Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Oklahoma Considers Gas Chamber For Future Executions

Oh.. so AMERICA is bringing back the gas chambers..

I see..

Oklahoma Considers Gas Chamber For Future Executions

I vote that Samsung uses this image in their next ad for a Smart TV. Freddy with television antennas on his head may be the only thing a little freakier than Samsung’s products. The only thing is, Freddy really didn’t care what we were saying..

Samsung TVs freak users out by inserting ads into movies

If people are creeped out by this, they must have missed last week’s big news that SAMSUNG is warning purchasers of smart TVs that they should not have personal conversations in front of the device for fear that third party advertisers will get a hold of it..

It should all be creepy..

I can foresee one day coming soon—very soon since it seems to be going so fast lately—when you’ll be watching a home video of you in your private setting.. and your “SMART” device will note a product in the house. Perhaps a beer can, Pepsi bottle, or particular cereal.. suddenly you’ll be beamed an advertising lallapalooza ..

Until then, people will lament their smart TEEVEES..

Samsung TVs freak users out by inserting ads into movies

The Big Bang Never Happened? New Equation Says The Universe Always Existed

Try to contemplate that one. Try..

I dare you.

The Big Bang Never Happened? New Equation Says The Universe Always Existed

BUZZFEED offers a list of things that kids of today don’t have to experience like me and other kids of my day.. God I’m 34.. and each one of these things that made the list is something I also experienced in my own life as I grew up..

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sorry @Drudge, but I really think you should reverse the ‘real’ and ‘fake’ in your headlines tonight..

The fall of Brian Williams.
And six months for people to find more fibs and fables..

Rare Pacific Typhoon Forms in mid-February

Pretty strange time for a typhoon to form..
During amazing earth changes I suppose anything can happen..

Rare Pacific Typhoon Forms in mid-February

The monarch massacre: Nearly a billion butterflies have vanished

The monarch massacre: Nearly a billion butterflies have vanished

Just when you thought it would be safe .. DON’T HUG ME I’M SCARED 4 is getting filmed..and there’s horses.

HALLOWEEN is coming back.. and the writers from SAW are going to make it happen… I am going to put myself in the category of not being overly enthused about this yet.. Maybe the SAW folks will bring some form of gore and creativity.. I don’t know. But can we get on with it already? Can we move beyond Michael Myers at some point soon? And quite frankly, if any Halloween movie deserves a remake, it’s SEASON OF THE WITCH–that movie had potential but ended up being a laughable parade of accidental humor.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Careful, Your Samsung Smart TV Might Be Eavesdropping on You

No chance for damage control at SAMSUNG.. the company has been in the news for having actual text in their documents warning consumers of smart TVs not to have personal conversations in front of them.. They will be recorded and sold to third party people.. SAMSUNG shares fell and an outcry has ensued among people who suddenly realize their privacy got sold when they bought their TV.

And a fellow blogging friend musingsinhtx has a great photo along with a message to the sheeple on his site tonight..

Careful, Your Samsung Smart TV Might Be Eavesdropping on You

Major accident on the NJ Turnpike this evening near Cranbury/Monroe by the Molly Pitcher Service Area.

For anyone driving in Pennsylania, New York, Jersey, and Delaware: The roads are completely covered in lots of spots.. Everything is icing over. Stay slow..

I know my Boston readers may roll their eyes at this, but I’d rather their 20 inches of snow as opposed to my one inch of ice..

Neil Armstrong's widow discovers moon camera in cupboard - Telegraph

He apparently did what any one of us would have done: Slipped out of work one day with interesting mementos of when he made history.

Except our jobs are mundane and the best most of us could probably do is bring home a fancy stapler.
HE was the first man to walk on the moon and tucked away a few interesting things to prove it.

Neil Armstrong's widow discovers moon camera in cupboard - Telegraph

Here are the 1,784 RadioShacks set to close

This map shows how much of the 20th century still existed.. until now.

All of the Rs are about to shut down..

Here are the 1,784 RadioShacks set to close

Now I see why MSNBC has about 5 viewers left..And four of them are in the control room..

I’m not the only one who noticed an unsettling image of a sweaty Obama last night.. Matt Drudge did too.. Of course he took it a step further pondering if Obama knows ‘something terrible’ is on the way ..Though I still think the 2009 phase of flies being attracted to Obama was much creepier..

Kanye West on Beck's Grammy: 'He Should've Given His Award to Beyonce'

It was a tense moment..At least Beck and Taylor Swift weren’t together on stage..

Kanye West on Beck's Grammy: 'He Should've Given His Award to Beyonce'

Oh tumblr..

The one post that gets reblogged over a 100 times and you realize you have a dumb misspelling..

Forever reblogged with problems..

Robot vacuum cleaner 'attacks' South Korea housewife's hair

The perils of the robot future.. Sweeper terminators plugged and ready to kill the master human..

Robot vacuum cleaner 'attacks' South Korea housewife's hair