All in all, a pretty good little mini vacation. Ayden only tried to escape one time. The cast on his leg slowed him down.. and the fact he couldn’t reach the elevator button helped adults secure him.
Milky Way Galaxy Doomed to Head-On Crash with Andromeda
Luckily it will happen 4 billion years from now……….
Old People Do Smell, But Not That Badly
But is this any reason to make them subject to death panels!?
I am about to turn 32.. but I was about to turn 29 in 2008. So that’s good. But what is bad was ….well, an economic collapse. Today a bad jobs report was released, the market crashed, and more dire warning crept into headlines from around the world. Yes, indeed, it’s beginning to feel like and economic collapse is upon us again..
Is it me or is there just too many cannibal stories popping up all over the world recently.
And now this, Luka Magnotta on the run..
And just in time for severe weather and potential tornadoes later today.. Hope it passes .. Tomorrow should be great though. Stay tuned for an array of photos of hopefully enormous and dangerous fish safely behind thick glass..
Economy added only 69,000 jobs in May, far less than economists expected. Unemployment rate rises from 8.1% to 8.2%.
This is the state of our nation, 2012: Surely by now you have heard of the Miami Muncher, the man who was turned into a cannibal and killed after taking bath salts and mauling another man’s face. .Here’s the latest and not so greatest:
New surveillance video shows that bikes were riding past the scene of the crime .. while the face attack was taking place..