Just think.. if you were not on the Internet you probably would have never seen this photo.
I loved reading this article about Garrett’s advice to the Beeb with the feev.. It’s so true, too.
Think about it. Garrett was a major hearththrob and teen idol in the 1970s.. he battled drugs.. he was a star. And at 51, most don’t know who he is nor what he did.. at least not this generation.
I am only able to imagine what lots of money and fame does to the mind of a child—only imagining since I shun fame (though never had it) and don’t have money (though I would never shun it) ..
Justin Bieber has been in the news often lately. If he is not trying to strip shirtless and spat on fans, he is shoving cell phones down his pants urinating in buckets of low wage earners that are serving him.
I have written about Bieber often on here—more than I should, really. Not because I like him. Quite the opposite for those who follow me. Instead, it’s because I find people like him to encapsulate all of the most repugnant of qualities that I don’t like in people. Bieber is into himself beyond belief….he is a nightmare of a human being.. and to top that off, he is going to be in our faces with his fame and fortune for years to come.
I know that Justin is the child of a loving mother .. I know that Beeb gives the feev to teens across the planet. But what happens when those teenage girls grow up and trend away from Justin Bieber? What happens when his fame lapses.. when the spotlight turns off, and when the money runs out. Will he be repugnant as he currently is, or will something better evolve from his now dark soul?
To think.. the Beeb went from this:
To This:
4,000-year-old ‘bog body’ found with skin intact
The body showed signs of brutality, including axe wounds, leading scientists to believe the body was mutilated for a ritual sacrifice.
Science is amazing.. this is amazing.
…school year begins..
…school shooting season in gear.
I am just disgusted by just about 100% of the news headlines today..
A random act of violence has left a promising 22-year-old college baseball player dead, a family devastated and two countries half a world apart rattled.
The term ‘senseless violence’ means just that.. And to see a 22-year-old kid from another country come to America just to be killed “just because” by teenagers, is awful..
Disgusting, as a matter of fact.
You know, my dad has often said something that is beginning to make sense to me.. Keep in mind he’s a BACK TO THE FUTURE lover.. But he said, sometimes this planet feels ‘like Biff stole the playbook.’ It just doesn’t seem right.. like there’s something ‘off’ about our world..
Did Biff steal that playbook?
There is no point, ever, to violence …especially this kind.
I cannot even imagine what the family of Christopher Lane must be feeling today.. There is certainly no reason he should be dead tonight.
Take this shark week!
This is the real thing.
An entire shark was swallowed by another shark.
For some reason I envision that gag, where one bigger box houses a smaller box until you find the gift. I wonder if it worked the same way with these sharks..
ESQUIRE magazine has done a profile on Alex Jones. It’s very interesting..
This is actually how ALEX JONES himself portrayed the article on Facebook:
Esquire Publishes Shockingly Fair Profile of Alex Jones - Esquire Magazine has broken ranks with the majority of the biased mainstream media by writing a shockingly fair and at times warm and humorous profile of Alex Jones
While the image of Jones chosen to head the article is less than pleasant, and actually typical of a cover of a gory horror film, the story itself presents a balanced and readable profile of the character that America is slowly getting to know.
Matt Drudge said on twitter as 2013 began that this will be Alex Jones’ year. So far it actually has been. INFOWARS has broken stories, been the topic of conversation far and wide, and the Piers Morgan show with Jones became the most watched Piers Morgan show..
Why ?
Because we all love or hate Alex Jones. He is the Rush Limbaugh of the 21st century—louder, angrier, and less likely to bash only Democrats but equally blame Republicans for heinous acts like inside jobs on 9/11 and flu pandemics on purpose.
So far this has been the year of Alex Jones.
I read about this a few days back.. I am somewhat appalled by our civilization sometimes, especially in circumstances like this.
Wesley Warren suffers from a terrible affliction. And yes, some will choose to make funny quips and comments.. but this story actually has a profound ability to teach us a lesson: Health insurance is a necessity in the modern world, as civilization is better when it’s less about profit and more about care and compassion.
People are not being compassionate about Warren’s immense scrotum.. it’s a headline sure to garner laughs and smiles.. But it’s a personal hell for him to deal with.
Be kind, humanity. You, too, may one day have an embarrassing problem. I hope and pray that yours will not be due to the fact that a for profit health system gave you less than adequate care or even completely cut you out of the system..
So long 2008 debates about Obama being from Kenya.
Hello 2016 debates about Ted Cruz being Canadian.
Paul Shaffer is too.. but not even Paul Shaffer can be president, due to constitutional limitations.
How will Ted topple this pothole??
But I am going to be fasting today and unconscious tomorrow for a few hours..
Hope it all goes well.
That’s right.. the big feud between Perez and the Lady that has been ongoing in Twitterland has now made the big time: CNN and other major news networks and publications..
It’s also getting weird.. as the Little Monsters are spreading the hate towards Perez.. Lady Gaga Tweeting that she kept the ‘messages’ that Hilton sent.. and something weird just occurred about Perez Hilton being in the apartment where Gaga lives.
Forgive me for just a bit of doubt.. but both are in need of attention right now. Could this be a behind the scenes ‘gotcha’ on the Hilton and Gaga fans? Or is this for real?
If it’s real, it appears likely that physical assault will be next. It’s mean and nasty.. and 46.1 million people, at least, are following it all live in real time..
Amazing to think that at one time they were friends
I assume you meant this: http://www.coalspeaker.com/post/58326749143/bad-form-while-egypt-retreats-into-horrific
I suppose it roiled your political loins.
This is a reason I tend to keep clear of politics as of late.. But no, I am not ‘bought off’ by a coal industry, or even the oil industry. As a matter of fact, the only purpose of “COAL SPEAKING” is because I am from the late and once great Coal Region of PA — the land that was raped and pillaged by coal barons.. now does that sound like the coal industry purchased air time with me??
Nonetheless, I also have mocked John McCain, Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and of course Chris Krispie and his Jersey Bum.
And Jumpin’ Joe Biden.
Thanks for noticing Biden with camels, though. I hope you also noticed Egypt is beyond turmoil at this point and the Administration has, well, not much done a thing to help the situation—despite a peace prize that is on display somewhere in the White House.
That’s it for tonight’s political statement..
Glenn Greenwald writes,
'At 6:30 am this morning my time - 5:30 am on the East Coast of the US - I received a telephone call from someone who identified himself as a “security official at Heathrow airport.” He told me that my partner, David Miranda, had been “detained” at the London airport “under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act of 2000.”'
And it just gets better from there. This is beyond a must read..
Sunday movies!
At Age 2 and a half.. my son Ayden is being introduced to STAR WARS. He’s wide-eyed and in awe of Lucas’ RETURN OF THE JEDI. I have high hopes his childhood will be fun! And also hopefully I will get to relive my own by forcing the 1980s on him!!
I am looking forward to dusting off some old VHS movies and getting the life out of them before they break. I hope my son likes my favorites
As I write this, Ayden is currently screaming “DARTH VADER, get him!!!” as he clutches onto his Darth Vader pez dispenser. Funny, he thinks the Emperor is Skeletor from HE-MAN. This kid must be a reincarnated Reagan-era human being..
Travelers on horseback in a wilderness area near Cascade, Idaho, this week spotted a man and woman who matched the description of James DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson, the San Diego Sheriff said.
The sheriff said that a blue Nissan Versa found covered in brush in that area was confirmed to belong to DiMaggio, a kidnapping and murder suspect.
A CNN news alert just received
Find this bastard!
Ok…skinny dipping UFO?
I certainly don’t see an alien in his birthday suit.. and really don’t see much at all to be excited about.
There’s no Edward Snowden if Edward Snowden is a programmable robot..And robots don’t have a labor union to require paychecks. Win win for Uncle Samuel..
Mystery dolphin deaths now all along the East Coast.. Carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.. Federal scientists have declared it an “unusual mortality event” and are investigating the cause…
Have you found your ‘passion’ in life and are you doing something about it?
Wait.. I’m scratching my head.. I thought Sylvia Browne said Walmart would cave in, not the fake meat chicken place..
The Birthday Suit
Lady Gaga poses fully nude in Kickstarter video for Marina Abramovic Institute.
She just can’t help herself..
Ok.. I know it’s shark week.. but this is just plain weird promotion: Dead shark found on New York City subway..
Amber alerts expand: Now Oregon and Washington state, searching for two children 16-year-old Hannah Anderson and possibly 8-year-old Ethan Anderson.. Look for 2013 Nissan Versa allegedly being driven by 40-year-old James Lee DiMaggio..
Get this! ACCUWEATHER is now offering a 45-day forecast.. Make your party plans now. We will see how spot on their computer guidance is.. This will take us right into back to school time and the early autumn.. 45 day forecast?? Seriously? I cannot even imagine this will be accurate on a daily run down.. But it will be able to shed light on the trends.. We can get trend forecasts now from the government, so I assume Accuweather will boast the trend over the 100% accuracy. But either way, Farmers Almanac, get ready, Hurricane Henry is closing in. Jumpin Joe Bastardi left long ago..
A follow up to what I just posted before about Jay Leno.. he asked some pretty tough questions last night, as pointed out by the WASHINGTON POST (not owned by the AmazonMan)..
Isn’t it sad… comedians are forced to do the work that journalists once did? Jay Leno is doing what the POST and the TIMES and the DAILY NEWS used to do, back there in the 20th century? Back before we took everything at face value.. back when we doubted..
Yes, indeed.. the Leno interview surprised lots. And probably forced NBC to scratch its head wondering how the hell Jimmy Fallon would handle such a task..
Fallon? he was forced to have a joke call from a fake “Obama.” Sorry Jimmy.. not too funny.
Props Leno. You showed us why you’re number 1.
Pork: It’s not for MY dinner: Hog farms battling to contain deadly virus.. Piglets are being killed by the thousands this summer.. It’s the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus..And it is ravaging some farms.
The old man sure knows how to still make headlines..
This is a must read and horribly sad..
I found this to be a very emotional story.. I cannot imagine the loss they are feeling..
What do we hear when we die? Artist Saskia Moore met people who have had near-death experiences and put her findings into a 40-minute piece of music called Dead Symphony.
This is a quickly developing story from Ross Township, Monroe County
According to reports the gunman has been treated and alive..
Police are at the home of a potential suspect tonight.. The suspect in custody ..
This is a tragic story ..
Oh wait, too late. Jeff Bezos did that today..
Hey Jeff, for the right price, Coal Speaker is for sale !
She was arrested.. she was laughed at and mocked.. but now she must face this: Lindsay Lohan grilled by Oprah!
I just love everything about this story—especially the photo..
A gift or a curse? A woman finds a 7-foot-tall bucket of KFC in her yard..
It’s a mystery as to how it happened and where it was from.. it’s became an instant hit, though, and somewhat of a tourist attraction.
Some people have cattle mutilations, or crop circles.. this mystery in Georgia is a massive bucket of chicken..
But sadly no chicken was included.
A born-again comet? Or evidence of galactic reincarnation..? Either way, it’s quite the story..
I always knew there was a reason I did not like LinkedIn: They pulled ads because the women featured in them were ‘too attractive’ to be real life engineers..
And now they were forced into re-posting those ads..
I’m curious.. what does a typical engineer look like anyway?
I understand your point, actually.. and if you would have read my site over the past few weeks, you would have seen my anger at how far the NSA program has gone.
But in this instance, if what we are being told is true about this threat, it’s an example of the NSA doing what it should do, monitoring FOREIGN communication, and detecting threats before they occur..
The State Department is extending the closure of some embassies and consulates “out of an abundance of caution.” The department is also closing a few additional posts.
In a statement released Sunday, the department said the closures are not “an indication of a new threat stream.”
Twenty-two U.S. embassies and consulates were closed Sunday amid fears of an al Qaeda attack.
An intercepted message among senior al Qaeda operatives in the last several days raised alarm bells that led to the closing of embassies and consulates Sunday across the Middle East and North Africa, CNN has learned.
CNN has agreed to a request from an Obama administration official not to publish or broadcast additional details because of the sensitivity of the information.
Several U.S. officials also emphasized they have been watching growing threats emerging from Yemen for weeks.
Those threats, combined with the coming end of the month of Ramadan, plus the concern over several major prison breaks in the region, all contributed to the U.S. decision to shut down diplomatic installations.
The shuttering of 22 U.S. embassies and consulates for the day Sunday amid fears of an al Qaeda attack is an unprecedented move.
A CNN news alert..
They appear to know more details on the terror threat, one we will not know at this point ..
We’re the kids in America, uh oh: Living in America will drive you insane—literally, Slate Reports.. According to data about the United States and the epidemic of mental illness, we may have only ourselves to blame for this new crisis of the mind..
The genetic Adam and Eve uncovered.. .. Research claims that every man on the planet can trace his orgins to one man who lived 135,000 years ago..And that ancient man likely shared the planet with the mother of all women
Millions of years of evolution, and here we are: A star worshipped by teen girls and emulated by teen boys is putting fans’ phones down his pants on stage..
I wonder if he urinated in a bucket of low-wage-earner’s product afterwards? I wonder if he spat from a balcony on adoring fans below?
The story here: An angry Beebs shoved a fan’s iPhone down his pants during his onstage performance..
Double MACHETE KILLS news about the same trailer
Ever hear of the curse of the iceman? According recent lure, the Oetzi iceman is killing anyone who researches him. . And the latest news of Tom Loy, a US born molecular archaeologist who was found dead two weeks ago, is adding more fear to that dreaded ‘curse’..Loy was finishing a boy on the Oetzi iceman—and he is the 7th person who studied the Oetzi iceman to die within a year..
Summer 2013..
My wife took this amazing photo of a lightning bug calling for a mate while being in her hand..
It may be one of the best photos I have ever seen.. Cool stuff.
Green grass as the summer night started to fill into the last crevices that still had light.
This summer night is beginning.. And the lightning bugs will light the night.
You’ve heard of Christmas in July? And now you’ll hear about Halloween in August.. Kids get their Halloween nine months after Superstorm Sandy forced it to be canceled.. This is actually a pretty nice story to tell.. It’s good to see kids happy, especially after the misery that prevailed after Sandy ravaged the entire region..
Speaking of Halloween, this is probably what I want to go as this year.
Just saying..
We are barraged with information today about how we are stupid, but how breast feeding makes us smarter. I don’t know which to believe, but I’ll share information on both with you here..
You’re watching: CCTV footage of Michael Hastings’ car crash seems to show an explosion PRIOR to the accident..
Accidents happen, I suppose.
But explosions prior to them?
Sorry for being a conspiracy-monger but something here is not sitting well ..
Wow.. the Crazy Rhubarb Lady reminds me of someone I know. I bet she does, you, too..
And here’s the backstory, dare to read it..
Mutilated cattle have been found on a Missouri farm. And mainstream media sources are getting a kick out of this one: Cops are NOT ruling out aliens doing it.
In all fairness, if you read the description in detail of the tongue and organ mutilation, you wouldn’t rule aliens out either.
The old timers used to say that if you can watch your TV, your TV can watch you.. And watch you it probably is..
Headlines are popping up around the net tonight saying that Your Smart TV Might be Watching You
The truth is right in front of us.. if we care to understand that today’s science fact was yesterday’s fiction.
Of course hackers can get into your machinery.. and even other forces, such as the United States government or foreign entities all the same..
Never forget this admission: In 2012, General David Petraeus said he wanted to spy on your through your washing machine. And we have come a long way since 2012.