I am proud of my son learning to play video games. Is that wrong? Sure.. I will be proud when he learns science, math, reasoning, and spelling.. but seeing him discover how to play SUPER MARIO not only on the Wii U, but also the WII and the NINTENDO (original, folks) is amazing for a father..
Which is to be expected..There has been along controversy about this. Heck, there is still a controversy about Agent Orange—created of course by the same folks who now give us GMO food and products to kill the bugs that used to feast on growing plants..
While doing some searching for other peer reviewed science that may back up these most recent WHO findings, I found this article from 2013 appearing in the HUFFINGTON POST, lashing out at those who are critical of Monsanto based on ‘bad science.’ I wonder how much more ‘bad science’ has to happen before we listen.. before the butterflies stop dying.. before cancer rates start falling.. and before we eat good honest food again..
A fire that tore through a home in a heavily Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood, leaving seven children dead and two other people in critical condition, may have been caused by a malfunctioning hot plate left on for the Sabbath, the city’s fire commissioner said Saturday. Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the deceased range in age from 5 to 15 years old. He said a woman and teenager survived after jumping from the second floor. The woman is believed to be the mother of all eight children, Nigro said.
This is now how firefighters—heroes—want to begin a weekend..
Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days.. For those who don’t know, the Hadron Collider fired back up a few days ago … so far the world didn’t end or fall into a black hole. But there’s always time for that..
But I was a little intrigued when I found that the Extinction Protocol was reporting a story that scientists with CERN are going to be attempting contact with a parallel universe. You certainly don’t see headlines like that everyday, so my eyes did a triple take. The Extinction Protocol is a decent website that usually links up its information to a valid source.. In this matter, they linked a UK EXPRESS article titled:
So a few things need to be contemplated before running into the world of lunacy.. First off, the UK EXPRESS is a clear tabloid from the land across the pond.. I read it, I enjoy it.. but I take it with a grain of salt. If the DAILY MAIL is the NY POST, the EXPRESS is probably the STAR..
Nonetheless, I read Paul Bowman’s article with extreme interest.. I sure don’t really understand what I should about physics but that doesn’t stop me from trying to.
Ironically, this all travels back in the Internets to the DAILY MAIL, the powerhouse tabloid that gets worldwide attention. Days ago, that paper reported.
Mir Faizil, a scientist at CERN, gets a lot of the attention in various postings regarding this..
Back to the EXPRESS, Bowman writes,
Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, said: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions. “We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC. "Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised. "This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science. “This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions. “As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC. “We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these mini black holes in ‘gravity’s rainbow’ [a new scientific theory]. “If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we will know that both gravity’s rainbow and extra dimensions are correct.”
Without question, there is some eyebrows raised and even panic.. Some fear that this attempt to tinker and toy with the unwritten laws of existence are dangerous.. Many fear it will shred the vale between the here and there, the now and the then.. I even read one account that this will amplify our lives and give us super abilities and senses beyond the 5 we have, but that we will die quickly since our existence in this reality cannot handle the reality from some alternate universe..
I quite frankly don’t know what will happen. We certainly trust those who make oodles more in cash than us to have the best interest of humanity in mind when playing in the scientific sandbox. And to me, I would love there to be some confirmation that alternate universes or parallel existences have gone beyond the science fiction realm and are now becoming mainstream enough to continue studying it for proof of their respective existences.
Meanwhile, grab some popcorn.. Throw in DONNIE DARKO, and watch the pictures as they flutter around the universe(s).
“Lucky enough people are stepping up, making thing happen, that`s the old coal region initiative around here, that`s why this is the Saint Patty`s Day parade of the coal region in Girardville,” said parade manager Stephen Barrett.“We have a very optimistic view of this thing, this isn`t the first time we`ve had snow,” said Joe Wayne, the owner of Hibernian House.He says he’s ready for the event with his bar and the block outside being where everyone ends up after the parade.“Well, it`s like inside here, they said if you died you can`t fall over, and it`s not too different out here,” said Wayne.
Because we humans are made 75-90% of water, we can transform ourselves with our thoughts. Better yet we can transform others with our thoughts.
This is a bit out there for me, but I can roll with it. I can head down this lane, this very watery lane. And quite frankly, as we develop more knowledge, we discover lots more. SO maybe one day we will become one with the water bottle. And we will consume what we are..
There is a fresh blanket of snowing consuming the ground this morning.. it won’t last, I can hear the sounds of spring birds chirping away, perhaps in disbelief that their return home was greeted with a winter blast.. The cold is waning, though. . And the sky is a beautiful shade of pinkish purple the darker clouds lift..
It was a beautiful morning. Even though it was spring, it was amazing to see the snow thick on tree limbs. It will be over soon.. gone.. And forgotten.
Spring will turn to summer.. And summer will also wane away eventually. Years go by fast anymore..
I don’t know if you agree, or perhaps if I am just beginning to fear the middle ages of life as I quickly progress in my 30s, but life is going fast.
But yet, there is a part of me that wants to discredit this and completely ignore the bullying aspect. She was a part of history. As was her dress. The 1990s was the Seinfeld era, the decade about nothing.
Twas the night before a St Patrick’s day parade in Girardville PA.. a mess of snow. A quick attempt to clear the parade route. Guntown will go green but not until they clean the white…
For those who don’t know, radio great Art Bell is planning a return this summer. Either online, or perhaps a little online and a little AM. Undisclosed information at this time.. But my son, age four now, is happy. Perhaps by force.. He has been a captive audience member since infancy when he’d hear Art’s reruns on the FINE ART STREAM and U7 Radio .. Now he fully endorses the return with his own version of a celebratory dance. I suspect if Art can muster up another ten years, Ayden will be 14 years of age. And he will have a full experience of what Art Bell was .. Amazing.
Late last week, a Category 5 tropical cyclone ripped through the island nation of Vanuatu, killing at least 24 people and displacing 3,300 more. In statement to the Associated Press, Vanuatu’s president Baldwin Lonsdale said that 90 percent of the island’s buildings had been destroyed or damaged by the storm.
This photo was posted to REDDIT on Thursday and shows, at least according to the description, an ER doctor stepping outside after losing a 19-year-old patient..
An EMT worker posted the photo. According to the report, the EMT had permission to share it and wanted to shed light on what it is like to work in the industry..
According to the report, moments after the photo was taken, the doctor went back into the ER to continue his work. But he obviously took a time out to contemplate and become privately emotional about not being able to save a life.
This is a moving picture—a showcase that doctors are good and that the medical profession, though flawed and often littered with bureaucracy and lawsuit fevers, can still be morally just and amazing in professionalism..
The picture can also be and instrument of attraction to get more people into the field.. or a turnoff to some who know, seeing this, they couldn’t handle the emotion of seeing young and old human beings perish in front of them..
There is a deeper meaning to life. A bigger picture. Perhaps that bigger picture is that earth is simply a stepping stone in life and our souls move on.. Maybe the bigger picture is that this brief life is the beginning and the end of our computer systems.. That there’s nothing else, that we are alone in this galaxy and that life just happened without the help of divine love.
To me, that is what this picture symbolizes.. not just the emotion of a doctor losing a patient, but the true and unadulterated humanity that shows itself during intense moments of birth and death.
This doctor, despite his high education and established career, is moved to tears by the same thing humanity itself is.. We don’t know anything. We say we do. We go to Churches with pastors who tell us what to know.. we read self help books about how to know. We listen to vague pluralities that are supposed to define the known.
But we don’t know. Instead, we wail and cry when we face the end. We are confused by the process.. We are are succumbing, each day, to death. And this doctor couldn’t save a 19-year-old from expiring before his time..
There indeed is a lot of emotion in this photo snapped during a second in time.
But it’s a testament to the goodness that can exist in the hearts of men.
Just when Katie Couric’s documentary on sugar begins sinking in, this woman comes along at 104 and she’s healthy and been religiously drinking Dr Pepper since the 1960s.
Spring time comes later today.. Right now as I write this post, a snowstorm (yes, snow) is falling outside on my Pennsylvania USA sidewalk.. Meanwhile, there’s a celestial event of epic proportions taking place in the NORTH ATLANTIC, the total eclipse of the sun is in progress at press time..
CBC news reported it this way for the historical accounts:
People shouted, cheered and applauded as Longyearbyen, the main town in Svalbard, plunged into darkness. The skies were clear, offering a full view of the sun’s corona — a faint ring of rays surrounding the moon — that is only visible during a total solar eclipse. A few hundred people had gathered on a flat frozen valley overlooking the mountains, and people shouted and yelled as the sudden darkness came. A group of people opened bottles of champagne, saying it was in keeping with a total solar eclipse tradition.
People are ‘blown away’ by the event.. As the darkness shrouded the existence, eyes on the sky were perplexed and fixated on the rare event–so many times in history, human beings had the same reaction. Despite the time and place, we are always amazed when the source of life and light vanishes behind a cloak of darkness.. Many people, as we know, see it as a harbinger.. a time when darkness invades the land. That belief goes back a long way. But it still exists today as much as it did then, despite scientific explanations as to why and how solar eclipses happen in the first place. I think we are programmed through evolution and the development of the brain to be apprehensive of darkness.. and when our senses see dark skies on what should be a sunny day, it throws the mind for a loop.
Coming later on top of the darkness, a blood moon at night. Spring, too.. the equinox to remember.
A few weeks ago, I had a dream that was bizarre.. In the night terror, it was 4am and it was sunny. People were confused as to why the sun had risen so early, and it was as bright as noon at 4am.. People were waking early to come out from their comfort zone and look to the a frightening sky.. It reminded me a bit of the MIDNIGHT SUN Twilight Zone episode..
And that is why eclipses rattle us. They make the unexpected occur.. They turn off the lights.. they let the darkness enter. And the fear begins..
Happy viewing to those who see it. Happy shoveling to anyone else getting the snow today. Happy spring to all who are reading.
NEW YORK — Coca-Cola is working with fitness and nutrition experts who suggest its soda as a treat at a time when the world’s biggest beverage maker is being blamed for helping to fuel obesity rates
I just gulped a bit when I read this..
In the 1950s, doctors advertised smoking. In the 2000teens, doctors will harp on the benefits of sugary drinks?
The founder of Sirius satellite radio is eager for a future where many of our chores are handled by sentient robots
Oh but there’s so much more than just robots taking out the trash.. try this:
At the keynote, Rothblatt described how the inevitable emergence of cyber consciousness – when machines act with a sophistication and thought level equal to that of humans – will not be overnight but a more subtle evolution. "Every company will try to out-Siri Siri until we have consciousness," she said, referring to the Apple/iOS application that works as a personal assistant and navigator. "It will be like water that rises and rises and rises and, before we know it, we’re in an ocean of cyber consciousness."
And then what? Lots of choices are coming for humanity. Lots of choices will not have to be made—and actually a lot of misery and heartache may occur as advancements become cruel to people trying to live out out their lives.
Progress.. The future. It’s all good. Until it goes bad.. Until one of those thinking machines thinks too much..
And I wonder, sometime about 1000 years from now, will robots ponder ‘who created me? Why am I here? What happens when I turn off?” We do. And we think. Or so we are told we think..
Rick Jervis in USA TODAY goes on to report:
Artificial intelligence and robotics have been key – and controversial – themes at this year’s SXSW. A slew of panel discussions and keynote speeches on the topic have drawn thousands of attendees, while films screening at the film festival portion of SXSW, such as Ex Machina and Creative Control, have addressed it in their plot lines. The themes have also prompted protests outside the conference warning of an over-reliance on artificial intelligence to the detriment of humans. In one, a group of protestors held signs reading “Stop the Robots” while chanting “A-I Say Goodbye!” Rothblatt said robots and humans don’t have to choose sides – such as in the plotlines seen in popular Hollywood movies – but will live in a peaceful co-existence that will make them virtually indistinguishable from one another. "It’s not us versus cyberspace," she said. "We’re merging together." She added: “We don’t want to create a new slave-versus-free motif. I’m all for merging everyone together. On the level of consciousness, we’re all one.”
We are all one. Skin and bones. Gear and bytes.. We are the world.
Underneath the robes and veils, the men put on makeup, wore dresses and some even wore women’s bras; Others put on makeup but chose not to shave their facial hair.
Drudge picked up the story. Expect it to be the talk of your respective town by dinner hour..
Other police officers witnessed things, too, like large black masses and shadows. Some comments are mocking the story, others are accepting of it.
I did a bit more research on the book that the NY POST was talking about.
It’s called From Landfill to Hallowed Ground, by Frank Marra. Marra is a retired police officer. He also worked at the Staten Island Landfill World Trade Center Recovery Site from September 2001 until February 2002. The inspiration to write the book obviously came from the work he performed.. It does not seem that the entire book is dedicated to paranormal affairs, but instead offers an historic account of what it was like on the ground during the aftermath of the biggest crime scene in American history..
PAPAL FEVER in the city of brotherly love.. and as only Philly faces can do, people are taking advantage of the unique chance to see a Pope by inflating prices, gouging customers, and having a field day of unfairness when it comes to legally taking lots of cash from tourists who want the chance to see Francis..
UVB-76 Station Live Internet Stream and Blog about The Buzzer, Number Stations, Shortwave Listening and Software Radio.
I think the buzzer is buzzing again. I am able to hear UVB-76 again on the live feed page.. It’s back to ‘normal,’ whatever that normal may be.
Meanwhile, I am on the Earthcam Moscow site. Traffic is moving as normal. I think.. “normal,” again..
I got a message earlier from someone asking why it would even matter if UVB-76 was down, or up, or broadcasting eerie messages. You can read some background from this January story on the HUFFINGTON POST UK page..
Lots of reading to do.. Lots of weird beeps and buzzing, oddities and frequencies.. Strange frequencies during the night. While you sleep, the numbers stations don’t.. And isn’t that the creepy part? Trying to relax while these strange messages beam around the planet?
Amazing news.. anyone who follows knows this could be a big deal. There’s something big happening in Russia. Or some major international influences and propaganda are at work … but a numbers station like this being down is a little chilling .
The family film secured $70 mil this weekend.. the audiences were primary women and primary families–66% for each category, respectively..
The horror film IT FOLLOWS got $40,000 or so per theater.. the tiny release will expand experts don’t see it expanding past 200 theaters but with this little film that could, who knows
Families and horror fans both happy with a weekend box.. Notbbad, Hollywood.. March madness.
The events in the Kremlin are being explained this way: A big concert on the anniversary of Crimea’s annexation..
Meanwhile, the Kremlin is getting angry at REUTERS reporting calling asking where Vladimir Putin is. One comment said it wasn’t funny anymore to be asked so many times.
The next public appearance is set for Monday. Although Russian state TV already said on Friday what happened on Monday, I suppose time is going to be on someone’s side here.
The wild rumors .. the facts.
In propaganda wars, there are no facts. Always remember that. The victors of war and battle simply write the history book..
The situation on the island is dire—food and water and shelter are all gone for a population quickly ravaged by the storm. Ten are reported dead.. there are hints and suggestions that the number will rise as time goes on. One pilot who was forced to land in Tanna described pure devastation, with entire communities simply flattened.
And that is how natural disasters work. They come quick, they leave fast. They leave misery in the wake.. And deaths. Injuries, but also little quips and anecdotes of miracles that seem to keep humanity hopeful just enough to clean up until the next disaster..
He’s been getting busy with his business. But now cops want him to cut the crap. This story is just asking for bad puns, and regardless of the source, people are making them. But just imagine waking up one day to find a large load on the cook of your car.. The horror of that scene would be unimaginable..
Either way, with his image now blasting across the internet–the image of him in action–there may be ‘movement’ on the case.. For the sake of Akron, we certainly hope so.
It’s going to be a wild night of news, as this UK DAILY MAIL headline showcases..
There are some interesting developments in Moscow even as US media blackout on it continues.. Reports of tanks rolling into the city and power being out in several places..
Propaganda on all sides is evident in the a Tweets and news reports coming from Russia.. Only rumors at this point and no hard reporting.. Few facts. Only a deepening mystery in the nation .. And for that matter , the world.
Well… I just posted that I would have bought the entire case of He-Man nostaligia.. I my son ended up getting three characters to add to the broken and dwindling collection he inherited from me.. first time since 1990 that Hordak was in the family..
Just like the plot line of White Bear from the Black Mirror series.. reality is now just that .. drones on cell phones and no fire in the belly to live anymore
The movie opens in 3,845 theaters, 358 equipped with Imax and 337 premium large format. A wide international opening includes China, Russia, Mexico, Italy and Germany.
This is not a meteor.. I know it seems like that’s the common belief among those in this video.. but check the way the light movies. It just does not make sense if it is a meteor..
Ted Cruz looks awkward.. but when he’s saying his typical campaign pick up lines but getting no love, he looks like the desperate guy at a bar at 2am.. Creepy and going home alone in his van with curtains on the window.
Of course even the BIBLE says that God rested on the 7th day.. so I suppose Armageddon also takes breaks now and that for relaxation..?
This was an image of Cyclone Pam before as it slammed into Vanuatu.. category 4 winds.. monster storm. Untold destruction.. those on the scene report pure devastation..
Barack Obama, in a joking response to Jimmy Kimmel last night after Kimmel said the first thing he’d do as president is open the files on AREA 51, Roswell, and UFOs..
And another UFO related quip from the show:
On President Clinton’s claim that he went through the secret files on extraterrestrials and found nothing: "That’s what we’re instructed to say."
Obama went on to read ‘mean tweets’ . . his comments about UFOs are considered, of course, jokes.
But let’s not forget.. for a joke to truly work, there’s always a shed of truth behind it.. Perhaps it is why people like KIMMEL, who always seem to ask Presidents about UFOs, will not be President..
We are a social media obsessed nation. World. ETC.
And now there is scientific evidence that maybe all of this is ruining our life..
The money quote:
About 58% of people surveyed said “posting the perfect picture has prevented them from enjoying life experiences.” Sound familiar? Trying to get that perfect concert photo, or just the right sunset pic sometimes interferes with enjoying the experience itself.
I know a few folks who do this.. I will keep them nameless.. But there’s one intriguing facet of 20/20 vision on this. Even though I roll my eyes at a few people I know and love when they insist on getting the perfect picture, I do, years later, love going back and seeing that perfect picture existing.
This would also mean that during that last ‘good night’ message that came from Flight 370, the person listening could have been tucked away for a long night’s nap..
Astronomers have found the most conclusive evidence yet that a large watery ocean lies beneath the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.
SET SAIL FOR Ganymede!
Take a deep breath.. read the headline a few times until the true power of it sinks in. Jupiter’s moon.. a salty ocean..
Though it may seem like eons for my, it wasn’t too long ago that I learned in school how Earth was the only planet with life and water. And there were only 9. Boom. Done.
Now there’s trillions with untoldillions to be discovered. And maybe multiverses.. and Pluto is NOT a planet. But CERES has glowing balls of light emitting from it. And we are landing on asteroids.. and there’s a ROVER on MARS watching the sunset from the distant planet.. and TITAN may have water.. And MARS may have HAD water..
And we are stardust. And there may be aliens.. And we are not alone.
This is an amazing time to be alive. It also makes me ponder if ‘disclosure’ is going to drip out slowly .. with each new story about water on some distant body in space, are we being primed for the ultimate: Not only water is abundant, but life is too?
From the LA TIMES STORY, a money quote:
"The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA. "The more we look at individual moons, the more we see that water is really in enormous abundance."
A soggy place. Much different than those 1980s and 90s grade school textbooks in science. And even much more different than those 2013 textbooks.
Jason Lazarus asked for photos that people couldn’t bear to hold on to, and this is what he received from anonymous donors.
There are some emotional photos included.. Even if we don’t know the story behind them, the untold words are monumental. Everyone has a story..Everyone has deep emotional scars, secrets of their existence.
I will not send mine to VICE but instead just publish it here. This photo, for me, is too hard to keep. Goodbye to it.
Up to this announcement, any of the characters could have been gay. Admiral Akbar. Boba Fett. Hell, even, Lando Calrissian. Would it matter if Lando Calrissian was gay? Not at all. His role in the story wasn’t impacted by his sexual orientation. If I had read the headline ‘Lando Calrissian revealed as gay’, all I would have thought was ‘that makes sense: those overtures to Leia were overcompensation.’ Lando ran Cloud City, betrayed Han and friends, and redeemed himself by blowing up Death Star 2.0. Gay… straight… it didn’t matter.
We live in a time where everyone is desperate to label everything. To define what something is or isn’t because saying nothing somehow implies intolerance. To me, the Star WarsUniverse feels far more intolerant because they’ve flat out told me there’s been no gay characters in canon until now. I liked it better when there was ambiguity to it, because it had no impact on the story I was watching or comics I was reading.
NASA confirmed a fireball reported in the sky over Colorado and nearby states was an “Earthgrazer” meteor hitting the “atmosphere at a very shallow angle.”
Now we know..
There have been lots of fireballs lately.. But this COLORADO one may have been the biggest and brightest I have seen in some time..
A number of people reported bright lights over various part of Pennsylvania last night.. There were even reports closeby my home base of a number of blinking and floating lights in the air behind a church—I wrote a brief bit of info on that, explaining that both autumn and early spring are some of the more paranormal times of the year (http://horrorreport.com/2015/03/12/lights-and-nights/) ..
But now someone in my own family, more than 40 miles from the place I described in last night’s post, said he also say bright flashes of light outside of his house around 10pm ..
I checked the AMS site, and there were scattered reports around PA and NY (http://www.amsmeteors.org/members/imo_view/event/2015/656) .. can’t find anything that would concretely explain any of the weird lights being seen around Eastern Pennsylvania on Friday the 13th’s eve..