Lots of folks apparently are in to old women showing off some saggy nipples. Really. I had a jump in hits today on CoalSpeaker.com because yesterday I put some news on here about Sagonna and her flashing areola.
So why not post a photo of her bare nipple?
There are two reasons, besides me not wanting to.
- You can find it yourself. Google it, and turn off moderate safe search. You’ll see it. All red and puffy.
- I really could care less.
Sure, I am posting another story about it on here, along with posting a photo of post-nip-slip Madonna on stage. Coyly looking at her audience.. “What did I do? I am just the material girl.” Material Momma Madonna can shock a crowd. But as I pointed out yesterday Lady Gaga suffered a concussion and still performed JUDAS. Though there just seems to be some veiled religious message about being whacked in the head during a song about the man accused of turning in the Christ.. right?
Nonetheless, Madonna slipped her nipple. But the world still rotates. All is right with the world—as right as it could be. Ford is in his flivver. Really, is it that big of a deal?
British media often labels America as prudish. I think maybe they are right. A nipple in itself isn’t overly fascinating once you truly study it. The FCC may fine people for flashing it, ala Janet Jackson, but really what is the big deal about one? Most of us have two. Some even have three. Those with three aren’t sexy. Those with two, as long as they are women, are heralded when they show one. Men who should wear bras that have nipples are lampooned.
So for the medical record. This is a nipple:
And THIS is a nipple on a foot:
Any questions?
Bet you won’t search for Madonna’s nipple now!