Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thanks, again, to all those who sent emails this past week, messages.. those who visited and read what was here..

The news of the world, yet again, has been dominated by debt. The economic gains are diminished, here in the US of A.. and the world, too, isn’t much better. Though 7 billion inhabit the planet, it’s obvious most of that population is in for inescapable journeys, some that will take us to hell on earth and others that will force development of our species.

The idea of 7 billion people.. I can’t even fathom it. That amount of souls, spaced out in space here on this blue dot somewhere in a galaxy, in a universe.. I can’t grasp the idea of what we are, who we are..

People offer up tales of physical prowess at bars across America every Saturday night.. It will happen to you, no doubt, that at some point this weekend someone will offer up a point or two about how much better they are as compared to you. But, ask yourself, what are they? … cell… atoms.. spinning. A mass of atoms, and often a mass of ass. Mass, nonetheless..

And take it even further.. we don’t know what the universe is, we’re not quite sure exactly how a big bang occurred, but still somehow buy into the notion that the universe was the size of a fist and exploded into this. Despite our inability to conjure up any real data to prove the big bang once and for all, it’s our best belief. So, this Saturday, when Joe Sixpack propels himself to the head of the club or the front of the line, realize that you’re somehow joined with him/her.. we’re all somehow joined together.

But I still can’t figure out, despite a mass of atoms, what exactly we are.

And never will.

But that’s just how it’s going to be.

Good Saturday evening, all, and here’s hoping your figure out what you are and where you’re going on this long highway of life, with stretches of boredom and others filled with accidents and riddles.

Good evening.

That’s right.. 7 billion strong, here on this planet.. Food shortages.. water problems.. some population booms in lands hurt by storms and disasters.. Oh yes, indeed, those here, all 7 billion of us, have quite a story to tell.. And those coming onto the planet, or back again depending on your religious beliefs, have some tough times ahead.

But that’s the way it’s always been here… here on this beautiful blue ball, surrounded by space and time, and ravaged by war and crime.

COWBOYS & ALIENS isn’t doing as well as expected.. but the SMURFS is doing much better..

Remember, only days ago, most predicted that the SMURFS would be trounced by the bigger budget flick..

Go SMURFS! A victory for anyone who grew up in the roaring 80s..


Crystal Gayle sings … Get ready for the times to be better.

We’re all ready for it..

Friday, July 29, 2011


The Highwaymen

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I’ll be the first to say it, I hate the giant plastic testicles on the backs of trucks.. But … a jury trial for displaying them!? … that’s more obscene than the testicles. (More here:

Boehner having trouble with his caucus

Great headline .. Don’t you think?

A little depressing...

That summer sun is setting sooner each night. 8pm now and it’s already getting a little dark. These long summer days are ending, and the lightning bugs are gone.. How sad, how… sad.

Get your ass in line

I guess it's because you needs two hands to fondle? The TSA refuses to hire a man with one hand

I guess it's because you needs two hands to fondle? The TSA refuses to hire a man with one hand

Education 2011: British fitness teaching pole dancing to girls aged seven -- and putting pictures of them on the internet

Education 2011: British fitness teaching pole dancing to girls aged seven -- and putting pictures of them on the internet

Piers Morgan finds himself caught up in Murdoch phone hack scandal

Piers Morgan finds himself caught up in Murdoch phone hack scandal

Some other news of the day

How to tell if it’s made in China..

Piers Morgan implicated in phone hack scandal..

Hundreds of strange underground tunnels found in Bavaria..

Suicide spikes among middle aged women..

Unique findings on the far side of the moon..

A town bans ANIMAL NOISES!

New information suggests that long winters made people have bigger eyes..

Woman arrested after sausage attack..

Alex Trebek injures leg while chasing a burglar..

Facebook removes NEVERMIND cover photo..

It's "complicated:" NSA tracking Americans in the homeland

It's "complicated:" NSA tracking Americans in the homeland

If a woman gains weight a new poll says half of men would leave them.. and guaranteed that at least 70% if the 50% are obese slobs themselves.. The women would probably be better off without self centered selfish males who age just as fast as women.


Spirit in the Sky — Norman Greenbaum