomena Bldg., 104 Amorsolo St. Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM

The sounds of solar silence

Every 11 years the sun cooks.. bakes.. shakes.. rattles and rolls. But this year, the ball of fire has a little less fire. Sunspots this year are like an Art Bell show: You just can’t find it when you expect to..

The strange doings on the sun, as the WALL STREET JOURNAL calls it, is being covered by major media..  Sunspots are half of what they were supposed to be at this point in the cycle.. 

I recall about two years ago, people were warning of disaster and catastrophe during this sun cycle.. So far, nothing. Which is great for humanity.. But it certainly brings up the question of ‘why’ ?

One NASA expert quoted in the article said this is the weakest the sun has been in 200 years..And it could be all because of a pole shift. The JOURNAL reports, 

Researchers are puzzled. They can’t tell if the lull is temporary or the onset of a decades-long decline, which might ease global warming a bit by altering the sun’s brightness or the wavelengths of its light.

"There is no scientist alive who has seen a solar cycle as weak as this one," said Andrés Munoz-Jaramillo, who studies the solar-magnetic cycle at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.

To complicate the riddle, the sun also is undergoing one of its oddest magnetic reversals on record.

Normally, the sun’s magnetic north and south poles change polarity every 11 years or so. During a magnetic-field reversal, the sun’s polar magnetic fields weaken, drop to zero, and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. As far as scientists know, the magnetic shift is notable only because it signals the peak of the solar maximum, said Douglas Biesecker at NASA’s Space Environment Center.

But in this cycle, the sun’s magnetic poles are out of sync, solar scientists said. The sun’s north magnetic pole reversed polarity more than a year ago, so it has the same polarity as the south pole.

This may be the prime time, though, to start worry about fixing the grid, upgrading the grid, repairing the grid, and modernizing the grid. NOW.. when the going’s good.

And as far as the solar silence: Perhaps we should not complain. Maybe the Northern lights are tamer than some would hope, but electronics don’t get fried when there is no Kill Shot. 

And is Ed Dames still calling for that one? Or is he nestled somewhere in comfort with his new Russian wife..?

Monday, November 11, 2013

I have an urge to do this

I am thinking about creating a special section on this website that deals specifically with Centralia PA.. More coming on that later..


It has been a while since I took a stroll down graffiti highway in Centralia, PA… From my pure non scientific observation, its appears that the roadway is finally buckling beyond recognition.. but some new and wonderful graffiti artwork remains

I also met several people walking the highway today, including a nice dad and son from New Jersey, the young man was doing a story about Centralia for school.. Hope I helped him with some info..

I swear one day I’m going to open up the hot dog stand here and do tours, I will make a fortune!

State Obamacare exchanges enroll 3 pct of target so far


State Obamacare exchanges enroll 3 pct of target so far

Want to have sex with Justin Bieber? Get ready for a legally binding contract

Want to have sex with Justin Bieber? Get ready for a legally binding contract

My experience attempting to quit Sirius XM service

Art Bell was taken off INDIE 104. All of his shows for download have been deleted. You can read my epic updates on WWW.HORRORREPORT.COM if you care to know more about this situation. But with it all being over, I decided to end my Sirius XM Service.

If only it was just that easy..

First off.. I promised myself years ago to never sign up for satellite radio—then Art decided to host and I broke my terrestrial radio self-commandment.

After spending over a half hour on the phone, fighting about hidden fees and little early cancellation costs, I will command myself again: NEVER SIGN UP FOR PAY RADIO. I get that companies want to make money.. and I understand I am canceling before my ‘one year of service.’ And now they know that they have one of the worst companies ever—at least in terms of canceling service—that I have ever dealt with…

Here is the kicker that put me over the edge.. I was asked for an explanation on why I was quitting. I explained the obvious, very calm… The nice woman from somewhere on this planet asked if she wanted me to find shows similar to Dark Matter if it would help keep my service. I said sure, be my guest.  Six minutes later she came back and asked if I listen to music—obviously her search ended up in a Black Hole.   She put me on hold again.. when she came back, she said she wanted me to understand that me quitting is not her company’s fault, but that is was “Clyde Lewis’ own decision to end Ground Zero.” 
I was floored.
First off, I explained, Clyde Lewis didn’t host DARK MATTER, and I further explained that there was a separate issue which forced Ground Zero off of satellite radio .. She was legitimately confused as to what I was saying.  I mean, if you’re going to spout Jess-written talking points, at least don’t get them confused with each other.
This also tells me some folks have been ending their service since Clyde Lewis is gone, too…

At a certain point, after my early fees and fees and fees and hidden fees and pretend costs, I ended up with $111.11 back—ironic since it was 11/11 that Art’s shows had all been taken off of Sirius. BUT THEN she told me an extra $12 had to come off for some other reason…. I didn’t even fight at this point. I just wanted my money back.. and they have it, and I want it.

And finally.. the final bombed dropped when I ended the call. She said, “thank you, and you should see your money in 10 to 15 business days.”
Click. On her end.
I better get this money back.
I really better..

Smoke em if you get em: Miley Cyrus lights up a joint on stage.. Or cigarette.. Well she was in Amsterdam.. But what really was ‘em?

MORE MILEY: She covers herself in metallic silver. 

Pope Francis embraces man who is severely disfigured.. The image is touching, and it’s being shown throughout the world today.. The man suffers from neurofibromatosis, which causes tumors and pain.. Pope Francis showing the world what it means to be a true religious leader..

Media accounts seem shocked that the Pope not only embraced this man but also “kissed” him. That shock made me wonder if we have completely lost our humanity.This man, and others who have other similar issues, are people. They deserve respect, and love.. 

The Pope exemplifies what we all should do with the poor, the downtrodden, and the rejected.. 

Whether you believe in God or not, it’s clear: The Pope is a light in the darkness of the planet right now.

Reports claim that the destruction in the Philippines from Haiyan is ‘absolute bedlam’.. Red Cross workers are describing the horrendous scene on the ground that they are seeing.. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced and one town of 40,000 people is called Guiuan is said to be largely destroyed.. Even more alarming, the BBC reports that the city of Baco n the Oriental Mindoro province is 80% under water.. that town has 35,000 people in it. I believe with numbers as harrowing as that, the death toll may rise substantially higher than 10,000..
We do know this: Body bags being rushed in.

There are some attempts for rescue victims from the storm still taking place.. Fear and starvation in the Philippines as food mobs are already attacking aid trucks..

The troubling situation with Haiyan is not over. There is Midweek trouble brewing for the Philppines as a new tropical system gets organized..

An expert debunks YouTube video that purports a microwave beam made Haiyan stronger.. It was none other than “Dutch Sinse” .. and he took to Facebook to defend his accusation of a manmade weather system..
Here is the Dutchsinse video in question..

The Philippines turns into hell on earth.. Some reports have said that the survivors of Haiyan have been said to be walking like zombies across the destroyed landscape, in search of food.. even more, food water, and medical supplies are dangerously short.

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

Chickity China the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin’..

Is there anyone in government with common sense could step in and maybe not but this happen?!

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

Art Bell now actively expressing his anger with Sirius XM executives.

Bell is awesome.. he always ends up hating every employer he had. He reminds me of the main character of the movie OFFICE SPACE, who just decides to quit his job because he wants to.

PG-13 movies are now more violent than R-rated '80s flicks, a study concludes

But to a degree, it’s obvious. Imagine the Friday the 13th movies with SAW-like special effects. Back then, some R rated movies would have been either banned or rated X.

PG-13 movies are now more violent than R-rated '80s flicks, a study concludes

why did you copy my theme?

I did not. I downloaded the Ashley theme by Jxnblk. And used it. As maybe you did too.. I also made my own logo and own top header. So … I did not steal your theme, no more than 12,000 other people did who are also using the Ashley Theme.

So I don’t quite get what you are talking about

The photo pictured here is an AP image from Jim Weber of 83-year-old Jim Brown, a veteran who served in both Vietnam and Korea.. That is what today means: Pride, honor, and service.. 

In 1919, Woodrow Wilson proclaimed today Armistice Day. After a few more ‘wars to end all wars,’ Congress changed Armistice to Veterans Day in 1954.. Since then, every November 11, we have stopped to memorialize veterans who are still living..

There is also some confusion, though, as many today have vigils and ceremonies for the dead .. however today is the day to thank and honor the living.
Thank you Veterans for service.. thank you for your sacrifice.. There is so much gratitude owed to you, it can never be completely fulfilled. The world is a better place because of your actions, and the United States is a better nation because of your honor..

The Veterans Day (and more) news roundup is as follows..

I am glad no one was hit by that satellite today..

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-7IV2qryiQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Pretty funny stuff

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GRAHAM From the movie SIGNS:

People break down into two groups. When they experience something lucky, group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance. I’m sure the people in group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation is a fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they’re on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But there’s a whole lot of people in group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they’re looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever’s going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope. See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?

It’s been two years since the death of a very important person..

Do they leave signs for you to keep hope, even after they have left this reality?

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds

I am speechless.. just utterly speechless..

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds

Under Health Care Act, Millions Eligible for Free Policies

Interesting.. we’re not hearing much about this….

Under Health Care Act, Millions Eligible for Free Policies

Monday, November 4, 2013

Yep. Art Bell just quit his radio show--again


Yep. Art Bell just quit his radio show--again

NSA Spying 'Outrageous,' Google's Schmidt Says

Believe him?

NSA Spying 'Outrageous,' Google's Schmidt Says
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgzE8dWwUJo?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Quick note to fans: Don’t throw water bottles at Beebs.

Instead use spit.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy9GIhq87o4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Jay Carney gets a little testy at an ABC reporter.

One day Jay will have to re-join these ranks again. He should really be nicer..

North Korea using Russian tech to create ‘electromagnetic pulse weapons’

This is the future of war. You thought the weapons of today were modern, think again.. drones will be nothing compared to am EMP attack.. if this story is correct, we are getting awfully close to dramatically dangerous hands getting horrendous weapons of war.

The 21st century, still filled with violence, pestilence, and sickness and sadness.

Have the dark ages returned? 

If so, LOTS OF CONTRACTORS and weapons manufactures are having quite the field day with creating a bleak future. Hope the enjoy the money while their ATMs work.. 

North Korea using Russian tech to create ‘electromagnetic pulse weapons’

Everything you wanted to know about EDNA

No, not Dame Edna. But Dame Edna would have certainly benefited, too.

Everything you wanted to know about EDNA

The Naval cavity has been exposed.

Expect to hear about this one .. What do prostitutes, Lady Gaga tickets, and a production of the Lion Ling all have in common? A breaking news story involving a bribery case and the Navy. The WASHINGTON POST has the full story here on something you should know.

The POST reports this:

It started with an invitation to the Broadway production of “The Lion King” in Tokyo for the Navy commander, his wife and their children.

In the end, the Malaysian defense contractor known in military circles as “Fat Leonard” would use prostitutes, plane tickets and other bribes to hook the U.S. Naval officer into a scheme that overbilled the Pentagon by millions, investigators say in court papers.

The subject matter…Gaga…the Lion King… all made better by the inclusion of a “Fat Leonard” into the mix.

And you will not be able to read this story without humming the VILLAGE PEOPLE classic song.. I dare you to try.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8nSFOF5pn4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Louisiana police tase a father trying to rescue his three-year-old son Riley from a house fire.. they then put him into handcuffs in the back of a police car.

The innocent young boy died..

The investigation into the fire continues.. 

Stores Nationwide Begin Holiday Season Early Despite Negative Reaction

You read that CBS headline right. We are already tired of Christmas shopping and it’s not even Christmas.

Maybe that is the reason.

We need to celebrate Halloween…thanksgiving..then other holidays after. WE get rushed through life. Back to school shopping in July. Easter candy in January… Halloween in September, and by the time you’re actually getting a costume, early Christmas sales take place. 

I happen to love Thanksgiving..and I find it sad we sort of seem to miss it every year..

So let’s take a pause. There’s plenty of time to shop for Christmas, let’s take it easy..


Stores Nationwide Begin Holiday Season Early Despite Negative Reaction

Pope wants to step up fight against modern slavery

Pope wants to step up fight against modern slavery

Inside the Psyche of the 1%

Very interesting article..

Inside the Psyche of the 1%

Peace prize winner..? DOUBLE DOWN, the new book about the 2012 election, reveals this tidbit about President Obama: He told aides that is he getting 'really good at killing people' when it comes to drone strikes.. And I guess he's right. I wonder if he told Malawi how great his skills are?


Peace prize winner..? DOUBLE DOWN, the new book about the 2012 election, reveals this tidbit about President Obama: He told aides that is he getting 'really good at killing people' when it comes to drone strikes.. And I guess he's right. I wonder if he told Malawi how great his skills are?

And here it is now.. the very computer where HEALTHCARE.GOV was coded.

20 Great "Golden Girls" Comebacks

My favorite:

20 Great "Golden Girls" Comebacks

Sunday, November 3, 2013

GAGA did her thing tonight.. And apparently a lot of people hated it


She was crying too. Tears streamed silently down her face as she wailed, and viewers streamed silently out of the show. During the three minutes or so that Gaga was on screen more than 4,000 viewers exited and continued to do so as microphones cut in and out, cakes were mashed to uncover awards, and Tyler the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt were bleeped out for most of their unintelligible performance.

By the time the webcast was almost an hour in viewership had dropped from its peak of about 215,000 to a median of about 180,000. This for an event that 60 million people apparently voted for.

YouTube may break viral videos, but unless it tries harder next time it may not be able to break itself.  

There may have been a point to how she performed—she is performing the song like a junkie..

But this is the INTERNET baby! If people click off, it’s a loser.

However, in this case, they may be the losers… the performance is pretty darn good for purposely trying to sound bad.

GAGA did her thing tonight.. And apparently a lot of people hated it

A must read:


Did you know…

  • 40 percent of people with asthma in California are renters, which can limit their ability to rid their homes of dust mites, mold, and secondhand smoke.

  • Children from low-income families are more likely to live next to freeways and be exposed to bio allergens from proximity to agricultural and industrial operations.

  • And nowhere in California is this more apparent than in the Central Valley.

Read more from our investigation into the Central Valley’s respiratory nightmare.

The active sun..

There have been 28 solar flares this week alone.

And more are most likely coming.

The active period of the sun’s 11 year cycle is now here..And that may mean absolutely nothing. Or something. It depends on the strength of the flare, of course.

Science is finally trying to figure out why dogs’ tails wag and what it means when they do.

But here’s a humbling fact for humans: Dogs already knew and will always know why. 

So who’s smart now, ‘master’?

The good old days.. when there was always some sort of a pussy hanging over Bubba..

Long live the 90s!

Magnetically Shielded Giant Cloud to Collide with Milky Way Galaxy in 30 Million Years

So at least we have some wiggle room before it happens.

Either way, we are seeing a vision, perhaps, of how it all might end. 

Magnetically Shielded Giant Cloud to Collide with Milky Way Galaxy in 30 Million Years

I missed this on Friday, but it happened: A major fireball event occurred with hundreds of witnesses in the Pacific northwest..

This seems to be a continuation of September and October’s active fireball-laden skies, but those were mostly along the East Coast.

This time, FEMA REGION 3 breathed a sigh of relief with clear skies..

You not not recognize the blanket, but you would the boy; Hence the blanket. 

It’s Beebs, once again coming from a Brothel. We are told by the fine reporting of PAGE SIX of the NY POST that Bieber spent hours in the ‘whorehouse’ with two women in Brazil.

Some have lost the fever no twitter, slamming the beloved godchild for his dealing with the ‘whores.’ 

I’m left wondering if the piece of walking fecal matter at least spit on them when he was finished.

Centralia is back in the news. The last remaining residents can now stay until they can’t breathe anymore.

It’s a victory in a sense for the lucky 7. But I say, former residents unite! File a class action lawsuit to have YOUR old properties back…

Sadly most residents who were forced to leave are dying or dead.. those old days are over.

Instead, now, only surviving are memories of Centralia and images, like the one featured with this post, of the town .. I believe this may have been a stock photo from the AP that was taken from a hilltop near St. Ignatius cemetery. Could be wrong.  All the houses in it are gone. And THAT is what’s wrong.

This picture taken on November 3, 2013, shows a rare hybrid solar eclipse through clouds from the Canary Island of Tenerife. (Photo: Desiree Martin, AFP/Getty Images)

I missed it. Some weird clock malfunction .. I don’t know what happened. But Desiree Martin from the AFP and lots of others got some really amazing photographs of the event.. Thank you Internets.

The NEW YORK POST published a very graphic shot of accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia on the ground after he was shot by police.. They 'warning' is directly above the photo of the graphic shot

And I warn you.. clicking through to the post story will give YOU the graphic shot. If you want to see those types of things..

The NEW YORK POST published a very graphic shot of accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia on the ground after he was shot by police.. They 'warning' is directly above the photo of the graphic shot

There are some very interesting details about the 2012 election in the new book DOUBLE DOWN, especially about Chris Christie

TIME magazine also wrote this:

Chronically behind schedule, Christie made a habit of showing up late to Romney fundraising events. In May he was so tardy to a donor reception at the Grand Hyatt New York that Mitt wound up taking the stage to speak before Christie arrived. When the Jersey governor finally made his grand entrance, it was as if Mitt had been his warm-up act.

Punctuality mattered to Romney. Christie’s lateness bugged him. Mitt also cared about fitness and was prone to poke fun at those who didn’t. (“Oh, there’s your date for tonight,” he would say to male members of his traveling crew when they spied a chunky lady on the street.) Romney marveled at Christie’s girth, his difficulties in making his way down the narrow aisle of the campaign bus. Watching a video of Christie without his suit jacket on, Romney cackled to his aides, “Guys! Look at that!”

There’s more.. 

I definitely plan on trying to find a bookstore that may still exist to find DOUBLE DOWN..

There are some very interesting details about the 2012 election in the new book DOUBLE DOWN, especially about Chris Christie

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wake up early to watch the weird sunrise on Sunday

And with Daylight Savings, maybe you’ll be awake.

Either way, when the sun comes up on Sunday, you will not see the great ball of fire, but instead an upside down crescent 

Science explains, of course, why these events occur. But that little part of me that likes mystery and menace still loves the myths that have surrounded such solar actions for centuries.

And even this go around, in our modern age, is not immune to people bringing up religious and spiritual connotations.

Food stamp cuts create high demand for food bank supplies

Food stamp cuts create high demand for food bank supplies

Pussy Riot inmate 'missing';

What did Vlad the impaler Putin do this time?

What happens in Russia didn’t stay in Russia, as major media has picked up the story about Nadezhda Tolokonnikova going ‘missing’.. 

I think we can all sort of, well, envision where this one’s going?

Pussy Riot inmate 'missing';
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aesJLqjLxg0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Well today is it.. It’s not the darkest day of the year, that comes before Christmas, but it’s Daylight Savings Time. There’s lots of old farm reasons we do it.. George W. Bush changed the time of year we did it a decade ago. I still don’t get that one.

But here we are again.. falling back—and hour more of sleep tonight, but of course having a child I will just be up an early earlier than normal.. 

It is strange.. As I type this it’s 11:30am. This time tomorrow it will be 10:30…

Something always feels lost this time of year, besides sunlight and daytime hours. 

Thank God someone decided to keep pagan traditions alive in the early Christian church. If not, there’d be no Christmas lights in the dark, dull winter air..

Daylight savings coming in.

By the way, this Counting Crows song was recorded in the year 1996, and there have been lots of daylights savings since then.  I was 16 and the world was in front of me. But I have come to learn that each November, things all become the same…cold days, lonely nights, leaves slowly falling around me.. A whirlwind of autumn leaving, making way for the death of winter.

And you thought the NSA snooping in on the Vatican conclave was creative? Move over, spooks: China may be bugging Russia and listening through clothing irons! SPY VS SPY, with freshly pressed shirts..



But does it keep the wrinkles out?

And you thought the NSA snooping in on the Vatican conclave was creative? Move over, spooks: China may be bugging Russia and listening through clothing irons! SPY VS SPY, with freshly pressed shirts..

Saturday night was right: The lucky 6

A new report about Obamacare shows just how bad the website is.. in a nation of million of uninsured people, only six people signed up on day one of Obamacare, and only a few hundred the next day. 

The numbers are coming as a shock—and most likely numbers that have not improved since those opening days..

Porn king Steve Hirsch desperate for Tori Spelling sex tape. He may be the only one..

'Ender's Game' Training Had Cast Asking 'How Is This Humanly Possible?'

'Ender's Game' Training Had Cast Asking 'How Is This Humanly Possible?'

Friday, November 1, 2013

Real story.

A clown was hit by lightning two times in one day—and he plans on going to church more often.. I guess that may be a logical step after being hit by lightning twice in one day.

I’d prefer him just stop being a clown, though, and we can call it even..

Families brace as billions in food stamp cuts set in

Families brace as billions in food stamp cuts set in

Water water everyone.. and not a drop to drink

War, peace, and H20: It’s all going to come to a head.. WORLD AFFAIRS details that very notion in a new issue, arguing that climate chance is nothing when compared to the coming water wars on Earth and ‘water refugees’ roaming the dry land..

British media (as usual, doing what American media doesn’t do) reports that the circumstances of water use may be so sire that now water companies are beginning to take notice of the scarcity.. 

But reports aren’t stop some leaders from making strange choices, such as Harper from Canada selling the fresh water supply to a French company.. 

NESTLE has been called the world’s worst ‘water predator.’ Comments from CEO Peter Brabeck, commenting that water should NOT be a right, surely doesn’t help the corporate cause.

Stay hydrated.

'Mad Men' Was Filming at LAX During Deadly Shooting, Says Crew Member

'Mad Men' Was Filming at LAX During Deadly Shooting, Says Crew Member

The November family photo. 

I want to deep fry a turkey this year. But without a deep fryer or anyone in my circle of friends possessing one, I suppose I’ll just get the oven roasted version of the bird.

Let’s hope we make it through November and survive.

At least preppers' kids will smoke em.. if they got em.. and they may not have them until 21

While preppers may be reader, will their kids!? It’s a logical question that some parents of tech-addicted teenagers are asking.. A website is asking the question: How will your teen act when the SHTF? 

One thing that kids may NOT be able to do when the fecal matter is thrown into the wind, at least in New York State: Buy smokes. New York is raising the legal age to purchase tobacco to age 21..

Gunman opens fire at LAX, killing TSA worker and wounding others


Gunman opens fire at LAX, killing TSA worker and wounding others


Happy holidays: Deep cuts to food stamp program starts now. 

It may be brutal for some.. How it will affect your state.. 

Yes, indeed.. Congress beats up on the weak before their several weeks off from work.

Happy November.

So far at LAX

The media acting somewhat responsible, not reporting rumors, and waiting for confirmation of facts..

Multiple people injured from shooting at LAX

Multiple victims.. High powered rifle.. On suspect may have been wounded

This is a developing story. Expect anything and believe nothing at this point..

Pope Francis remains the cool rockin Pope. The NSA may have spied on him, but when kids love him this much, why should he care. Unless the child is a plant, armed with a hot mic and camera.. hmm..

Either way: Meet the little boy who could not leave the Pope..

Stars and their Halloween selfies.. Heidu Klum ages and Nicki Minaj virtually nude.

Thankfully the Halloween season has ended. I don’t think I could take much more of these..

But stars and their turkeys selfies coming next! Deep fried and oiled up. And that’s the star.

Happy Hallow’s Day.


ALL HALLOW’S EVE has ended.. Trick or treat night ended up being rainy for little Ayden.. the dark side of the night actually became intensified—it was like the ancient Celts were right .. I felt a thin vale slowly lifting for a bit as the wind and rain poured down over streets vaguely light by night lights and glowing orange Halloween decor.. But the night, as things go, is over. Quickly.. And now we march as a civilization into the other season. In America, Thanksgiving. And across the world; Christmas. Santa Claus is putting away the Halloween mask and warming up the sleigh.. His slave labor camp is going into high gear.. Elves’ breaks are stopping. Hope he put the suicide nets outside of the North Pole. 

Onto Christmas we go, world! 
For better or worse.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Radio gaga.. Scary matter.

I’m torn! Paranormal with Clyde Lewis or Art Bell tonight!?

Busy night going back and forth this Samhain, as the veil between here and ‘there’ thins..

Spooky matter….

Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children, dementia patients

There are so many things that I can—but will not—say.
Decide for yourself..
And really think it through…


Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children, dementia patients

US 'spied on future Pope Francis during Vatican conclave'

Nothing seems sacred anymore.. Quite literally.
So while tongues of fire erupted over old men’s heads in a secret conclave, the NSA knew all..

Perhaps there’s a special place in purgatory for people who do such things? If you believe in that sort of thing that is..

But healthcare.gov still won’t work.

Mind blowing.

US 'spied on future Pope Francis during Vatican conclave'

THE FESTIVAL OF ‘SAMHAIN’ .. no matter how you pronounce it. 

(Sow un)


The day everyone is entitled to one good scare..

Farting with flare

A few days ago a friend told me there was now underwear that masks your farts. I didn’t believe him.

I will now issue an apology after reading this. 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Pakistani teenager tells US how his grandmother was killed by strike

The story that 13-year-old Zubair ur Rehman told was so moving, the moved the translator to tears.. She told the story of Momina Bibi, 67, her grandmother.. she was out picking okra when a drone fired several missiles at an unknown targets near his compound. 

Eventually the drone strike killed Bibi…

The child testifying said this,

"Now I prefer cloudy days when the drones don’t fly. When the sky brightens and becomes blue, the drones return and so does the fear. Children don’t play so often now, and have stopped going to school. Education isn’t possible as long as the drones circle overhead"

Still not concerned about collateral damage? Perhaps then you lost your humanity. 

A Pakistani teenager tells US how his grandmother was killed by strike

Ayden got dressed in his finest Donetello attire and braved a horrendously busy mall for trick or treat night.. It was brutal. He was too tired to even eat French fries.

A woman believes that she was healed by a ghost, and also goes on to claim that she has a photo to prove it..She said that the ‘White Lady’ in a church during a family summer holiday.. Does this photo prove that a ghostly angel may have assisted in healing someone, or is it proof that ‘mind over matter’ is stronger than we think?

She got better AFTER she was shown the image.. perhaps her mind filled with joy and wonderment .. maybe a spirit did it. OR maybe her brain simply got a jump charge of positive reinforcement…

And maybe, as some would argue, science and God would go hand in hand, that there was a spirit and her brain did jump start, but that they both worked together.

I am undecided. This did not occur to me, so I cannot judge her situation or predicament. I can only wonder.. and question.. constantly.

GET READY: All thumbs: New CALL OF DUTY ad will feature Megan Fox..

Halloween safety worries lead to 'trunk-or-treating'

The latest scares of the world have led to this: “Trunk or treating.” People are getting candy ‘off the streets’ and instead putting them in trunks of cars in church parking lots.. to make things safer.. although children may not be safer around certain church leaders, I suppose this is all just eventual.

Nevermind the stories that I have been posting in which there have not been these ‘razor blades in apples’ that people always though.. Blame those rumors and decades-long scares on pure rumor and speculation. They didn’t happen.

Nonetheless, let’s go get dressed up in an expensive costume and go to the trunk of one car. Sounds fun.


Halloween safety worries lead to 'trunk-or-treating'

Monsanto and Pepsi trying to stop GMO labeling law in Washington state

A food fight is brewing, with the weapons being chemically enhanced cocktails of mystery. 

Monsanto and Pepsi want it to stay that way.

Monsanto and Pepsi trying to stop GMO labeling law in Washington state

The monsters of Jedwabne

The film is called AFTERMATH. The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is reporting about the film today.. It perhaps may be one of the most important movies ever made, and since it is about actual events that some have chosen to forget, will be controversial too..

It details some horrible series of events that happened on July 10 1941.. It premiers in the United States this week.. 

If you want to know how controversial this movie may be, consider just the opening paragraph of the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER story:

On July 10, 1941, half the residents of Jedwabne, a Polish village 85 miles northeast of Warsaw, murdered the other half. The mob, led by the mayor, were Catholics; their 1,600 victims were Jewish, slaughtered over several nightmarish hours with bats, knives, rifles and other improvised weapons. Those who survived the massacre were then rounded up in a barn donated by a local farmer, which was then set ablaze. A plaque erected at the site blamed Nazis for the massacre, but, in fact, Nazis had only authorized it. Locals walked by the plaque for half a century, knowing the truth, but saying nothing 

The story of Jedwabne is not the typical one taught in American high schools. As a matter of fact, most people may not even know of the dreadful story.. They will this week, at least those who hear of the movie.. 

In 2001, a book called NEIGHBORS explores the death of the 1,600 people.. While I never read it, this may be as good a time as any to reflect on history that mostly has gone unnoticed in the United States.

God fearing Catholics..armed with weapons of little destruction, killed their neighbors … 

One part of the story, also that may come as a surprise to those who are not aware, the Poles actually asked their new rulers, the Nazis, if it was permitted they kill the Jews. When they got the greenlight, they went overboard—so much so that the Nazis actually told the Poles to keep one family of Jews from every profession.. the Poles said no thanks, as they continued their bloody rampage..

Those resources and information sources are set to increase with the movie AFTERMATH.

Consider this review from the VILLAGE VOICE.

This movie is important to understand, watch..and ponder.

Like the MONSTERS OF MULLBERRY STREET of fiction, this movie based on reality can teach a lesson. A lesson that, as sadly timeless as it may be, atrocities can happen where and when you least expect them… 

Why Cut Processed Food - 100 Days of Real Food

This article sort of goes without saying. Or does it??



Why Cut Processed Food - 100 Days of Real Food

People biologically take pleasure in the pain of others

At one time we watched people get hanged in town squares.. Before that we put people on the rack.. Burned witches… So on and so on…

But now we have proof that we like watching people get soaked by taxis …

Did we really need a study to prove the deepest and darkest secrets about the human mind?

People biologically take pleasure in the pain of others

Samhain set: Witches are the most popular costume in 2013, princesses for kids. Not making the list: The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. I frankly think they were the most popular this year, since we could not find any for my son in a 100 mile square radius. I guess the best gauge for that will be so see if any heroes in a half shell end up joining Ayden in night life trick or treating..

Facebook knows when you’re going to break up |

Mark knows more about you than you do about him.

But does Facebook know when you’ll break up with Facebook?

Facebook knows when you’re going to break up |

21-Year-Old Man Killed Execution-Style Inside North Philadelphia Grocery Store

Welcome to the city of brotherly hate.

21-Year-Old Man Killed Execution-Style Inside North Philadelphia Grocery Store

Government mining Social Media for Information on Health Behavior

Does this bother you?

Government mining Social Media for Information on Health Behavior

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Now this is scary: Chubby American military personnel are getting liposuction to pass Pentagon's body fat test

Now this is scary: Chubby American military personnel are getting liposuction to pass Pentagon's body fat test

Tonight's DARK MATTER with Art Bell should be quite interesting.. Bell interviews John McAfee

Tonight's DARK MATTER with Art Bell should be quite interesting.. Bell interviews John McAfee

The best book covers ever—-and some of the best books ever, too. I remember being frightened of these imaginative stories as a child—some have stuck with me ever since. 

There was a yearly ‘book fair’ that would show up in my grade school. I went to a Catholic school, so nice child-friendly books were proudly on display. But if you looked hard enough, you can find these books there.. I bought it sneakily, as though I was doing something bad, and tucked it away in my bookbag until I got home. I’d read it at night, and covered myself with blankets when I heard the house squeak….

They were scary stories to tell in the dark…

And if I’m not mistaken, they still exist somewhere in my house. I just have to find them…

When I do my son will inherit the treasure..

The Obama administration was given stark warnings just one month before launch that the federal health care website was not ready to go live, according to a confidential report obtained by CNN.

A news alert from CNN just in..
The plot thickens. And …
Healthcare.gov still works worse than Tumblr.

The mystery of yeast

I pride myself in being a decent cook.. someone who can put a little love into something and end up with something tasty..

So in my “one ingredient diet"  recently, I planned the big one: Baking my own homemade bread. The concept itself was beautiful in my mind.. in practice? Well..

I’ve not reached three homemade loaves of bread that were crusty, heavy, and didn’t quite ‘rise’ the way I wanted. I have never really used yeast before, and figure my misunderstanding of yeast is my roadblock..

This bread thing? It’s like a science project.. I actually feared that my yeast would rise too much and my house would suddenly take on the appearance of a 1950s rerun of I LOVE LUCY. But alas, it was not meant to be.

The loaves had decent flavors.. but once they got cool, they turned into rock hard entities, things that look like they’d look better as a garden decoration than a food product..

I need more fluff.

More yeast? Less?

A house of bread would be better than a rock hard insult.

I will persevere, though! This dough ain’t got me down.



Asteroid due to fly in between Earth and the moon

SPACE.com: NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program says a small asteroid will fly in between Earth and the moon on Tuesday, with its closest pass to our planet occurring around 5:45 p.m. ET.

The asteroid was first discovered on Oct. 25. During its closest pass, the space rock will fly by Earth at a distance of about 176,000 miles. It’s estimated to be between 39 and 89 feet wide. 

Photo: This illustration shows the trajectory of asteroid 2013 UV3, in blue, as it flies by Earth. (NASA/JPL)

There sure have been lots of weird anomalies in the sky in recent days. 

Good thing FEMA REGION 3 is ready for anything.. right?

A haunted history of Halloween.. 

This is a behind the scenes image from the setting of Kubrick’s THE SHINING. There are lots of other images in this treasure trove, and you can see them all at http://imgur.com/a/Ur9Zo#TakkNne

I think Jack Nicholson looked even scarier when he’s not in the role..

From the History Channel, the history of Halloween

Haunted House by Gene Simmons