Friday, July 26, 2013

UK ‘Porn’ Filter Will Blacklist Non-Porn Websites

UK ‘Porn’ Filter Will Blacklist Non-Porn Websites

The Lincoln memorial has been closed due to green paint vandals that stuck around 1:30am.. hopefully surveillance video can capture the culprits..

Jersey boy Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul and libertarians

And to save America he plans on eating them

Jersey boy Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul and libertarians

Neuroscientists plant false memories in the brain - MIT News Office

Wow.. this is pretty important and I’d say has some massive implications.

False memories..

Truth shaded.. truth covered up by lies?

What can we believe… what we see? What if what we see isn’t real, or never even was to begin with!

Oh the slippery slope.. oh my..

Neuroscientists plant false memories in the brain - MIT News Office

Thursday, July 25, 2013

X rated construction project begins..

Reporter draws penis while speaking about construction during live news broadcast..

Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords

And just think.. we are worried about our privacy on Facebook. HA!

Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords

Maybe you can clarify for me. Is same sex marriage legal in PA? I was reading something about it being okay in Montgomery county but the lady in schuylkill county said she won't issue licenses? So how is that working? It's only legal in some counties or..?

I can try to clarify, it’s certainly confusing.

Here goes..

Gay marriage is not legal in PA because of an amendment banning it added to the PA Constitution, but there are challenges and the Pennsylvania Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, does not want to defend the current law, which means the Governor is going to have to with his own lawyers. In Montgomery County, the county officials are in a sense testing the law by allowing gay marriage. But as of now, since the Constitutional amendment does not allow it, it’s going to be a legal battle

And as you can see from this PHILLY BURBS article, the Montgomery County decision to test the system is causing Governor Corbett and lawmakers to blast the local defiance of state law..

So that is the confusing place Pennsylvania stands right now on the subject..

A theory from a friend on why NBC doesn't care about Jay Leno's ratings: They just don't like him

I received an email last night from a good friend and fellow blogger CINEMA PYSCHO *(check his site out*) about my Jay Leno post.. and he’s right on the money.. Hollywood hates Leno and NBC does too. It goes back to bad blood in the early 1990s.. And he was right when he said Leno would screw over his grandmother for extra money and his audience wouldn’t realize what the real Jay is like behind the curtain. I agree with all of that.. But even with that all being said, I still find it pretty amazing that NBC is letting him go with such high ratings.. it’s a money game and a numbers game.. and Leno is bringing them their bling—regardless of how horrible of a person he may be..

Is that Wifi in the air or are you just trying to brain zap me?

Food for thought, thanks to some visuals.. this is what WIFI looks like across the landscape.. You’re walking through it, talking through it.. we’re told is safe and fine. It’s the hidden energy that the connects us to the internet all over. And it litters the landscape with invisible waves.. Do these photos change your opinion?


Former President George H.W. Bush has gone bald.

Bush and members of his Secret Service detail shaved their heads this week in a show of support for 2-year-old Patrick, who was diagnosed with leukemia in the Spring. Patrick is the son of one of the Secret Service agents assigned to the former president. (The family’s last name has been withheld at the family’s request.)

(Photo by Office of George Bush )

Pretty classy act from George Bush senior.. 

Birth defect Thursday.. none of this is good news.

Spike in birth defects around Hanford nuclear site .. ABC news is reporting that officials are “stumped” at the high rate of brith defects.. The article did not mention one word about the Hanford facility.. absolutely abysmal reporting to not talk about Hanford—the nuclear site where the nation’s most contaminated nuclear site may be leaking nuclear waste into the soil

And we have written about this before, but here’s another news article to reinforce the birth defect problem in Iraq: American weapons linked to massive numbers of birth defects in Iraq..Suffering will continue for decades.

How unfair it is to punish a generation never even yet on earth with the sins of our own greed or unfair and wrong. And immoral. 

All models seem to point to Florida..

This is the latest long range model run from Accuweather for tropical storm Dorian .. The path seems to be pretty fairly seen..

For a brief moment in time, Art Bell linked to Coal Speaker. Allow me to be proud of that for a minute..

Check out .. there’s something brewing there even more than before.. Letters in the words ‘Wanna take a ride?” are linking to YouTube videos. I frequent the forum. While I was soundly sleeping last night on the East Coast, someone in the high desert chose to link! That’s right.. and I missed it. Thankfully, I was able to read about it on CoastGab this morning.. Soon after my article about Ross Mitchell leaving Coast to Coast AM was linked, so it was taken down and replaced with a link to the Alien in the Freezer show from the 1990s.. But for a brief moment in time, CoalSpeaker was noticed .. Pretty cool stuff. I am proud my little site was seen by Art Bell himself. Cool stuff.

Now he needs to gets his feet out of the desert sand and return to the night’s airwaves. George Noory has ruined them long enough..

And I mean brief moment..

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The late night host who leaves at the top of his game.. why?

They say it’s good to leave when you’re on top.. Jerry Seinfeld even did that when he stopped his program before the end of the 20th century.
The world of late night television will soon see an exit  of Jay Leno, who will leave the NBC’S TONIGHT SHOW. When he does leave, he will move on with some really high ratings..

As a matter of fact, one must ask why is leaving when he is so young, when he’s on top, and when he wins in the ratings every night (and has done so since the mid 1990s)..

I am a watcher of late night comedy..
Leno turned the tables on David Letterman in the 90s when he had Hugh Grant on his program after a sex scandal. After that, it seemed that all of the viewers who left the TONIGHT SHOW came back again.

For over a decade, Letterman was trailed. Jimmy Kimmel has been moving up in recent months, but still is behind the juggaruant of the TONIGHT SHOW.

As the DAILY BEAST points out in an extremely inter sting article today, Leno has been on top for 17 seasons..

17 seasons..
And this is the second time, even with high ratings, that NBC is tossing Leno aside in place of someone else they think can win the young demographic—even though Leno trounces competition in that age group!

I think Jimmy Fallon will start big and fail.. I predict that. While the TONIGHT SHOW will never perhaps be canceled for bad ratings, I do not think Fallon is ready for early late night. Beer pong and celebrity games will not work.. There may be a chance that Jimmy Fallon will end up being the best thing that could happen to David Letterman and Jimmy Kimmel.

If you’re interested, read the DAILY BEAST article here.. And afterwards think to yourself, why in the world is NBC getting rid of the best thing they place of someone who may not live up to the expectations placed on him..

House Republicans gone wild: A farm bill passes that rewards big agribusiness, seniors will lose visits from Meals on Wheels, and fewer lower income people will get cards to buy unhealthy canned food. A must read story that may effect your future--but will undoubtedly effect the future of the nation as a whole..

House Republicans gone wild: A farm bill passes that rewards big agribusiness, seniors will lose visits from Meals on Wheels, and fewer lower income people will get cards to buy unhealthy canned food. A must read story that may effect your future--but will undoubtedly effect the future of the nation as a whole..

When the giant spy apparatus fails..

The NSA (Yes, the NSA) says that they cannot comply with a record request because they do not have the technology to search its own email system .. The NSA..

We have been told that early humans were warlike. What if they were not?

There would be some big implications.. And our modern “civilized society” would need to do some soul searching about how we have lost the way.. 

Consider this:

And here we thought that road rage evovled from stone age cave rage..

We have long been told that war is bred deep within humanity.. that our early ancestors killed and maimed for food and terrirtory.. that we are warlike in our nature.. But maybe that is all wrong! 

A new study seems to suggest that mankind didn’t go to war until much later than previously thought, and that tribal societies found war to be an alien concept! So those old humans we would laugh and joke about perhaps were one with the land, one with each other, and learned to live, hunt, and forge new worlds without killing and destroying.. Could that be possible!? 

As the UK INDEPENDENT details: Douglas Fry and Patrik Soderberg [umlaut over o] of Abo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland, studied 148 violently lethal incidents documented by anthropologists working among 21 mobile bands of hunter-gatherer societies, which some scholars have suggested as a template for studying how humans lived for more than 99.9 per cent of human history, before the invention of agriculture about 10,000 years ago.

Amazing to consider..

As the quote from THE STAND goes: Those summer colds are the worst

Those summer colds are the worst: New strain of a stomach virus circulating around the United States.. The CDC says that GII.4 Sydney is the leading cause of outbreaks in the US .. it can be confused with the flu, it causes severe vomiting and diarrhea.. According to the CDC, about 51% of the cases in the U.S. were caused by person-to-person transmission and 20% resulted from contaminated food..

If it’s not Andy Dick terrorizing your neighborhood, it’s Amanda Bynes setting your driveway on fire.. please be safe out there, America.. Hollywood has gone crazy..

More Lady, less Gaga.

Less Gaga.. less makeup.. Lady Gaga releases a photo of herself without makeup and the typical appearance you’re used to .. this is being done to tease fans for her new ARTPOP album.. She wrote: “As they pry the single from my bleeding fingers. It’s a scary thing to revisit those things underneath, the pain in your past. But all I found was raw passion. I thought I was destroyed inside. I’m ready to fight. Start the music”..

Lady Gaga is 27 right now. That is the magic age—and not magic in a good way. We should send as many positive thoughts to her as we all can because …..we’ve lost too many stars at 27.. We don’t want anymore talent to join the club..