Friday, May 27, 2011

Amazingly huge melon-sized hail fell in Norman, Oklahoma…

Thanks inflation..

The Memorial Day barbecue is almost 30% more expensive this year over last..

And in kind, I’m searching for the perfect burger. I’f love suggestions and where in the states is the USA where I can find one.. comment appropriately. The hunting begins for the cheeseburger in paradise.

I envy people who start holiday weekends early.. And secretly laugh when they leave early just to get stuck in traffic.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Amazing video of a truck being decimated by a tornado

Amazing video of a truck being decimated by a tornado

Wherever you are tonight, let me know your weather

Wherever you are tonight, let me know your weather

Hail.. tornado watches.. heavy rain. It's all here

The heavy storms have moved east.. here in the deep and dark abandoned coal region of Pennsylvania, heavy hail is pounding roofs, sidewalks, and car windows.. Tornado watches sounding.. heavy rain falling.. 

There is something going on. The weather is intense. These storms, as they has moved through the nation, has brought pure and utter hell to whoever was hit.. And it is no different today and will be no different tomorrow.

I can’t imagine an entire summer of this. And I certainly never thought it would be an entire spring.. But since Tuscaloosa when so much damage started, it just seemed to never stop…

I write this as the sky turns black yet once again..

It could be anyone! Anywhere!! Maybe even you..

New research on how to spot a psychopath..
Helpful stuff. This will only make me just more paranoid about neighbors, bosses, and even family and friends.. Maybe rightfully so.

Have blog. Will earn money

We hope.. Support this site so maybe I cab be one of the success blogger stories the New York TIMES will write about..


Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. Whatever time zone you are from.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A dog eat dog world..? The strange history of Nazi experimentation with dogs reavealed.. Adolf Hitler wanted dogs to be able to be taught to speak, read, and write.. And worship the Nazi party while they were at it..: STRANGE BUT TRUE: HITLER WANTED TO CREATE AN ARMY OF TALKING DOGS

This image, showing trees stripped bare after a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri, May 23, 2011, taken by Reuters’ Eric Thayer.. Chilling.. disturbing.. amazing.

The power of nature.. rolling storms taking out lives, limbs, property, and the aura of safety that surrounds so many of us..

Even Schmuckraker home base had a surprise tornado warning Monday night, a massive storm rolled through. No where near the severity of Oklahoma City Tuesday and Joplin on Sunday.. But nonetheless, the nation is being scourged with a sudden dose of bad weather..

Hopefully the jet stream moves into a new pattern and allows weather to change its direction from ultra-violent to just …weather..

We’ve been through bad weather before. But this year seems to be different. It seems to be more deadly. And watching news accounts, reading dispatches from reporters, and seeing photos from the scene, there is something more traumatic and real about the outbreak of horrid conditions around the country..

May it end soon! 
Not with a bang but with a silent whimper of wind taking us into a beautiful summer. 
Tough luck.. the pattern appears locked. 

To all the men and women of prayer out there: Keep praying

Good weather resource: Up to the minute live weather alerts as they happen around the nation

Good weather resource: Up to the minute live weather alerts as they happen around the nation

….continuing with the Mr. Beam music theme. Goodnight all.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rush hour rampage: Large tornado hits Oklahoma City during rush hour

Rush hour rampage: Large tornado hits Oklahoma City during rush hour

Howard Goodall’s lovely theme to “Mr. Bean’s Holiday”

Sadly ? one of my favorite movies.. and one of the most pleasant soundtracks as well