….There will be ramifications. Don’t we care?
No room left on land.. so we are turning our oceans into a giant landfill of plastic waste. Good show, humans.
…I know, I know. You were hoping for destruction and mayhem on December 21, 2012.
Well.. being earth, that is entirely possible. But surely not the end …. Mayhem and destruction never has an end.
The agency says that Dimock, PA water is safe… so anyone in the mood for bottled Dimock water ?!?
DARK SHADOWS is being released this week. No way it will outdo what AVENGERS did last weekend.. and maybe it should not. I like Tim Burton, or at least liked him. His films are creative.. interesting. The whole Johnny Depp/Burton constant connection is nice in a way, but also.. unsettling. I don’t necessarily think that every film Burton makes needs to have Depp in the main role.
Even more, the true question I have about this is whether DARK SHADOWS was meant to be a dark comedy or more of a true horror. A lot of good horror and creative scares could have been done. Instead, as Burton would predictably do, he turned it seemingly into a 21st century BEETLEJUICE. Which in itself isn’t bad.. but is it what should be?
I am interested in reactions of you all care to share any. Did you see the film, and what did you think?
Now this is cool.
Why look for UFOs when there are UWOs (underwater weird objects) right beneath us!?
This video was taken by cameras looking at an underwater drill recently near England. It shows a massive blob of a brown creature.
The brown blob has a name: A Deepstaria enigmatica jellyfish.
While the entire video is fascinating, I really started getting amazed around 3:15 seconds into it..
This video clearly defines the reasons I am frightened of the deep, dark ocean. I don’t even have to add words to explain..
Tough night last night .. Little Ayden sprained his foot trying to play soccer in the house. He may be a sports star one day. But not at age 1.5..
The little person is doing ok, though. Getting a good sleep now after a very long day at the emergency room and eating Wendy’s French Fries last night … Yes, we let him splurge, Michelle Obama would not be fond of his post-sprain diet.
In the old days you got a recovering child a toy. Now toy stores are closed.. so we just add to childhood obesity. I guess. Or something like that.
I knew parenthood was stressful.. But I guess I just never understood that stressful meant….it’s stressful !!
Earth looks to the sky: Monster solar event may soon occur..(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2141488/Monster-sunspot-Earth-crosshairs-powerful-solar-storms.html?ITO=1490) Big sunspot dramatically developing..
Heard someone say .. a solar flare would do us good. But think of how much reliance we have on .. technology. No hands. Just keys.
The just in time life we have lived for a half century would potentially end with a burst of the sun
So no.. I don’t hope for a flare to end all satellites. Instead I pray it won’t happen. But as we know, everything is eventual..
So is monster sunspot1476 the one? The killshot? Cue Dr. Doom Ed Dames. Somewhere on some mountain, he must be ready, right?
Besides impending solar doom, everything else here on the pale blue dot seems to be .. as erratic and insane as ever..
Russians protest Putin’s return to power, and police are out in force.
An amazing photo from Julia Ioffe.
A boy on a bike vs. the military.. This is an amazing photo. Putin takes office *again*…
Earthquakes.. tsunamis.. nuclear disaster.. and now this!? Tornado rips through area near Tokyo..
The world is just getting .. scary.
If the light from the supermoon keeps you awake throughout the early hours of Sunday morning, take a few moments or an hour or two and listen in to John B. Wells host Leonard Mlodinow on Coast to Coast AM about how we may be shaped more by the unconscious mind than the one that’s conscious.
The supermoon rises.
Hopefully not a bad moon rising.
A beautiful scene from my window. Hopefully the view of the moon is just as wonderful where you are.. Moments like this make me just focus my eyes on the sky and wonder just what else is out there millions of billions of light years away that we will never know..
Not ready at all!
A few people have said over the years I’ve don’t this site that there have been too many solar updates.. so many sunspots, so little time. And I have stood by my fascination and fear of the sun since day one.
Mike Hapgood’s conclusion makes me continue to fear the blast that do harm. Hope it never happens.. but people who stare at the sun long enough know it will.