Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Google 'makes people think they are smarter than they are'

Makes sense.. I call it Google muscles but I also contend that a search engine university would be a far better way of learning than the traditional university system. One day I’ll explain that theory further , especially if I get an investor ;)

Google 'makes people think they are smarter than they are'

Key Fobs in Lincoln Park going dead for unknown reason

The Chicago triangle?

I promise to research this more and see what I can find out. Anyone with knowledge of it or what may be happening please contact me..

Key Fobs in Lincoln Park going dead for unknown reason

Trevor Noah, New 'Daily Show' Host, Criticized for Tweets About Jews and Women

This is silly and inane. It’s comedy.. the same people offended by this would have an annuerism if they heard the Martha Stewart segment from the Justin Bieber roast… he’s a comedian not a candidate. And good comedians have always pushed the the envelope further than the particular current generation was comfortable with..

Trevor Noah, New 'Daily Show' Host, Criticized for Tweets About Jews and Women

Reports: Video found in Germanwings wreckage

IF this is true , a big if, it’s chilling.. and it does make sense it could be true, as we know people film everything … if someone did film this I wonder if they thought they’d live to sell it or just wanted to document a tragic demise of a metal cylinder filled with human lives….

Reports: Video found in Germanwings wreckage

Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

…..even if you delete your account. I said yesterday that privacy is dead. This is the very thing privacy activists warned of a decade ago and the world laughed. And joined the Matrix, forever.

Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

Pesticides on fruits, veggies linked with poorer semen quality

People should have listened to the tin foil crazies years ago.. they may have had some stronger sperm about now.. eat organic or have less kids I suppose..

Pesticides on fruits, veggies linked with poorer semen quality

Northern lights? Asteroids? Military strikes? the possibilities seem endless but there’s got to be an explanation as to why mystery lights are popping up all over Russia..

More: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/03/30/mysterious-lights-over-russia-are-turning-night-into-day-and-nobody-seems-to-know-where-theyre-coming-from/

1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA

I have family members that at swear by garlic. . Recently I used the remedy to treat strep throat. It worked.. I believe it.

1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA

» Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic and Confusion

» Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic and Confusion

No question about it: Martha Stewart was the funniest roaster on the Bieber special last night

No question about it: Martha Stewart was the funniest roaster on the Bieber special last night

Ready to take the gray pill? (really, both pills pictured are gray.)

Michael Abrash, chief scientist from Facebook-owned Oculus reveals the illusions at the social network’s annual F8 conference that make him think virtual reality is about to be real

A tectonics plate simulation..

But what about the other land masses that have fallen below the ocean level…

Monday, March 30, 2015


These were TIME covers from the late 90s and early 2000s..

How times changed.

Judging from those news stand editions, you know that the people of the time, those crazy humans, cared about privacy and wanted to protect their information. Fast forward to the modern age.. Privacy is so 2000 and late.

Now people tell researchers that aren’t worried much about government eavesdropping or their digital life being known to the world.. As a matter of fact, the common consensus is, if we’re not doing anything wrong, why worry?  Why so serious..

Here is how the Kansas City STAR reports it and why it is troubling to privacy activists (they still exist?): 

Americans - more than Web users abroad, experts say - have come to accept a semi-public digital life. Private businesses make billions of dollars from sweeping up the crumbs of information digital users leave behind. In exchange for all that secret data, private businesses offer a relatively seamless and low-cost Web experience most consumers prefer.
Privacy software can be expensive and is almost always clumsy. And the government wants in: Citing security concerns, the authorities seek “backdoor” access to email accounts and phone records.
So privacy experts are stepping up efforts to convince consumers of the need for digital privacy. A fundamentally private Web won’t be a reality, they say, until ordinary Americans demand broad protection from government and business intrusion into their phone and computer use.
"If anyone in society is going to have privacy, then everybody has to have privacy," said Alan Fairless, CEO of SpiderOak, a company that offers encrypted data storage for consumers.
Some early-adopting digital-savvy consumers have started to seek out and invent privacy protection tools, he said. That work may eventually trickle down more broadly to less tech-handy cellphone users and Web surfers.

The future is now.
Privacy is dead.

Arizona Lawmaker: Church Attendance Should Be Mandatory!


Arizona Lawmaker: Church Attendance Should Be Mandatory!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnKFQl5FCLM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Someone mixed the Teletubbies with the opening of AMERICAN HORROR STORY. Fright ensues.

Though some may say the actual Teletubbies are more frightening..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98lOJGTe1M0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

3 charged in selling heroin from day care premises

Shamokin-dop and jumpin rope.
Stay classy Northumberland County..


3 charged in selling heroin from day care premises

Why Some Children Think They’re More Special Than Everyone Else

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuLl5XD57zU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Why Some Children Think They’re More Special Than Everyone Else


Burning Questions We Still Have After Watching ‘Going Clear’

Mainly: Why was nothing mentioned of Katie Holmes? 

All logical questions…
The documentary was a strong declaration of truth against Scientology.. But there are still a number of things people would love to know. Including these burning questions listed in the link..

Allegations of satanic worship and child abuse involving the late firebrand Tory MP Enoch Powell have been handed to staff investigating the VIP pedophile sex ring alleged to have operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

Allegations of satanic worship and child abuse involving the late firebrand Tory MP Enoch Powell have been handed to staff investigating the VIP pedophile sex ring alleged to have operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

NSA SHOOTING: CBS News has confirmed the suspects were two men dressed as women. They also report cocaine and a gun were found in near the suspects’ car. Heavy police presence remains in the area and southbound traffic on 295 is backed up approaching NSA. The ramp to the NSA is sealed off.

NSA SHOOTING: CBS News has confirmed the suspects were two men dressed as women. They also report cocaine and a gun were found in near the suspects’ car. Heavy police presence remains in the area and southbound traffic on 295 is backed up approaching NSA. The ramp to the NSA is sealed off.