…that’s if we make it through ‘12, of course..
Newfound comet will swing by earth in 2013
But apparently can’t return the favor now that someone in the entertainment world is DEAD.. Ebert’s Tweet mocking the death of Ryan Dunn has set off a firestorm of controversy.. Dunn drove drunk, yes, but with him dead now how will sarcastic jokes on the stupidity of drunk driving help anything?
The story has been alive and well on blogs and independent websites for several days, but now real media attention (tongue in cheek there) is beginning to issue some press on the story of Fort Calhoun and Nebraksa.. The NEW YORK TIMES running a piece about Fort Calhoun and the Cooper Station.. Also revealed: Cooper was near a shutdown..
Officials still say there are no worries. And I hope they are right. I think most people hope they are right. But I also hope the media begins to pay attention to some stuff that has importance for humanity, including ‘unusual’ events at nuke plants during flooding.. It took days before anyone mainstream even reported it.
New expert report says earth’s waters are “at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history”
Well so much for that, I guess.. Walmart wins one with the judges..
This is how the AP reports it:
"The Supreme Court blocked the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit in U.S. history on Monday, siding with Wal-Mart and against up to 1.6 million female workers in a decision that makes it harder to mount large-scale bias claims against the nation’s other huge companies, too"Harder to mount bias claims is an understatement.. what an amazing decision from the Supreme Court.
Once again time to avoid calamities on earth and on highways, too.. May no shredded truck tires impede your progression full sale into a wonderful week.
Readers, viewers, listeners, fans, friends… Give me your thoughts… I had a late night Father’s Day talk with my own father last night. We dicussed some interesting issues, including this: What would happen if robots took over earth? Would they suck away oxygen? ..destroy humans? … kill us all? It could happen. We have given our technology almost more power than us..Send me your thoughts on my open lines page.. And I’ll answer..