Saturday, June 9, 2012
Up early today
Awake since 4am. Not because of my son, he is still sleeping.. I’m just sleepless. And I think I have been to every single website and there’s just nothing left to look at.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Props to the creator or “Mrs Doubtfire as a Horror Film” .. truly funny. And it could actually work.
Mrs. Doubtfire as a Horror Film
Across the country no fewer than 3.2 million seniors are graduating about now from more than 37,000 high schools. That’s 37,000 valedictorians … 37,000 class presidents … 92,000 harmonizing altos … 340,000 swaggering jocks … 2,185,967 pairs of Uggs. Even if you’re one in a million, on a planet of 6.8 billion that means there are nearly 7,000 people just like you. You’ve been pampered, cosseted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble wrapped … feted and fawned over and called sweetie pie. You see, if everyone is special, then no one is. If everyone gets a trophy, trophies become meaningless. … We have of late, we Americans, to our detriment, come to love accolades more than genuine achievement. The fulfilling life, the distinctive life, the relevant life is an achievement. to do whatever you do for no reason other than you love it and believe in its importance. The sweetest joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that you’re not special. Because everyone is.
Bath salt induced cannibal zombie mayhem 2012 continues as another face eating attack occurs in Louisiana
We had the Miami Muncher.
Now the Louisiana Luncher?
Bath salt induced cannibal zombie mayhem 2012 continues as another face eating attack occurs in Louisiana
Ahh.. oh. ok then.
We know this: President Obama had a private meeting with 25 young Hollywood stars and starlets.
And we know this: President Obama says the private sector is doing just fine.
So apparently he is having acting lessons..?
The mystery of the Vatican bank
I’ll admit it, I know there is a scandal about the Vatican bank, allegations of money laundering.. and God knows what else (God should know since this is his bank, right?) But while I know there is a currently evolving and developing scandal, I really can’t explain it to you or even to myself. But I know this, it’s creepy to think that a church has its own country, library of hidden books that may unearth many mysteries of our planet, its own bank, and its own jail cell which now houses the Pope’s butler. It’s just all too weird and creepy.
I think the linked Reuters report says it best when it opens the story with this:
For a financial institution whose ATMs offer Latin as a language option, whose offices are below the pope’s windows and where tellers work under the gaze of crucifixes, one might assume the Vatican bank would have a dispensation from earthly travails
The mystery of the Vatican bank
A hurricane nearly hit New York City last year, but new analysis shows what would happen if one hit head on
And you know it will happen one day. It almost seems like it’s overdue for a large one, don’t you think?
The LA TIMES reports on what would occur. (easy for them to say, they just have earthquakes and wildfires to deal with, someone else’s misery is their favorite kind.. I kid Rene Lynch, I kid)
But in all seriously, the LA TIMES reports that New York City is at risk for a major strike from an Atlantic storm, and it could cost $168 billion with a b if it happened.
Indeed, that will not be the weekend to be in the big apple.
A big FYI from the land of childhood
Little CoalSpeaker Ayden Morris got his cast off today. It went well. It didn’t seem he was scared by the saw—mom and dad explained that it was just a louder blender, and he knows blenders make him milkshakes.
It has been a trying month for the little man.
A fractured tibia.. a first day of day care—one fresh with a bite from another child—and now the cast coming off.
I think maybe all of this is more trying for the parents than the child. His fresh 15 1/2 month old memory may not hold.. My 31 year old mind and mom’s 32 year old brain will recall the month’s activities with squeamish and skittish faces.
Now back to normal for Ayden. He refuses to eat his breakfast and just wants to play with legos. It’s interesting, this childhood stuff.. interesting.
This may be ignored by mainstream media, but it is one of the most important stories currently happening: Suicides are surging among United States troops
Here are the facts:
The upswing of suicides has caught some by surprise because of 2010 and 2011 numbers leveling off..
Robert Burns of the AP writes this:
Suicides are surging among America’s troops, averaging nearly one a day this year - the fastest pace in the nation’s decade of war.
The 154 suicides for active-duty troops in the first 155 days of the year far outdistance the U.S. forces killed in action in Afghanistan - about 50 percent more - according to Pentagon statistics obtained by The Associated Press
The AP dispatch can’t play up these numbers enough: Almost 1 for every day ..
We are seeing something unique in our current wars and soon to be post wars (and maybe soon to be new wars).. Battle grounds new and different. People don’t die in big numbers last in past wars… now injuries are soaring along with mental issues and PTSD among troops.
Will officials address concerns of our soldiers? Will we treat war vets with the care they need?
Current suicide numbers are dismaying .. and distressing for all of those who hope we honor our soldiers as they should be honored..
This may be ignored by mainstream media, but it is one of the most important stories currently happening: Suicides are surging among United States troops
And it's not just freaky weather occurrences like the high school hail storm that are weird, it's also the amount of warmth that has overtaken the United States over the past several months
Warmth that has broken records and caused there to be a year without a winter early in ‘12.. It’s extremely rare according to the weather experts among .. 2012 had the warmest spring on record.
Yes, it is getting warmer. it’s not just your imagination. Record books prove it.
So now what..
Here is an image of the ‘high school hail storm’ that occurred in Jersey.. And the story from Accuweather
What is the truth on Fukushima
A good comment response to my post last night on radiation from Fukushima spreading around the world, to which I responded. Hope to see more comments on this. I think it’s an important issue. What is debatable at this point may be how much of a danger the world is in from Fukushima effects. But what is not debatable is how important the issue is; whether we have a future of fish we can’t eat and cancer or a future of nuclear power becoming more dangerous despite people’s current opinion, it’s an important issue. So join in the discussion..
Truth is the middle of two extremes. But how extreme is the most extreme of Fukushima..?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
This is a pretty big deal. A famous author.. Science fiction may have been his thing. But as we see, fiction is often less strange than truth. And today’s scientific society is more like a science fiction novel than any other. RIP Bradbury.. Will truly be talent missed on earth..
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Some other news of importance of the day
No news is good news. But sadly there is news.
Welcome to the new world order—if you have a chance to enter the world.. Babies could be tested soon for up to 3,500 ‘genetic faults’ .. Fears that these routine tests could lead to more abortions
Sandusky reportedly wrote ‘creepy love letters’ to victim..
Clive Barker to write new zombie flick..
History unearthed: Now found is the report of the first doctor to reach Abraham Lincoln after he was shot.. the doctor rushed to his ceremonial box and found him paralyzed, comatose and leaning against his wife. Dr. Charles Leale ordered brandy and water to be brought immediately..
A privately financed Dutch company has a plan: They want to create a colony on Mars by 2023.. it will be a one way ticket if you decide to venture out into the great unknown of space..
Wedding day hell: A bridge was drenched with oily black ooze from hotel sprinklers as she was prepping for her big day..
Did Magnotta do it? Body parts mailed to Canadian school..
How to stay young: Laugh a lot and be positive..
Mystery in the desert: Spiritual retreat or cult?
It has been 68 years now since D-Day..
Less and less news coverage occurs every year.
This year, though, the account of Bernard Friedenberg, a 90-year-old World War II medic who took part in the D-Day invasion, is haunting.
He recalls a mortally-wounded soldier gasping for air.. he recalls an ‘absolute massacre’ .. he speaks ofpatching ‘guys up right and left..
Yes indeed, the greatest generation is slowly leaving this war-torn planet called hell, otherwise known as Earth.
So how do you train a good worker to be a good worker? In China, you do it with long hours, exposure to harmful chemicals, and 'military style' training sessions..
…who built your iPhone? Ask Siri.
Hear to evil, see no evil.. speak no evil. Text no evil.
So how do you train a good worker to be a good worker? In China, you do it with long hours, exposure to harmful chemicals, and 'military style' training sessions..
So .. nothing to see here?
A must read for all who are concerned about the world and all who doubt officials who “officially” tell us that Fukushima is nothing to worry about.. these headlines tonight are entered onto the record for your consideration and thought..
A news account from CTV says that reactor 4 at Fukushima poses a major threat to the world and another says that the worst is yet to come..
Japan continues to insist that the nuclear pool is stable and the country’s leaders claim it could withstand another major quake.
Consider these facts, too: Japan is dumping about a thousand tons per day of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean, and a new report says the Pacific won’t do much to dilute the water in the great sea..
Yes indeed.
Nothing to see here..
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
This is absolutely cool.
Ready, set, watch: The world sees Venus pass by the sun..
And it won’t happen again until 2117..
What's eating you?
There are a lot of jokes and online cartoons about the ‘zombie’ attacks coming due to the recent news of cannibal attacks—attacks that involve human beings and not actors in some film..
The latest reminder that all these jokes are about real people is this news story detailing the sad life of the man who had his face eaten off by another on bath salts in Florida..
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good zombie joke now and then, but the news is creepy in 2012: A Maryland cannibal, a gay porn dismemberer, a nude bath salt cannibal, and a homeless woman trying to eat the arm off of a baby—all these events real headlines and real things.
I like to reflect on the day to day news, news that I personally feel is scarier than ever. The cannibal attacks only go to prove my point—and cause me to have even more paranoid fears..
A Vatileaks update
Pope’s butler formally questioned in leak scandal..
Up to six years in prison..
All eyes turn to Vatican judicial system
Yes, the Vatican as a judicial system. And lots more, including 6 foot concrete walls that contain a butler.
So healthy it can kill you
I knew some very healthy people in life that ended up dying very early.
People who would jog regularly may be doing more harm than good, in some circumstances.
Scientists now say that excess exercise can hurt the heart and actually cause long term health damage.
Some non political non Walker news
Sheryl Crow diagnosed with brain tumor..
Crow not worried..
How serious?
History all wrong!? New research points to a new origin of human: Not Africa, but instead Asia..
Black hole ‘evicted’ from galaxy at staggering rate of several million miles per hour..Virginia governor can’t wait for drones over is state..
Is Japan creating a furter disaster by burning radioactive debrs?
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Even though the Pope’s butler languishes in a deep cell in the Vatican, more secret documents were leaked this weekend..
So why exactly is Gabriele in that cell anyway?
And how long before ‘Peter the Roman’ fulfills St Malachi’s prophecy of the popes. Mutiny along the cardinals! And a church collapsing from within?
I'm afraid to post this..
But the Celtics are on fire. Hope it continues.
And now that a Celtics fan spoke of how good they are doing.. they may crash and burn
To my surprise, the UK GUARDIAN gives a somewhat glowing profile of Alex Jones..
He led the protests in Virginia this weekend against the ‘new world order’ at Bilderberg—and because of Infowars’ Jones more and more news outlets are covering Bilderberg every year.
Like him, love him, hate him.. you can’t ignore him.
And, as my headline says, to my surprise, the GUARDIAN doesn’t seem to hate him at all..
Jones quickly took control of the situation, using his unmistakable voice– amplified by a megaphone – to launch into a full-throated denunciation of the global elite, the erosion of rights and liberty, and the establishment of federal “reeducation camps”.
"The best bullhorner there is," one protester said of Jones’s oratory skills. When Jones began describing how he likes to use multiple megaphones end to end, a demonstrator called him "the people’s L-Rad", a reference to a sonic weapon police departments sometimes use against protesters.
No doubt, more heckles from the mainstream media will erupt as the leaders of the elite leave Chantilly.
But no matter what the MSM says.. Alex Jones supporters are loud—and seemingly growing in numbers every year.
The parental moment of dread
Ayden’s Aunt Erin, niece Kate, his Grammy and his Pop have been watching him for the past 15 months during mom and dad’s daytime working hours. It all ends tomorrow when the little man will begin his first day of… daycare.
I dread it in a normal way. Typically I am overly worried about everything.. but the place seems wonderful and Ayden seems ready to meet and play with others of his own intellect. So .. here we go.
He will, as all kids do, cry as we say bye. And he will be happy when we arrive to get him.. and that may happen for a while. Then he will defy us learning what other kids around him say.. and he will argue. And grow up. And be a kid. And a teen .. oh my God I am getting ahead of myself.
If exists on this Tumblr platform 18 years from now when Ayden graduates, or 19 depending on whether he flunks some future algebra class, I will feel old. Here I am, at the ….semi young age of 31 and dreading daycare for my son. My wife agrees with my worry. We have both made it a chore but a duty to not talk about our feelings on this one.. just go with the flow.
As the flow goes.. so does time.
Ayden Morris…. 15 months into life…. about to begin a new little tiny itsy bitsy little child chapter…
My bet is he has some type of runny nose or full blown flu from another child by mid June. Something else for a parent to worry about.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
I guess life is getting weird if the CDC has to officially make a statement flesh eating zombies really don't exist, despite incidents of cannibalism all over
So this is how it will end?
Milky Way Galaxy Doomed to Head-On Crash with Andromeda
Luckily it will happen 4 billion years from now……….
Science now proves.. old people smell.
Old People Do Smell, But Not That Badly
But is this any reason to make them subject to death panels!?
It is feeling like 2008 all over again
I am about to turn 32.. but I was about to turn 29 in 2008. So that’s good. But what is bad was ….well, an economic collapse. Today a bad jobs report was released, the market crashed, and more dire warning crept into headlines from around the world. Yes, indeed, it’s beginning to feel like and economic collapse is upon us again..
It is feeling like 2008 all over again
Gay porn star Luka Magnotta turned cannibal.. and he's on the run-- the UK SUN reports some disturbing details..
Is it me or is there just too many cannibal stories popping up all over the world recently.
And now this, Luka Magnotta on the run..
Gay porn star Luka Magnotta turned cannibal.. and he's on the run-- the UK SUN reports some disturbing details..
Family outing for a few days to the Baltimore aquarium
And just in time for severe weather and potential tornadoes later today.. Hope it passes .. Tomorrow should be great though. Stay tuned for an array of photos of hopefully enormous and dangerous fish safely behind thick glass..
The economy in trouble
Economy added only 69,000 jobs in May, far less than economists expected. Unemployment rate rises from 8.1% to 8.2%.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
While the Miami cannibal munched... bikes drove by
This is the state of our nation, 2012: Surely by now you have heard of the Miami Muncher, the man who was turned into a cannibal and killed after taking bath salts and mauling another man’s face. .Here’s the latest and not so greatest:
New surveillance video shows that bikes were riding past the scene of the crime .. while the face attack was taking place..
Here we go again! Strange booms rock Michigan
The earth is moaning and groaning.. and booming loud, as well.. The latest in Michigan, where loud booms have caused ‘violent’ shaking.. no official word of what it may be, but lots of officials on what it is not. And what it is not: Anything likely to cause loud booms. The mystery begins.. Maybe booming soon in a town near you..
The booms in Michigan: not from earthquakes or jets..
Occultist: Violent shaking in Michigan.. no storms, no quakes.. no traffic.. hat tip to you for informing me first of this one..
My inspirational message of the day (you can sure tell I think more like a dad anymore)
This picture used to hang on the wall of my bedroom when I was a child.. I would stare at is as I fell asleep. Life is short. Honor your parents, love your family, cherish your spouse, adore you children.. and be proud when you look in the mirror. Time is fleeting..
Whoops: Obama causes some outrage with reference to "Polish death camp" -- it was actually a Nazi death camp in Poland
But it just must be a day of apologies, because here come some more:
Chris Hayes from MSNBC
Barney Frank
A PA monsignor
Rutgers student
And Lady Gaga
All for different reasons. But it’s a pity party of a Wednesday for all, isn’t it.
Whoops: Obama causes some outrage with reference to "Polish death camp" -- it was actually a Nazi death camp in Poland
Did a bit of thinking on Obama's kill list and the new story today on how 'civilian' has been redefined
There are big questions that come with these two stories, one from the NEW YORK TIMES and the other from an upcoming book KILL OR CAPTURE.
Drones. Warfare. Security. All big issues. But how we deal with those issues? That may be the bigger issue.
How we handle these big issues will tell a lot of us: It is how we, as a people, now fight our wars and define our enemies. It showcases what we are able to ‘live with’ in order to get the bad guy of the day. It also has implications on the homefront. If you haven’t noticed recently, news organizations en masse have finally been reporting on how drones are going to be used by police in the skies above you, and me, and all of us, here in the United States.
If the term of civilian could be broadened by a chief executive, could civilian also eventually be broadened by a police chief? By an FBI head.. by a CIA diretor…?
The drones will be watching. Cameras on and glaring down below.. if you have a fence that protects you from your neighbor because you like to sunbath nude, the drone will enjoy the view.
The future of the drones may be that they are armed. And if they are armed they can strike just as they do in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And if a few civilians die to get a target… will a future generation care?
The ever evolving drone wars: How Obama changed the definition of 'civilian'
And as drones come to America, what impact may this have on the homefront..
The ever evolving drone wars: How Obama changed the definition of 'civilian'
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
This is your brown on bath salts.
The disturbing story of the cannibal attack, the Miami muncher, or whatever else you want to label it as, only gets weirder.
We know now that police say bath salts may be to blame—bath salts are banned here in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania, and not a day goes by in my area or on my local news without a story of someone going insane on bath salts.
But the notion of a nude man eating another nude man’s face right off this this story a little more a creepy vibe..
Tales of abnormal behavior.. super human strength. People becoming filled with rage.. jumping on top of buildings .. all sad stories about a frightening drug. And seemingly more and more common.
Spammers hitting social web: 40% of social media accounts said to be spam
And here I thought the forty or so people a day I block on Twitter were real.
Spammers hitting social web: 40% of social media accounts said to be spam
A must read from the New York TIMES on Obama's kill list
In interviews with The New York Times, three dozen of his current and former advisers described Mr. Obama’s evolution since taking on the role, without precedent in presidential history, of personally overseeing the shadow war with Al Qaeda.They describe a paradoxical leader who shunned the legislative deal-making required to close the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba, but approves lethal action without hand-wringing. While he was adamant about narrowing the fight and improving relations with the Muslim world, he has followed the metastasizing enemy into new and dangerous lands. When he applies his lawyering skills to counterterrorism, it is usually to enable, not constrain, his ferocious campaign against Al Qaeda — even when it comes to killing an American cleric in Yemen, a decision that Mr. Obama told colleagues was “an easy one.”
And as Alex Jones’ PRISON PLANET reports, the NY TIMES also mentioned that a girl, about age 17, and other Americans are on the kill list.
Are you glowing or is your tuna just happy to see me?
And you thought wind and fire were the strongest elements of Earth!
This news comes from across the pond—but if it is happening in the UK why would it not be happening in the US of A?
The accusations are that Google deliberately harvested private data on British citizens for years. According to the report, they downloaded photographs and emails, documents, and messages. The Street View cars collected as they drove.
A private company spying. Interesting. Because if you paint the picture just a little differently, it could mean even war! Think if foreign spies for another nation were driving around America stealing your data? Imagine if, say, North Korea had cars to do it. Or maybe a Chinese car.. with the Chinese flag. Driving around and spying on you!
It would mean war. The government would condemn. The media would go headline-crazy.
But in this situation, when a private company did it, everyone is silent.
The noise of crickets in the vast wilderness of the online world.. well, that noise today is deafening. The international media is the only place to turn to find out just what exactly Google has been doing.
Just Google it.
Monday, May 28, 2012
A tale of many Syria headlines
- CNN: What can the world do about Syria?
- Alex Jones’ Infowars: Phony ‘Houla Massacre’: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria
- Russia blames ‘both sides’ for massacre
- Wall Street JOURNAL: Syria’s Srebrenica
- Syria plunges towards civil war after massacre
- Children shot, knifed, axed to death in Syria’s Houla massacre …
- Who did it? Some local activists and eyewitnesses say they were from the Syrian army. Others say they were members of the shabiha, the pro-Assad militia that entered Houla from the Alawite villages that ring the township. (The shabiha is predominantly Alawite, the sect of Shia Islam that Assad belongs to.)The Syrian government says the men were terrorists.
You know what it all comes down to? This world is insane.. messed up.. unbelievable in the amount of atrocities that have killed. And for what? Nothing. In the end, absolutely nothing.
Flashback: Dead American soldiers dumped into landfills like trash
We should be more aware of these types of events.. We should be fully aware of attempts to not give veterans the care they deserve.
For those who don’t make it home, the most they deserve from everywhere still here is respect, dignity, and at the very least, a salute. Not to be dumped into a landfill with trash …
Flashback: Dead American soldiers dumped into landfills like trash
In the middle if your beer, or barbecue, or party, remember that Memorial Day is perhaps the most solemn of national holidays. It is one to contemplate the decorations of the post-Civil War days and recall the casualties of the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers that died during battle. We should also give pause to one thought: If you do end up going to a 21 gun salute somewhere in America, how do we strive to be slow to go to war and quick to try peace? How can we in such a turbulent world? Syria kills children with pacifiers in their mouths.. Drones strike in Pakistan.. Oh, and drones will patrol America, too.
But I digress.
Memorial Day 2012. Do not let this holiday lose the meaning it is intended to have. Do now cheapen it with a useless day of nothingness. Do not..
But here is the sneaking fear that scares me.. in 1945, the big picture was clear: We stopped a tyrant who was killing millions. Ever since then things got murky. And in Iraq and Afghanistan…? Well do we even know who we’re fighting now? Do we have a clue who the tyrants are? And how can you fight the tyrants when they litter this planet like plastic in an ocean?
All thoughts I for one am having this Memorial Day..
The world watches in shock at the horror developing in Houla, a suburb of Homs..
CNN reported this disturbing quote:
"By God, I washed the dead bodies of nine children. One was less than nine months old!" a man screamed to a U.N. observer. "Why are they treating us like animals? We are humans. Did the infant carry an RPG? Was he a fighter? It was a baby, he had a pacifier in his mouth."
Beryl hitting Southest US
Radar rainfall estimates are already 3-4 inches in some areas across northern Florida.. Hopefully all will be safe.. Holidays and hurricanes are not a good mix
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Truly disturbing details being revealed about the Miami muncher
A fatal police shooting involving a naked man and cannibalism. Stuff of movies? No. Stuff of Memorial Day weekends in Miami? Yes, this year at least..
Details are starting to be revealed about the disturbing event today in Miami in which a naked man was chewing the face off of another naked man on a busy highway .. A bicycle rider, Larry Vega, flagged down cops.. the rest is documented by NEWS 7 in Miami:
When the attack continued, Vega says the officer fired but the man continued to chew flesh off the victim. The officer fired several more times, eventually killing the attacker.
A Miami Herald surveillance camera caught the aftermath as the two men laid side by side on the ground. “It was just a blob of blood,” said Vega. “You couldn’t really see, it was just blood all over the place.”
Rescue crews rushed the victim to Jackson Memorial Hospital with missing flesh. According to a 7News source, the victim was not recognizable.
Vega says both the men, who have not been identified, appeared to be homeless and he believes the attacker may have been on drugs. “He looked like he was on something,” he said. “Either he was really psychotic or he was on crack.”
Not something you’d expect to see everyday.. or any day.
Horrible beyond belief..
Is it me or is the world going absolutely insane?
A poisonous Pentecost Sunday for Benedict: New allegations of a conspiracy among cardinals dismissed, questions over the Vatican bank, and a unholy web of corruption
But here’s the best:
Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.
Just as Jesus was betrayed…?
So I just want to know which Cardinal is going to give the butler the noose so he can, say.. “end it himself”…?
A poisonous Pentecost Sunday for Benedict: New allegations of a conspiracy among cardinals dismissed, questions over the Vatican bank, and a unholy web of corruption
There's rain and hail on the highways where I'm driving today
Thank God for rest stops (Few people of much sense are Ever appreciative of rest stops…but bad weather suddenly changes that)
Hope your Memorial Day travels are filled with sun and fun.. And if not be careful out there…