If you want to know why the GOP is bound to lose in 2012??? just watch their convention!
They can’t dance. They have awful elevator bumper music. Their outfits are atrocious.. they … just … are… lame!
If you want to know why the GOP is bound to lose in 2012??? just watch their convention!
They can’t dance. They have awful elevator bumper music. Their outfits are atrocious.. they … just … are… lame!
Just when I felt better, increased by vitamin intake, and began to exercise again, enter this scenario: My wife and I took Ayden to eat some pizza at PIZZA HUT today for lunch and we casually brought up to the younger waitress how we used to love the ‘book it program.’ She gave us a strange blank stare, smiling saying, “I never heard of that.” She seemed stunned of the knowledge we had on the past! It was like we told her we saw the ‘wheel’ get created.
She went on to tell us that her “older” manager “always talks about old days” of Pizza Hut.
I began to get stunned. And feel really old.
The waitress was only, say, ten years younger.. and I thought to myself in horror, when did “book it” end!?
I even told the server how, back in ‘the day,’ there would be a grand pizza party during the last week of school. I didn’t tell her, but I even have a newspaper clipping somewhere in my possession showing me and my friend Kevin in third grade waiting in line for pizza. Third grade for me was … the late 1980s. So the age begins to show, I suppose..
Soooo.. I did some research! AND feel a whole hell of a lot better!
BOOK IT STILL EXISTS! That’s right, server! Young punk! take your no-knowledge of anything and shove it! I have proof that YOU don’t know your own trade! ha!
I still feel old, though.
After all, perhaps BOOK IT would work better if Pizza Hut changes it to “Kindle it.” Just saying.
Greetings earthlings across the pale blue dot.It’s the weekend. Are you ready? Summer seriously winding down.
The crickets are chirping loud.. I see some yellow tint to some leaves. I just can’t believe that the long hot summer was so short..
This time of year may be the best. Now until October. Beautiful nights.. amazing mornings.. Sunny and warm but not oppressive.
But this time of year goes by rather fast, too.. Gone soon will be the noise of leaves rustling in a summer breeze. Soon a howl of cold wind
But we cannot be depressed. The midsummer night’s dream turns into an autumnal depression.. followed by winter suppression.
But at least we have Christmas……. And the Mayan calender excitement on 12/22.. if we make it through December we’ll be fine.
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Attention parents out there.. what is the deal with Caillou? My son loves him.. but I don’t get him. Is he real? an illusion?
Perhaps he is just an enigma. The imagination of an insane older grandmother who is intent on believing he exists.
I cannot imagine a father in reality like Caillou’s. Or a mom. Or even a sister. No fighting!? No drugs!? No alcohol at an early age!
No, Caillou must be fake. He carries no knives, no weapons. Not like the reality of kids today.
But the fact he likes making crafts and enjoys doing laundry makes me happy my son watches him.. after all, Caillou is a boy of peace. I think. OR a villain waiting to rear his ugly head..
Just the facts first: A Republican named Todd Akin in Missouri was a favorite to win this fall in a Senate race against incumbent Claire McCaskill. Then he said this: It seems to me first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare, If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down” .. Enter the firestorm. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have distanced themselves already, Akin has Tweeted constant sorrys from his account.. and he has vanished from the media glare as the firestorm continues across the political landscape. Now a woman who was set to lose in the fall, McCaskill, may have an issue, a new fire to hit back, and a chance to win and keep the Senate for the Democrats in November.
Second, this one more obscene than the ‘legitimate rape’ stupidity: A Republican Congressman named Kevin Yoder from Kansas went to the Sea of Galilee last year with lots of other Republicans. They decided to get really drunk and party, and in a sign of stupidity, immaturity, and absolute disrespect for where he was, took his clothes off and went skinny dipping into the sea. And now the FBI is looking into it! Other Republicans were there, too—including former Vice President Dan Quayle’s son Ben.. OH, and one Congressman’s daughter swim with all of the others.. Hmm.. Yoder, thus far, is the only one making ‘waves’ for being completely in the buff in the historic sea of Galilee. He also Tweeted a sorry, too.
These two stories have intense political significant, and pop culture repercussions, too. Legitimate rape? Swimming nude in the Sea of Galilee? If this is how Republicans are without the media spotlight, just imagine how they’ll act next week at their own convention!?
It’s about time we have a super sonic jet for public use. If aliens can use them why not us.. Or maybe the fact the military is ‘designing one’ means they have had one, and those little green men have never been little green anythings but instead fat earthlings testing new equipment.
Nonetheless here is the DAILY MAIL article about a potential future in which a supersonic jet will be able to transport you at 4500 mph. That’s pretty darn fast.
Funny enough, I am a little scared about air travel. But if a flight could last only that long I’d be much more inclined and quite excited about going around the one in just an hour or two.
Some air travel lovers may argue that it would eliminate those beautiful and breathtaking images you can see our of a window. But if you’re afraid of heights you’ll go so fast it wouldn’t matter. And in the event of a crash you’ll never know what hit you.
And how much trash did the world leave behind..?
And bam, or should I say Wham! He appears at the Olympics singing freedom. The irony..
Thanks to news organizations reporting that it is a sexual fiesta behind the scenes at the Olympics, now I’m watching the closing ceremonies wondering who used all their gold medal protection. Thanks CNN. Thanks…
The next time you’re in the movie theater, you may think twice about popcorn, now that a new study has linked butter popcorn to Alzheimer’s..
The chemical linked to Alzheimer’s in the new study is diacetyl .. That same ingredient has been linked to lung disease..
Even more, diacetyl is in more than just popcorn, including eggs in greasy spoon restaurants, and often used as the spray on skillets for foods in restaurants such as shrimp, steak, chicken, and fresh vegetables..
You are what you eat. So watch what you eat. And know what you eat—sometimes it’s painful to do research on your ingredients but it may just pay off in the end..