Monday, September 30, 2013

Two friends just insulted my new design for this site.. I like it. For now.. A bit. 

Do you?

Is anyone else finding Star Wars Angry Birds 2 exceptionally difficult to play?!

I think I’m quickly becoming a disappointment for my son, who expects my skill to exceed his at such games.

Do you want to go to Jim Thorpe?

I’d love you!


Dig it. The dancing queen.

The world has a new one!

A woman known days ago as the bus stop dancer has been identified as 35-year-old Ellie Cole.

Internet users have spread her around, laughing and mocking her situation, but she lucked out: She is getting a high out of her 15 minutes of fame—plus she just got a new job, landing a role in a local play.

The story is being offered up as a feel-good story with a happy ending, something we don’t get often from the media. But what else is in play here..?

Go down this merry journey with  me and see if you’re still smiling at the end.

Ellie Cole was minding her own business—sure there is no expectation of privacy on a street—but the fact that surveillance video of the bus stop was somehow uploaded to Facebook, seemingly to make a fool out of this person expressing a little happiness—is interesting. I did locate an article explaining that a restaurant owner across the street was doing the filming..  I suppose he or she is the one that put the ABBA music overtop of the dancing..

Media isn’t asking many questions about the moral appropriateness of an innocent person meandering through life and suddenly being made famous by a creepy person a distance away with a camera..

This reminds me of a couple things. First off, I tell anyone who emails me People of Walmart to stop emailing me them.. there may be some humor to watching sad human beings shop,  but it’s creepy that they are watched by others and photos are taken without their knowledge, uploaded to the net, and spread around the world like wildfire. Other sites similar to People of Walmart are popping up.. everyone wants to make a fool of someone else. Few photographs are taken of the cameraman in a mirror. Instead, it has become fashionable to mock unknowing innocent people shopping.. but where is a line drawn? Children? Elderly? MOCK EM ALL!

This also reminds me of something from the late 20th century. Years ago, the Late Show with David Letterman was forced to settle a lawsuit with Jane Bronstein, a then-fifty-five year old woman that Letterman would often show. There was footage of her at a tennis game sloppily eating a peach, and Letterman used that footage often on the show when it first went to CBS. At one point, Letterman put the video on the large Jumbotron in New York City of Bronstein eating the peach.  It turned out that the woman Letterman was mocking had actually become disfigured by childhood polio and a thyroid conditions.

Fast forward to the year 2013, and it’s now the world’s newest game: Shame innocent people for acting themselves in public. The camera is always watching..

People lament the power of Big Brother—with his NSA spying and his FBI fusion centers collecting so much data that they probably don’t even know what to do with it all.. While people fear Big Brother’s power, what about the actions of the sheeple? Happily analyzing through hours of hidden camera footage for that just right person to ridicule… watching Earthcams from the comfort of their dark basements.. Setting up surveillance to watch neighbors. Hell, buying drones to patrol their homes! And yes, forwarding until their tired emails of people shopping at Walmart wearing colostomy bags and walking around with their shorts too low and an enlarged stomach hanging out.

This is what we have become.

The tale of Ellie Cole is being told by newscasters with a smile. It’s the quirky story that they play after sports, a nice way to end the night, they think..

But I don’t.

I think it’s a creepy example of a surveillance state gone too far. And most of the time it’s not the government doing a thing, it’s We the People who apparently think we’re so perfect that mocking others is the only form of entertainment that exists online..

All of these stars pledged to serve the president.

And now a school is sorry they told kids to.

Even cancer is getting political! The federal government wants to redefinethe term “cancer” so that fewer conditions qualify as a true cancer.


With respect to the definition of “cancer,” downgrading some conditions as no longer being “cancer” can and will used to justify reducing “unnecessary” screening tests (e.g., mammograms for women between ages 40-49). Mammograms can now detect the condition known as “ductal carcinoma in situ” (DCIS), which would no longer be called a cancer under the new proposal

Even cancer? Disease? ….is anything in this land of our land NOT political!?

Even cancer is getting political! The federal government wants to redefinethe term “cancer” so that fewer conditions qualify as a true cancer.

Derek Nance has eaten nothing but raw meat for five years.

He also, as you can see, brushes his teeth with animal fat..

Nance says he’s never been healthier.

And if that’s all not zany enough, his girlfriend is a vegetarian! 

The odd couple indeed. 

Teeth to prove.

God bless Derek Nance.  He looks a little bit like Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer for Iron Maiden with a little vampire thrown in

The new fad word of the year you’ll hear .. before the end of the year: iPosture.

Apparently people are hunched over so much anymore that their backs are becoming disfigured.

At least one survey conducted concludes that almost 90% of the youthful ignorants are suffering from back issues..

The days of sitting up straight are over. 

Virtually over..

And if you’re in a generation that still remembers your mom telling you to sit up straight, no fear! You’ll have problems, too! Apparently the new iOS 7 is truly making people ill..

You say Potmato, I say TomTato.. .. apparently scientists are getting really bored. They just spliced a tomato and potato together for a vasy array of ugh..

You say Potmato, I say TomTato.. .. apparently scientists are getting really bored. They just spliced a tomato and potato together for a vasy array of ugh..

This is the last time the government shut down.

I hope Obama, Mitchell, and Boehner are as angry looking as Clinton Dole and Gingrich. Shut downs aren’t fun unless there are sour faces.


The Faces of Facebook, Website Shows All 1.2 Billion Facebook Profile Photos in Chronological Order

Where’s Waldo!? And Fred.. And gene.. And me..
And you..
Lots of faces.

Hope the NSA has a nice one of me.

The Democratic-led Senate on Monday again rejected a proposal by the Republican-led House to derail Obamacare in must-pass spending legislation.

This from CNN.. Shutdown looms.

So… tomorrow is October 1 and all those FEMA Region 3 preps should be finalized, right?

There was a NARROW miss by the an asteroid this weekend, according to Russian scientists.. while we are being told it was not detected, maybe we should ask if it was…? Maybe this is why the regional preparations have been occurring? Maybe my tin foil hat is wound too tight?

Either way, we know this: Ohio saw a big fireball, as did about twelve other states and Canada. Clyde Lewis went nuts during his live broadcast Friday night attempting to comprehend this issue.. and then on Saturday, Alabama saw a big fireball. Last night, Zimbabwe saw a ‘moon like’ object.. 

There was no warning of this asteroid.. there was no major scientist who saw this.. and we have to now rely on the world’s new superpower, Russia, to tell us when we almost had a life-destroying asteroid hit.

This one was too close for comfort..

September is ending..
It was a spectacularly beautiful month..

This image was taken in Pottsville, PA, on September 29, 2013..

Moaning about drones!? What were you doing in 2006

Me-sa thinks the only person who ranted and raved about drones around 2006 was Alex Jones. It was nice when everyone thought he was crazy.

In 2013, we are fully aware that Jones, at least on the existence of a secret drone program, was not tuning his looney.

Moaning about drones!? What were you doing in 2006

It was Sunday.. And it was CALL OF THE WILDMAN.. My son Ayden now is perfecting his “turkeyman call” .. It’s the first real non-cartoon show he liked, besides the 1966 version of BATMAN —though I just don’t seem like that show should realistically count..

Miley Virus.. We’re sick of her being Miley: Cyrus doesn’t like coke, but she likes weed and molly. Snort it up Miley! You’re career highs are numbered.. 


Wednesday, September 18, 2013