Friday, March 28, 2014

35 years later: Three Mile Island

It was 35 years ago, around 4am, that the nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg PA experienced a partial meltdown .. So many evacuated. So much toxic radiation dumped into the Susquehanna river.. Even Saturday night live at the time spoofed the Carter administration response by showing Dan Akroyd, playing Carter, as turning green.

The world was gripped in nuclear fever—as much as those exposed to the actual radiation..

A few years later, Chernobyl occurred..

And now in 2014, 36”5 years after the Harrisburg disaster, Fukushima continues to unravel like a slow motion train wreck, causing a nightmare in Japan for the generation cursed to love through the horrid aftermath of the 2011 meltdown..

And if you don’t think there’s anything to fear about Fukushima, tell that to the young sailors aboard the USS REAGAN who are suffering tremendous signs of radiation exposure.. Those brave young men and women were among the first responders that the United States sent to Japan on a humanitarian mission after the quake and tsunami..

35 years after Three Mile Island, we are as radiated—and ignorant about the dangers of nuclear power—as ever.

Glow green, world.

The March hurricane: We dodged a big bullet..

Amazing information to contemplate.. if that big blizzard this week would have tracked just a bit closer to the coastline, it would have equaled if not exceeded the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy..

It will be a storm studied for years..

Nancy Grace’s weird POOOOOORRRRN rant cut off by weather..

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nearly a dozen Hanford employees sick from unknown fumes

And this story still fails to make national news and get any coverage it deserves.. unbelievable.

This is a nuclear wreck and it should be getting headlines from all sources.

Instead, radiated crickets are all that is heard..

Nearly a dozen Hanford employees sick from unknown fumes

I saw a number of news articles poking ‘fun’ and making humorous quips about Kim Jong UN forcing students to copy his hair style..

Some laughed at how bad the hair looked to begin with.. others were making jokes saying “bad hair days” are coming for North Korean students. BUT.. is it even true!!?

Maybe not.. the most recent AP dispatch from Tokyo says that there are baseless rumors of hair cuts happening, and there is no evidence to point to anything showing that an official UN edict has been issued.

Word to the wise: The hair story probably is not real, but even if it was, it would be a distraction from the real news of North Korea.

You know, like the real news that North Korea has hell-on-earth style death camps that offer up a endless amount of brutal torture and inhumane killing..

Oh, and the fact that Kim Jong UN has an isolated regime and ………drumroll please…nuclear weapons.

His bad hair cut is meaningless compared to his real threat to the world.

A planet named Biden

Meet the planet named BIDEN.. It’s a dwarf and it is from an unlikely region in our own solar system. (Notice how science textbooks pretty much get re-written by the day at this point?) Biden is beyond Pluto—not a planet—and it’s 7 billion miles from earth. And the name?

It’s real name is VP113, hence: A joking name of BIDEN. I am sure the Vice President can use this in his campaign ads should he seek the Democratic nomination in 2016..

Imagine: “Already a planet, why not a president?”

And as ABC news reports, there just HAS to be people jealous that BIDEN got a planet named after him.. (though on those commercials, you can still pay $$$ to have a distant star named after you!)

The insane clown posse

Clowns are scary.

Especially when they show up in weird places. Like under street lights in New York City

The insane clown posse

Just out of prison, man robs Toms River store again, cops say

Dumb crime

Dumb criminal.

Dumber the second time.

Just out of prison, man robs Toms River store again, cops say

ANOTHER great video from Action Movie Kid


Seriously just LOVE this video.. it’s 12 seconds of pure fun.. it’s called TOY LIGHTSABER by Action Movie Kid on YouTube..

There are some other really fun ones too on his YOUTUBE channel.


As someone from Schuylkill County, PA, I’d be remiss not to at least give a post dedicated to a pretty surprisingly fun song called SKOOK STATE OF MIND.

I personally never liked the term ‘skook’ much but it works well in this song..

Matt Freiler, of Deer Lake, is the young funny talent behind the video. It’s gone ‘viral’ in so much as people from Schuylkill County have been watching it .. 

If you are not from this area the video will mean nothing to you…

I think one day it will be interesting to go back and look at the places where scenes were recorded to see what other ‘landmarks’ of this dying area are gone by that point.

Until then though, it’s a fun song and deserves a listen..

LIGHTS OUT: Is this the scariest short film ever made!? I have two thoughts on it.. first off, it shows our attention spans collectively has shrunk rapidly. Comedy is down to 5 seconds.. horror is down to 2 minutes.

BUT.. it also shows that there is creativity in the ranks of younger horror enthusiasts.. people who are tired of the blood and gore of nothingness and into trying to creature something new and fresh. This 2+ minute video, LIGHTS OUT, actually gave me a few jumps.. It was tense and pretty damn amazing. Congrats to David Sandberg for LIGHTS OUT .. an award well deserved.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Robin Lord Taylor as Osward Cobblepot, or the Penguin, revealed in publicity image for BATMAN prequel GOTHAM..


This is a really strange video.. what is in this pond?? Toxic sludge or a portal to hell?

I wrote about gyrating Cyrus in my opening to today’s news rundown.. and this sort of goes hand in hand, or booty in booty, on it: A gyrating animatronic doll is in the future. It may be one of the weirdest and creepiest things I’ve ever seen, but I can’t stop watching the moving GIF …


Animals are leaving Yellowstone..  BUT.. it happened before—in February 2012 the same story of animals fleeing Yellowstone was blasting around the internet.  While common sense and logic should prevail, Yellowstone is always the sleeping giant and a major threat to humanity.. And this video from March 20 posted on YOUTUBE shows bison seemingly running for their lives away from Yellowstone.

That’s creepy.

Even though weird video and rumors online persist, this story from the DAILY MAIL may quell your end times fears: Researchers are now saying that the Yellowstone supervolcano is dormant and may never erupt again! So they say….


This is how ridiculous things are getting: Creationists are demanding EQUAL TIME to balance Neil deGrasse Tyson’s COSMOS. 

They want to be able to scientifically tell the world that we are 6,000 years old and that God tore out Adam’s rib to form a woman.

I’d actually enjoy hearing about what happened to the dinosaurs. I heard competing versions: 1) They didn’t fit on the ark and 2) Noah didn’t get a male and female dino egg, hence the die-off. But until then, I’ll just enjoy the FACTUAL presentation of COSMOS..

I penned up a quick daily doodle for a friend of mine, however that will remain private and is not meant for public disclosure.

Afterwards, out if ideas, I asked my son Ayden to give me a subject to draw for my public daily doodle. He responded that he wanted me to draw him in the scene he was in, eating a strawberry Pop tarts and watching Scooby Doo on an iPad.

I did, but he did not approve, saying “my hair should be flat”…

Three years old and already self-conscious about messy hair…

Michelle Obama is being praised for a great speech on press freedoms in China. However, it’s ironic that the press is pretty much not allowed access to covering her on her trip to China. 

I’m sure they will be permitted to photograph her lettuce at the White House vegetable garden. You know, all the important stuff..

When agents go bad

Animal house: Secret Service agents who were charged with protecting the President’s life were sent home after a night of drinking. And it was not just a few wines at elegant restaurants.. it was hardcore John Belushi style.. One of the agents was actually found passed out in the hallway of a hotel..

Hips don't lie. Twerking might

I had a very long discussion with a friend last night about society’s ills and the dramatic changes that we have seen even in our relatively young lives.. It’s amazing.

We traveled back to 6th grade. I distinctly remember “Sister Monica” and other nuns debating whether they should show my class that cutting edge flick SISTER ACT.

They eventually did but I think fast forwarded their VHS tape past a less than tame part. And today?? SISTER ACT would be a joke ..

Things have grown much more scandalous than Whoopi in a nun’s outfit.. But complaining about changes may put me into the same page as those who warned of the devilish dangers of Elvis’ hips gyrating.

Replace Elvis with Miley Cyrus.

Good news, even the ‘new’ generation was disgusted by her buttchecks flapping in the wind of her BANGERZ tour.

Nigerian ‘House of Horror’ riot in Ibadan

Horrible news from Washington state: The numbers of deaths in the mudslide massacre continues to rise.. 

I was struck this morning when I heard emergency management officials from the area adamantly say that residents knew the threat of mudslides. That’s fine, and most likely factual. But let’s wait until we count all the bodies before we start blaming residents for their own demise..? How about that one..  

One interesting part of the story: A very small 1.1. quake may have actually been a triggering factor for the mudslide.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

UK INDEPENDENT: The truth about Spring Break: Good times, self-discovery and lots of booze

….self discovery? ..


UK INDEPENDENT: The truth about Spring Break: Good times, self-discovery and lots of booze

Uncle Ted in the land of Hatchy Milatchy.. the best of yesterday

You may not have heard of UNCLE TED, but if you were or are from East Pennsylvania you saw him and may have some fond memories..

He is from Wilkes-Barre, PA. He hosted UNCLE TED’S GHOUL SCHOOL from 1974 through 1982.. he also hosted UNCLE TED’S MONSTERMANIA from 1984 through the 1990s—this was the one I remember as a child.

Uncle Ted’s real name was Edwin Raub.. he died in 1998..

He was corny and fun, innocent and charming.. weird but enjoyable.

Finally Raub got the attention he deserved.. he was inducted into the HORROR HOST HALL OF FAME on March 22, 2014..

Well deserved..

Uncle Ted

Monday, March 24, 2014

WASHINGTON POST must read: Sinkhole of bureaucracy

You need to read this story for yourself.. it’s about a federal government office in Boyers, PA, employing about 600 or so people. That isn’t the weird part—though if you’ve ever been to Boyers you may think it is..

The really odd story is this: The office is 230 feet under the ground. Elevator music plays constantly.. It’s not top secret, it’s just ….230 feet under the grown because. And even  more: The old mine’s tunnels *now an office* are filled with 28,000 file cabinets of paper. All of the work done, as a matter of fact, is on paper. All by hand. Nothing technological about this underground cavern of hell..

The Washington POST reports this:

The existence of a mine full of federal paperwork is not well known: Even within the federal workforce, it is often treated as an urban legend, mythic and half-believed­. “That crazy cave,” said Aneesh Chopra, who served as President Obama’s chief technology officer.

Mythic.. unbelievable. But real. And filled with 28,000 FILE CABINETS OF PAPER.

Get this ONE: 

The staff working in the mine has increased by at least 200 people in the past five years. And the cost of processing each claim has increased from $82 to $108, as total spending on the retirement system reached $55.8 million.

Are you beyond shocked yet?

It gets better.. From the aspect of human interaction, this is the amazing part: These people who work here seem to be miserable and filled with darkness. During the cold winter time, they don’t actually see light. They go to work in the dark, go 200+ feet under the ground, and go home in the dark.. the POST points out, 

So there is a pizza guy, with a security clearance, who arrives every day at 11:30 a.m. Another vendor, Randy Armagost, trucks in hot lunches and an assortment of at least four deep-fried items every day.

“People are crabby. They’re miserable. I mean, you can’t blame them. They never see any sunlight,” Armagost said. “I’m only down there for 2 ½ hours a day, and I can’t stand it.”

Even the pizza guy hates it.

Just imagine if this was your workplace: 

For 600 federal workers, it is.

WASHINGTON POST must read: Sinkhole of bureaucracy

Guinea Ebola outbreak believed to be deadly Zaire strain

There are fears that this deadly outbreak will spread into other nations with weak infrastructures and economies.. It’s been years since the last outbreak..

Guinea Ebola outbreak believed to be deadly Zaire strain


The man is in isolation.. 

Being called ‘no risk’ to the public..



For any Schuylkill Countians out there, this is a blast from the past.. The Schuylkill Mall’s TV ad from the 1990s.. all of these stars except a few are gone.. and the mall is almost vacant.. Sad how the mighty mall on the hill has fallen.

(Keep in mind that when this ad was made, around 1995, the mall had already suffered a mini-exodus of stores. But nothing like what has happened since 2008)

The ghostly winds are blowing at the Ellacoya Barn & Grille in New Hampshire

The ghostly winds are blowing at the Ellacoya Barn & Grille in New Hampshire

This is a piece of art from the Internet I found.. no clue as to its origins or who created it—I’d give credit if I knew. But I just love it.. Who DIDN’T feel like this as they walked into school classrooms each morning? And for those still in school who are reading this, I felt this way too. I fear my son, only age 3, will one day be thinking the same thoughts.. so often it feels like a big PINK FLOYD song as you go through your childhood. There seems to be so many adults who are dead set on ruining a kid’s dream or stomping down imagination.. There are teachers, parents, bus drivers, and principals who become a nightmare for children.. There are moments in time when living in childhood is a prison unto itself—where bullies thrive and hopes dive. But to those who read this facing the same hell of the brain: Be strong. School will one day be out forever. And when you’re 15 years post high school graduation, the good memories may remain and the bad will shrink.. Some of them.

But I also say this, to those who are reading this right now being bullied: You don’t have to be the victim. You’re better than the bully.. you’re smarter.. you’re more intelligent. And you’re more honest with yourself. Be as strong as you can be, don’t allow the darkness of sadness creep in, it’s not worth it. And more than anything else, don’t ever lose who you are.. then a bully wins. I’ve been down paths similar.. And it’s rough. But after the storm passes you’ll see how beautiful the sun can be..
I fear future moments with my own child.. I fear what other kids—and adults—are capable of. Having a child changed everything, and continues to do so.. E V E R Y T H I N G.

How many times did the dad or mom probably tell this kid to stop pressing his face against the glass at the hockey game??

He learned the hard way why he should listen.

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

After it was revealed, an instant ban was placed on the practice by officials in Britain.

This is not about abortion.. this is about respect. This is disturbing.. 

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals


BREAKING NEWS: Malaysia Airlines text message to families: ‘We have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board have survived.’

A little tacky..

After all this, families will get a TEXT that their loved ones are dead..?

The airlines further says that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean—something that seems to be opposite to what Malaysia said a week ago when they grasped for straws and claimed terrorism and a purposely left turn occurred.. 

The mystery began with a pilot’s “goodnight” to control.
It ends with a text message to families grieving over loved ones they will never see again.

Album of discarded Johnny Cash songs released!

They are streaming exclusively at the GUARDIAN..

The songs are haunting, in some way.. I question first off if Johnny Cash really would have wanted these released—there’s nothing ‘bad’ about them but the fact they were discarded makes me think he just didn’t like them enough to release them.. But it’s haunting to hear his voice—as eerie as ever—so many years since his passing. One song, especially, was “Don’t you think it’s come our time" ..Something about that one reminded of a funeral scene, with flowers on grave sites for June Carter and Johnny.. very cool to hear his voice again .. but eerie just the same.

Condoms and coke on the way to the Vatican

Germans seize a massive cocaine shipment on its way to the VATICAN! 

Say it so Bergoglio!

We know the Pope was once a bouncer.

Maybe he hired on some of the folks he bounced..? But even more on that cocaine shipment story: The package sent to the Vatican from a South American country (yes the Pope is from there) contained 14 condoms filled with the coke.. 

And while no one is accusing Bergoglio of doing anything nefarious, clearly something nefarious is being done by someone..

Anyone have a Cardinal with the sniffles lately?

Wrestling star MIZ co-stars in animated SCOOBY DOO WRESTLEMANIA MYSTERY

I guess my son will be a wrestling fan after he eventually sees this… 

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Seriously.. who DIDN’T jam to this DJ SAMMY BOYS OF SUMMER remake back in 2002 and 2003? My wife, who was then just a ‘friend,’ introduced me to it before we even knew we’d be married with a child. Weird how times change.. years change.. time goes on.

Rock on.

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

This is a big, big deal.

Thus, expect to hear little to nothing about it on your news station of choice.

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

When Oklahoma is crackin' stop your frackin'

Seriously.. anyone getting even a wee bit concerned over what our natural gas extraction may be doing to the planet in the long run? Or even short run? Like a 24-hour short run?

AP reporting this startling information Saturday night:

The U.S. Geological Survey has recorded 14 earthquakes in Oklahoma since about 9:30 p.m. Friday, the largest being a magnitude 4.0.

   The 4.0 magnitude quake was recorded at 10:05 p.m. Friday about seven miles south of Langston. Three other quakes of magnitude 2.9, 3.0 and 3.3 were recorded Saturday afternoon in the Medford area.

   The other quakes ranged from magnitude 2.4 to 2.9.

The energy industry is obviously denying that their fracking and gas extractions have anything to do with the uptick of quakes—but really, what else could they possibly say? Just admit it?

But are we fracked or just fracking? Take a quick gander at the comments section on this local Oklahoma news station’s story about the shaking in Oklahoma..  Some calling the frackster-hucksters ‘tree huggers’ while others are decrying gas companies. Everything is political these days. Even earthquakes.

As usual, as I do, follow DUTCH SINSE if you want some of the best up to the minute news and analysis on earthquakes around the planet.. And yes, he is pretty sure it has something to do with fracking, too.. Read more on there here..


Weird ritual at Berks County PA Memorial Gardens?

This is what 69 NEWS reports:

Decapitated chickens, pennies, pieces of coconut and heart candies were found on the grounds of the Berks County Memorial Gardens in Maidencreek Township this week.

People are left wondering now if the scene was that of animal cruelty or some religious sacrifice..

I know this from my paranormal investigations throughout the years.. There are Taiwanese beheading rituals involving chickens that are often still practiced today. There are also other ritualistic sacrifices of animals that tend to brew in Africa, as this article from 2012 illustrates ..

Also this: Hindus often use coconuts in their religious rituals..

But none of that really answers why coconuts, pennies, and candies surrounded the headless chickens in Memorial Gardens, but it hints at a possible lead.

Or it’s just kids with their damn pranks…..

Remember when the world celebrated the resignation of RT reporter Liz Wahl? Now it is revealed that a neo-con think tank helped engineer it

Believe nothing.
Trust nothing…

Remember when the world celebrated the resignation of RT reporter Liz Wahl? Now it is revealed that a neo-con think tank helped engineer it

An author asserts: We are currently in the midst of what scientists consider the sixth mass extinction in planetary history, with between 150 and 200 species going extinct daily, a pace 1,000 times greater than the “natural” or “background” extinction rate. This event may already be comparable to, or even exceed, both the speed and intensity of the Permian mass extinction. The difference being that ours is human-caused, isn’t going to take 80,000 years, has so far lasted just a few centuries and is now gaining speed in a non-linear fashion.

An author asserts: We are currently in the midst of what scientists consider the sixth mass extinction in planetary history, with between 150 and 200 species going extinct daily, a pace 1,000 times greater than the “natural” or “background” extinction rate. This event may already be comparable to, or even exceed, both the speed and intensity of the Permian mass extinction. The difference being that ours is human-caused, isn’t going to take 80,000 years, has so far lasted just a few centuries and is now gaining speed in a non-linear fashion.

I really can't believe I never knew about this

I met up with a friend who informed me that she went to a place called RetroCon. It’s filled with toys and nostalgia from my childhood.. and it’s only about 90 minutes away in Oaks, PA.. 

I really can’t believe I’ve heard about this now only for the first time. I do intend on making 2014 the year we get there..

Seriously.. how can you beat this.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Going old school this weekend—something about parades in the coal region remind me of my early childhood days of the 1980s.. But so much has changed in the coal region of Pennsylvania since the Reagan days of the shining cities on hills and Communist threats. Now we are faced with dilapidated structures and hardcore drugs running wild on the streets..

But it was still a decent day in Girardville as bagpipers played as beer guzzling parade goers cried until their kilts ran dry.. 

All we need is a miracle.. maybe a miracle… Maybe some day.

My Daily Doodle.. inspired by Ayden.

This is the Purple Nurple, and the Green Spleen. They are imaginary creatures that live in the corners of our house that come to Ayden before he goes to bed.

Introduced at bed time tonight: The Brown Frown.

Today’s daily doodle was done before the Brown Frown showed up..

War in the other Gulf?

A few weeks ago, we heard news of Iran moving a submarine to the United States East Coast and Russia moving a spy ship of some kind to Cuba.


That should be a pretty startling question, really..

The United States has not been faced with such questions for some time. Terrorism brought a new form of illusive warfare to the shores of the United States.. but state run military threats were thought to be a thing of the past.

Until Iran made a ‘deal’ with us.. and until the breakdown of relations with Russia took place—despite those old weird photo ops featuring Hillary Clinton and reset buttons. 

This new NATIONAL JOURNAL article breaks it down this way:

Russia and Iran have been cited as possible threats that might, at some point, lurk in the waters just off U.S. shores.

Russia and Iran have been cited as possible threats that might, at some point, lurk in the waters just off U.S. shores.

A 2013 military exercise pitted systems such as Patriot interceptors, Aegis warships and combat aircraft against potential cruise-missile or short-range ballistic missiles fired from the Gulf. But the drill highlighted a particular vulnerability to cruise missiles lobbed from that region, U.S. Northern Command head Gen. Charles Jacoby indicated in congressional testimony last week.

 He said the Pentagon has “some significant challenges” in countering these missiles, but is exploring “some opportunities to use existing systems more effectively to do that.” Many detailed results of the Oct. 11 drill conducted near Key West, Fla., remain classified, Jacoby said.

But we need to ask the question, is this just more fear porn to grip the nation in a constant state of worry? Is it just another attempt to vilify Russia and Iran without just cause? Or is it possible that the threat is real..?

There are strange military moves happening.. weird moved around the world.. tensions are building and budding.

The reset did happen.

The funny things you hear at a Girardville Saint Patrick's day parade

"I tried to get my doctor to give me Aderall and he said no, and I’m like ‘come on man,’" said the underage teenager as he passed by with a green container clearly containing Miller Lite

Better shoes.. Going green for a Saint Patrick’s days parade in Girardville PA. This time I match.

Incidentally my wife wanted me to wear my orange sneakers. So an IRISH themed parade?! Obviously not today, I didn’t want to start an international incident.

Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes

Police haven’t said how often they’ve use their powers.. Regardless, I’d assume if you have common sense or decency, you’ll see why this may be an issue, right? Just a bit of an issue..

Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes

Breaking schmreaking..

Chuck Todd seems pretty hot under his political collar at CNN for labeling too much non news ‘breaking news’..

I’m with him on this one—CNN overdoes it. But so does FOX NEWS, perhaps even more. They overdo their loud DINGGGGGGGG echo noise each time they begin a new hour.. they say “HAPPENING NOW!” as though the world is ending.

But it never does. Instead all of the networks simply rehash the same news over and over again, calling it ‘breaking’….

The only thing I can say about NBC is this: They could be guilty of it too.. lest we forget they interrupted a Congresswoman to go live to Justin Bieber’s arraignment.. Chuck Todd may have forgotten ..

But really..

The only time I know that ‘breaking news’ is REALLY BREAKING NEWS is when NBC sends off their chimes of death. THAT is when the world does end..


This is what happens when you get dressed in the dark! One of these shoes is not like the other.. The right one nice , the left one from an old pair I do work around the house in..

The good thing is nobody really noticed, I played it pretty well. Every time someone started to glanced through my feet, I would begin to either walk fast or perform some sort of a slow-motion Irish step dance routine, anything I had to do to throw off their gaze..

And anyway, my backup plan was always to say that I did it on purpose. You know, good luck or something like that..

Friday, March 21, 2014


This is how hot dogs are made.

My friend sent me the video.. I am not a hot dog eater, unless there’s that guilty moment during a hot summer barbecue when you pile ketchup and raw onions on one and devour it..

Nonetheless, for the good of the order, here’s the way we get our salty mushed up ‘trimmings’ from animals parts that are better left ground up and mushed than whole.

What surprised me more than anything, to be honest, was how clean and sanitary the whole process is. 

Pig and chicken farms and cow slaughterhouses are much worse..

Hot dogs being made? Disgusting yes. But pretty darn clean,it would seem.

Until you see those weird chunks of chunky somethings in your tube of encased meat-like processed filth…

Horror Hit ‘The Grudge’ Going Reboot Route

I just don’t get it..

The GRUDGE is getting a reboot—seriously?? DEADLINE reported it, so it’s probably true..

But remember this: The 2004 movie cost about $10 mil to make and grossed almost $200 mil worldwide that year—and they are going to do a reboot?

When they don’t have to?

Insane in the membrane.

Horror Hit ‘The Grudge’ Going Reboot Route

After 20 years, police re-conclude that Kurt Cobain’s death was indeed a suicide.. Until I read this story, too, I had forgotten that Cobain was another member of the famed 27-club..

Nothing but water: No sign of Malaysian airliner on day 2 of search off Australia

Nothing but water: No sign of Malaysian airliner on day 2 of search off Australia

Billy Joel shakes off some dust and appears on the TONIGHT SHOW with Jimmy Fallon. And it made for pretty great music and good TV.  I saw Billy Joel twice live.. They were shows to remember. My wife wasn’t a fan and grudgingly went to the Hershey PA show a few years ago. She instantly became a fan during the outdoor nightmare performance in beautiful brisk air.. (I still don’t particularly like Fallon’s brand of hosting, but this clip was good, although one thing that seems to be ok with Fallon is how he loves his guests as much as we do.. not much fake about him).

Beating the meat: Catholic guilt

I was born into the Catholic guilt ..

I distinctly recall being a child and thinking I’d burn in hell because I accidentally ate a chicken finger on a Friday in lent. I think I even tearfully told a priest at my Catholic school mandated confession in my early grade school years.

Since then, it obvious became less and less of an important matter.

However, I finally found an article from a Catholic site that claims to explain WHY Catholics are told not to eat meat on Fridays. 

Is it because of the fishing industry needing business? Popes not liking mutton? God declaring that fish rocks the casbah? 

No. It’s all because—yet again—of sex. 

Basically this: Hot blooded animals, AKA meat, can be equated to to hot sex. And for that reason you should steer clear. Seriously. Saint Thomas’ own words:

Fasting was instituted by the Church in order to bridle the concupiscences of the flesh, which regard pleasures of touch in connection with food and sex. Wherefore the Church forbade those who fast to partake of those foods which both afford most pleasure to the palate, and besides are a very great incentive to lust

Now I remember George Constanza equating sex and eating, in one episode even using food during his promiscuity.. But I myself have never had any sexual experience because of steak, chicken, or any ‘other white meat.’ A friend of mine once told me eating hot dogs was phallic.. But I don’t know. 

Apparently St. Thomas never saw me eat Shrimp Scampi, which if made with Dry Sherry, becomes an gratifying sexual experience for me.


President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia. In turn, Russia imposed its own, even saying John McCain could not go to Russia anymore—prompting the Arizona Senator to make a joke that he’ll have to cancel his Siberia vacation. But to prove that current events have less in common with common sense and more in common with professional wrestling, read this: Russian President Putin is mocking the sanctions, and is even going to open an account in a US sanctioned bank! He joked that he will not be introducing a ‘visa regime’ to Crimea..

But just keep your hands off Putin’s puppies, Barack…


I LOVE stories about weird frequencies—Clyde Lewis has done a series of great shows on odd transmissions over the year. And with tension in Russia and the United States again, it’s no doubt that UVB-76 is being listened to by people across the shortwave world.

Apparently the haunting transmissions went active again this week..

  Here is a video on YOUTUBE uploaded on March 18 2014 claiming that the shortwave transmission was back, and you can make out a voice in the background of the static..  

IF you’re into the numbers stations oddities, here’s a site that logs all of the best audio..

The guard dog stationed outside the Povarovo military compound. Image by ‘Desert_Fox’

And more good reason: The weird oddities and history of UVB-76