The entertainment world continues to watch the movies of the famed Nikki Finke.. She posted an update on her site only a few days back that she has made a decision on her future plans and ‘big changes’ are coming.. What those changes are, however, are not being revealed.. instead she went on to boast about her surging Twitter follower numbers.. We have been following her site since the legal battle began with DEADLINE.. Quite frankly, I miss Nikki Finke and she needs to do something. Soon.. MORE HERE:
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Come back Nikki Finke
Hello world!
Happy blogging!
PRICE IS WRONG: RIGHT model keeps her job despite the fact she gave away a cart by accident.. But it made for great TV, unscripted moments catch on.. And this may be the first time the PRICE IS RIGHT is getting this much attention since Bob Barker left. No doubt they kept her, and they can use this mistake to their benefit. What you see on TV is never real.. Perhaps even those… unscripted moments. Food for thought.
Justin Beiber scored some points in the humor arena this weekend.. his ROAST was a hit on Comedy Central, though I thought it missed the mark (him) .. And hebecame a sensation online for his impression of Ozzy singing CRAZY TRAIN on the Lip Sync Battle.. But quite honestly, he didn’t look at all like Ozzy.. instead he has a stunning resemblance to Monica Lewinsky. Really. Look close.
I am not buying this….. at all.
“Chelsea Manning” joins Twitter from prison..
Tweets are not permitted by prisoners unless they have specific approval.. Bradley now Chelsea Manning must have received this special attention. So in prison for exposing national security secrets?
And now suddenly being given the ability to tweet to the masses from prison?
Even though the UK GUARDIAN says that Mizz Manning on not permitted NET access?
This does not make sense in my tin-foil protected mind.
WAR.. what is it good for.
Al-Shabab PROMISES another bloodbath in Kenya.. This promise came before the body parts were cleaned and the blood was dry at the University that saw the mayhem and murder. Almost 150 were dead, many more injured.. Christians were targeted .. the terrorists, in this situation, seemed to have struck a mighty blow against the fabric of Kenya and the safety of the nation.. Another article: Somalia’s Shabab promises to turn Kenyan cities red with blood..
The friend of my enemy is my friend’s enemy’s friend who is my enemy. Confusion over YEMEN. Whose side is anyone on? In the Mid East, it’s a constant chess match that normally turns into checkers when one player decides to blow things up .. In the matter of Yemen, we are fighting alongside of people who are fighting in other nations.. We are friendly there with people we are not other places. We are simply setting ourselves up for failure.. This experiment of constant war needs to end.
Car from JEEPERS CREEPERS now up for auction on eBay.. One way to tell you’re aging: The cars from movies you still think are sort of new but aren’t are up for auction on ebay..
Friday, April 3, 2015
More ‘death of the mall’ updates
Two teen clothing stores in Lackawanna county closing..
The Cressona Mall in Cressona, PA, facing foreclosure..
And the Schuylkill Mall, one I have been talking about on this site for some time, is most likely going to be having some numbered days with anchor stores abandoning it..
As for the coal region, one quote from the WNEP story worth reading:
“‘It seems like it’s happening to all the malls around here, they’re all closing, the Schuylkill Mall, there’s pretty much going to be nothing left,” said Mandy Galdi of Pottsville.
With more money issues and less shopping options, Gladi said there’s only one thing to do: “move, I’m moving.”
College senior goes off campus.. Actually he’s off the grid.. The title of his project is CONTENT WITH NOTHING.. And he’s making news for living in a makeshift shelter off the campus of Juniata College in Pennsylvania. As a Pennsylvanian, I can say this past winter most likely was a rough one.. I smell a reality show could be made from this.. But quite frankly, I bet there’s a ton of college students that would kill to have this much private space off campus..
Thursday, April 2, 2015
..…the location for the house, during shooting, I chose because it had a strange and unnecessary field that the houses of this particular community were built around. And we found – throughout production – that we had persistent and repeatable equipment field only on that strange plot of land. For instance, lights that could turn on anywhere else in the neighborhood would blow out the second you’d try to light them on this plot,” he added. “Also, I used a lot of aerial drone photography in the film, and the drone-pilots were never able to lock in the GPS signal in this field. We would have to move 10 feet away to launch the craft.
I was too afraid to find out what the land used to be. We filmed outside of Toronto, somewhere between Buffalo New York and Toronto, Ontario, in a town called Hamilton
But forgive me for dumping some doubt on these paranormal tales..
First off, the original POLTERGEIST is known for creepy rumors and urban legends that surround the production—there are tales that the clown used in the original film actually had a moment where its seemingly tried strangling Oliver Robbins.. There’s also the creepy and tragic factor of Dominique Dunne and Heather O’Rourke passing away after completing production.. There are lots of other weird and strange rumored paranormal possibilities that you can read in depth there..
But as far as this new movie? I have a problem with the remake already. The trailer looks ridiculous. It looks forced.. I said a few months back that this may be a remake I am okay with. The more I contemplate it the less I’m okay, as a matter of fact, the more it’s just, in my humble opinion, a remake that will be chalked up as a blip on the radar of horror..
And these comments offered by Kenan are a little offensive. I think the filmmakers are trying to push a paranormal ‘reality’ to the film to give it some form of ghostly street cred—almost to overshadow the original film’s nostalgic and paranormal feel..
Nothing will beat the original POLTERGEIST. And quite frankly, there is nothing ‘haunted’ about where this new remake was shot.
But the scary thing is the possibility of a flop.. therefore Gil and company are trying to push some false narrative to employ your most fearful imaginations about this new movie.
I also read comments on several horror related message boards.. Most are chalking these Gil Kenan remarks up as fiction.. and BS..
People need to be careful when walking on the gravesite of past actors who may have truly been affected by a movie curse (though that is still a stretch, too, some would say) .. But even more, directors and movie makers need to be extremely cautious in over-hyping a movie that will most likely bust like a balloon loosing air.
The faithful never leave us without something to do, unless we hide in our offices or go out in our cars wearing sun glasses. There is a good and healthy tiredness. It is the exhaustion of the priest who wears the smell of the sheep… but also smiles the smile of a father rejoicing in his children or grandchildren. It has nothing to do with those who wear expensive cologne and who look at others from afar and from above. Do I know how to rest by accepting the love, gratitude and affection which I receive from God’s faithful people? Or once my pastoral work is done, do I seek more refined relaxations, not those of the poor but those provided by a consumerist society? Is the Holy Spirit truly ‘rest in times of weariness’ for me or is he just someone who keeps me busy?
All the world’s a buffet for the POPE..Pope Fat-cis: According to new reports, Pope Francis is being told to lay off the pasta for a while.. There Pope recently made news for having a pizza delivery man give him some grub while moving through town in his Pope Mobile.. Now a massive weight gain has apparently caused eyes to widened by Francis as his scale tips.. New linens must be ordered! Get a bigger frock. Francis is the incredible enlarging pope..
Easter dinner this weekend. Lots of ham.
Mystery of strange radio bursts from space
Mysterious radio wave flashes from far outside the galaxy are proving tough for astronomers to explain. Is it pulsars? A spy satellite? Or an alien
There are very real and respectable people asking if this is a sign from intelligent life.. OR something else. A fascinating mystery
Mystery of strange radio bursts from space