Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Good evening all..
Have a safe, sturdy, and mysterious Saturday night.
Be careful out there..
Lifestyles of the crazed dictator
An interesting story on a Brazilian who said he operated on Gadhaffi in the 1990s come to light..
According to Dr. Liacyr Ribeiro, he removed belly fat from Mommar Gadhafi and injected it to his face. Gadhafi also got hair plugs..
And while that alone may be a little crazy to some, perhaps even crazier is this little tidbit on the actual procedure:
The secretive four-hour procedure in 1995 was done, at Gadhafi’s insistence, with local anesthesia because he wanted to remain alert. Midway through, the Libyan leader stopped to have a hamburger
If we make it through November we'll be fine: It may be up to Asteroid 2005 YU55
Near-Earth asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 lunar distances from the Earth on November 8, 2011.. And it’s going to be very, very close.
If we make it through November we'll be fine: It may be up to Asteroid 2005 YU55
Live updates on the protests in the UK from the GUARDIAN
People begin to get a little angry about austerity..
Live updates on the protests in the UK from the GUARDIAN
Anarchy at the Ritz in the UK
Having a child...kills the brain cells of parents?
Me: Well, it's not News'month'
Saturday morning doledrums from Japan
Selfish plug of the day: Check the Horror Report (my other site) on a regular basis too
It’s not Tumblr. And not a blog. But still, in my mind, worth a visit.
Selfish plug of the day: Check the Horror Report (my other site) on a regular basis too
Friday, March 25, 2011
The first of many trips for Ayden Morris to the mall.. Although I hope he’s not a tremendously rude animal like the preteens and pubescent teenagers are on Friday nights.. Perhaps family trips to a mall are in order..say on Wednesday night? If of course malls exist.. But alas, Friday is no time for philosophical forays into futuristic prognostication .. I think I’m just hungry..
Venus … or Saturn.. or wherever. Goodnight.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Japan in crisis.
Economic problems everywhere.
War in Libya.
But this person found it necessary to ignore the higher purpose in life and instead throw a charity jar and go crazy—in a bikini mind you—at a Alabama Burger King… all over a Whopper Jr and fries.
Although in her defense, 20 minutes for third-rate meat and greasy fries may be a bit too much.
As unbelievable as it may seem, you are reading this headline right: Neutron beam observed 13 times
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of its crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
Getting a little like a movie.. We just need an action hero, but it appears no one is on the way..
As unbelievable as it may seem, you are reading this headline right: Neutron beam observed 13 times
If dinosaurs never died off but instead would have ended up coexisting with humans, would humans have dinos as pets or use them only as wild animals for meat?
Just wondering.. Thoughts? If not.. that’s fine. Feel free to quote the Bible since someone today told me that the Bible says we ‘coexisted’ with dinosaurs before……. So I was told.
Big 7.0 quake in Thailand--felt in Bangkok..
Another developing story about another potentially deadly natural disaster..
The quickest radiation cleanup ever?
Suddenly Japan says WATER IN TOKYO IS SAFE FOR INFANTS! A miracle, I guess..
It’s my hope that the good people of Tokyo are not being lied to.. It’s my fear that they are.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
David Karp
zainyk said:
Stop posing for magazine covers, stop taking pictures of your dinner and your moped, stop telling us inane anecdotes about what your girlfriend found funny about a sock or some such shit, AND FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE.
I have to say: Agreed. The basic database structure of Tumblr seems quite awry.. Even tonight on here, and I am sure lots of other Tumblr based sites, posts are appearing without reason and vanishing without warning. Sure, Tumblr tweeted that the fix is occurring.. But how many more problems before the massive increase in traffic the site has been enjoying leaves for the next thing—that works?
March came in like a lion and never stopped roaring
Right now: 33 degrees, sleeting. And it’s thundering with flashes of lightning.. And it’s spring. And it’s all weird.
People are heeding their pediatrician's advice and having kids sleep on their backs.. But now a new potentially dangerous problem is arising
The condition is While the is known as deformational plagiocephal, it has no treatment, and it seems to have become quite a problem since 1992 SIDS campaign began..
People are heeding their pediatrician's advice and having kids sleep on their backs.. But now a new potentially dangerous problem is arising
Baby Emerson - Scarface is Scary (Emerson - Mommy’s nose is scary Parody) (by PhunnyPunny)
Want to talk scary? Try this: The Japan nuclear emergency is WORSENING despite little media attention over the past few days
It is now at the point where water in Tokyo is becoming so radiated that officials are telling the city residents to stop giving tap water to infants.. Bottled water is sold out throughout the city.. Other cities are affected too. Food is also a concern—and now the FDA in the U.S. is releasing statements of their own concern about food imports and saying they will not allow foods from certain prefectures to enter the United States.
Radiation has now reached: Iceland, the US, the UK. We’re told in ‘trace amounts’ that are ‘not harmful.’ Ok then.
Adding insult to injury: Another 6.0 quake struck the northern area of Japan, not far from the already quake-ridden Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility today
Want to talk scary? Try this: The Japan nuclear emergency is WORSENING despite little media attention over the past few days
It’s my hope we’re not on the eve of destruction… but our daily news would say otherwise.
Sleep tight. Don’t let bedbugs .. bite.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Any thoughts out there from parents?
Do kids see more than adults? …and of course, in my somewhat superstitious way, I mean ghostly presences of someone or something else? Do they have the ability, even at the age of 1 months like my son Ayden, to sense feelings in other people? I find it absolutely amazing that when Ayden hears mom and dad raise voices a bit or get a little edgy, so does he.. And likewise during happy times he is at ease. If a child, who only is able to find his tongue at this point, can interpret moods of his parental figures, how would it be unlikely that he too would sense the feelings, spirits, or …things…that adults choose not to see?
That question only holds weight though if you’d enter the matter with the pre-ordained thought that there are ‘things’ like ghosts out there to see to begin with. Kids see them. Adults really don’t. And adults tell kids they are all wrong.. No monsters under the bed. No spirit in the closet.. nothing watching you through the window.
So adults say…perhaps saying only what they want to believe.
Wish me luck..
Maybe trying to fulfill a dream will be difficult on many levels, but I decided to apply for a job in the news business for a certain radio station.. I’ll update if it goes well. If it doesn’t, just like the job rejection, you just won’t hear anything ever again about it.
Hey now.
Go to bed.
Monday, March 21, 2011
It's been a busy weekend for a bankrupt nation..
While Americans are fat and happy checking their March Madness picks, the United States spent $100 million this weekend alone in one day in Libya..
Sarkozy pulled the string..NATO began the sting.. And the only one being stung may be taxpayers, who eventually may have a billion dollar bill for the third war of the new century..
We have always been at war with Eastasia
Get ready.. More powerful than Wikileaks? Spiegel’s got the goods on what may be the most important (and disgusting) scandal to hit the United States military since Abu Ghraib..
With photos as horrible as Spiegel is showcasing, it’s not surprising that the White House is trying to stop more from coming out.. So it must trouble the Obama Administration that there is about 4,000 more images that the German paper has..
Interesting note..Cara Mia by Jay & The Americans was one of John Gotti’s favorite songs and Gotti had Jay and the Americans perform at John Gotti Jrs. wedding.. And now it’s playing us all to bed. Be safe, and until I write again, goodnight.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Just one last Supermoon image. And might as well, since we don’t see another one for decades. It was bright Saturday night.. Brighter than normal as spring begins.. Beautiful image here from Fred Thornhill of Reuters of Greg Kerr and Allie Mahoney skating under a full moon on Pigeon Lake near Bobcayeon Ontario March 19, 2011..
A reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach
But Tumblr responded to the worrying security issue:
We’re triple checking everything and bringing in outside auditors to confirm, but we have no reason to believe that anything was compromised. We’re certain that none of your personal information (passwords, etc.) was exposed, and your blog is backed up and safe as always. This was an embarrassing error, but something we were prepared for.
The fact that this occurred at all is still unacceptable, and we’ll be seriously evaluating and adjusting our processes to ensure an error like this can never happen again.
I like how Tumblr responded.. Every time something occurs, they lose in a point in my book. But something like this occurs and they gain them all back. I liked their humility.
I’m also happy they say the blogs are backed up.
I’d still like to see Mr. Karp come up with a Windows version for us NON MAC users for a backup, of course.. Unless maybe it’s just a sign I should buy a MAC.
A reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach
The latest concern is radioactive food. The government in Japan admits that radioactive spinach and water has been found. It appears to be more severe than just toxins in close proximity, as Japan has admitted.. The New York TIMES is reporting on the problem of tainted food being found up to 90 miles away, showcasing that the events have exploded into a crisis far beyond the proportions first admitted to by officials in the country days ago.
Officials say there is no cause for alarm. But radioactivity in water in Tokyo? Food 90 miles away? … It’s cause for concern..
But not for all. The TIMES reports:"A handful of vegetable-shop owners in Tokyo said they were concerned about the report, but continued to sell vegetables from Fukushima and Ibaraki because they had not been told to stop."
Green spinach. Growing only greener by the moment..
Many spellings of a threat
Gadhafi is promising a long war.
So is Qaddhafi.
And Gadhaffi.
And Khadafi.
I say if we are going to go to war with someone, battle his forces, slam his nation with air strikes, we should at least come to a consensus on how we are going to spell the enemy.
…History takes strange turns. This is a file photo from July 2009 of Gadhafi and Obama. Now, Gadhafi is responding to military air strikes over his nation and promising a long war, while he says he is fighting ‘new Nazis’..
I often thought that these images of world leaders with each other can be like looking at a prom photo 20 years later.. “I really went with her/him!?” .. The image can be shocking of who we once were featured with.
And I’m sure these kinds of images can haunt Obama. Just as Bush was haunted by hand-holding snapshots of Saudi officials. Not that the Saudis are responsible for world chaos…….Oh wait.. Bahrain.
Not bad for a small town in the Coal Region.
The Saint Patrick’s Day parade yesterday in Girardville, PA, got over 20,000 people. And that was without an appearance from Bill Clinton.
There was a large appearance however of untidy spandex pants, green buttons that blinked, and a leftover sea of aluminum cans of beer lining the streets.
But that’s what day afters are for.
"Operation Odessey Dawn" ??
It sounds like an 80s prime time drama.. Who shot JR? Who bombed Gadhafi.. The name just doesn’t have the ‘oomph’ that past operations have had. At least for me. Maybe it’s just the supermoon.
How to decongest a baby..
At 3:30 am, you can only read and hope.. As the child snots and crackles from deep within. Some things with parenting are just unexpected..
How to decongest a baby..
Sure a war started. But disaster still didn't just go away
Japan official says pressure rising again at stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor No. 3
Under the Milky Way, we spin into oblivion. Goodnight all.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger…
Today is also the 8th anniversary of the war beginning in Iraq.. and now we’re on the third war …
For those having a parade today.. have a good one
And if you should find yourself with the misfortune of being in Schuylkill County, head to Girardville, the home of some good Molly Maguires history, which will be having quite a large parade at noon.
There has been a week of heartache and tragedy.. The most recent and perhaps saddest example of the horrors that took place in Japan since the massive quake and tsunami come from a school in Japan, where 30 children wait silently for their parents to pick them up.. The children wait at the Kama Elementary School.. According to reporting from the UK DAILY MAIL:
"They sit quietly in the corner of a third-floor classroom where they have waited each day since the tsunami swept into the town of Ishinomaki for their parents to collect them. So far, no one has come and few at the school now believe they will.
Teachers think that some of the boys and girls, aged between eight and 12, know their fathers and mothers are among the missing and will never again turn up at the gates of the school on the eastern outskirts of the town, but they are saying nothing.
nstead, they wait patiently reading books or playing card games watched over by relatives and teachers, who prevent anyone from speaking to them.
Officials fear that even the sound of the door sliding back might raise false hope that a parent has come to collect them. Their silence is in marked contrast to other children playing in the corridors of the four-storey building, whose parents survived due to a complete fluke.
There have been some sad stories from the nation, and most likely will be more as the cleanup kicks in and nuclear annihilation still threatens the general population, but the story of the kids at school, waiting for patiently for the parents they love to come, is one of the hardest hitting of the entire natural disaster.
Goodnight. Avoid the rain. No matter the color.
Friday, March 18, 2011
May the night be quiet, peaceful, and serene. Goodnight.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? — Carole King
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Johnny Cash & Jimmie Rodgers - Danny Boy
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, 2011
Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar (Dublin Ireland, 2006)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Two states left
I did a shout out to the states of Hawaii, North Dakota, and Wyoming.. North Dakota came through with visits today.. still waiting for the other two.
Stay lean, minus the cuisine
Dieters and male office workers unite: Be fearful over a recall of some Lean Cuisine dinners..
Interestingly enough, they were on sale a week ago on my local grocer..
Good thing I didn’t take advantage of the sale on half-sized turkey dinners and blank egg rolls..
Although the chicken marsala isn’t so bad.
Either way, some of the dinners have been recalled after discovery of ‘foreign’ materials within the spaghetti and meatballs.
The products were sold east of the Rocky Mountains in 9.5 ounce units entitled “Lean Cuisine Simple Favorites, Spaghetti with Meatballs” and have the establishment number “EST 7991.”
They bear a November 2011 “best before” date on the side of the package.
I can’t recall if the meatballs were on sale.. and I hope for your sake your don’t have packages with that establishment number..
International child pedophilia ring busted
Three year old “Operation Rescue” has succeeded, according to police.. They say the product of their investigation revealed an international pedophile ring, rescuing 230 children from abuse and arresting 184 suspects — including teachers and police officers
The ring was centered on an Amsterdam-based online forum called Investigations still are ongoing concerning members to the website. One official said, “Those who have been members of the site can expect a knock on the door in the very near future”..