Monday, September 19, 2011

This was what the seven-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite looked like in 1991

When it hits earth, in who knows how many pieces, it will look very different

Andrew scribblings: Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

Well this explanation is as good as any.. andrewwhiting:


Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week

.. I just still don’t get it. The sky is falling. Heads up. It may hit. 1 in 3200 chance of a human dying, says NASA. .

It’s pretty simple, actually: the atmosphere just below where the satellite currently is…

….but 1 in 3200 chance of human life lost!? Heads up

Andrew scribblings: Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

The World's Deadliest Volcano Rumbles.. Farmers Flee

The World's Deadliest Volcano Rumbles.. Farmers Flee

Someone explain to me, if you can.. How can't NASA know where the satellite will fall?

Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week

.. I just still don’t get it. The sky is falling. Heads up. It may hit. 1 in 3200 chance of a human dying, says NASA. .

…Coal Speaker solar flare hits earth. Be alert.

Dozens of TSA workers have been fired for not checking bags.. but what I wonder: Did they grope!?

Dozens of TSA workers have been fired for not checking bags.. but what I wonder: Did they grope!?

We have become a brainwashed world, buying things we don't need and becoming mind-numbed by advertisements telling us we need things that we don't

We have become a brainwashed world, buying things we don't need and becoming mind-numbed by advertisements telling us we need things that we don't

The kids aren't alright.. years of cell phone use and texting have led teens to this: They can't write!

The kids aren't alright.. years of cell phone use and texting have led teens to this: They can't write!

A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather

Those places that got buried in feet of snow last year may not have to worry this year.. La Nina’s pattern changes may be a coming…

A La Nina year? Upcoming winter clues offered at Accuweather

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ouch! An article slams Katy Perry, and a lot more: Katy Perry - The Boredom Of Whoredom

While it’s a nasty article, it’s extremely well written and after I was done, I couldn’t help but nodding in some sort of ‘old man’ sense of agreement. 

The quote from TakiMag’s article that stuck with me the most: 

Today, Katy Perry is married to former sex addict Russell Brand and dances around a Candyland gameboard dressed like Bettie Page shooting whipped cream out of her tits. Millions of little girls love her, filling arenas to max capacity. Some of them even got up onstage the other night to sing along:

Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois

I have a son now… I have a child. A true child. Someone who will hear these words and maybe ask me what they mean. So forgive me for my sudden prudishness, but now I question some of pop culture. 

When I walk around a store and see lingerie-type underwear for young girls I wonder if pedophiles are behind it.. I wonder if the guy looking at my son at a supermarket is … someone that should stay away. I am protective. Which is natural. So when  I hear Katy Perry’s words, I think different as a dad than I would has a non-dad.

But sorry… I still like Ke$ha. Don’t know why. 

In the end, I just hope my son likes my taste in music: Billy Joel, Native American, Rag Time, Simple Plan, Lady Gaga, 70s and .. yes, Kesha. 

Another price of coal region life… Jammed coal furnaces..

Imagine this world: President Obama orders YOUR arrest because you faked a Facebook name.. ridiculous? Yes.. but could it happen.. maybe. Under new draconian rules from Congress, it sure would

Imagine this world: President Obama orders YOUR arrest because you faked a Facebook name.. ridiculous? Yes.. but could it happen.. maybe. Under new draconian rules from Congress, it sure would

Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded

The book is called “Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President” .. and it’s set to make waves.. 

Could this be.. the propelling factor to launch Hillary’s anti-Obama 2012 campaign?! Women excluded.. Hillary to the rescue.. Amazing thing, this politics sure is.

Interesting new Ron Suskind book on Obama White House unleashes this: Women feeling ignored and excluded

Millions of dead fish in China.. what does this mass die-off mean?

Millions of dead fish in China.. what does this mass die-off mean?

A thousand converge on Wall Street for day of rage

A thousand converge on Wall Street for day of rage

Is your 401K at risk?

Is your 401K at risk?