Saturday, February 12, 2011


A mystery illness hits the PLAYBOY mansion..

Report: NY Dept. of Labor issues safety violations against #’Spider-Man’ Broadway musical: More..

Bad night at the PLAYBOY mansion..

Bad night at the PLAYBOY mansion..

Win one for the libertarian? Ron Paul wins at CPAC

Win one for the libertarian? Ron Paul wins at CPAC

I’ve said it before and will say it again: Any Saturday night you’re waiting for a pregnant wife to pop is made better by famed British cooks of the 90s TWO FAT LADIES.

It’s not the 4th of July, but it’s Saturday. Go to the park.

Have fun.

Chicago — Saturday


Happy Saturday. Or something.

Dramatic image: There is a hole in the sun, and it’s leaking plasma into space.. NASA ready to keep a close eye on coronal holes as they are right at the start of the space weather chain that is expecting to begin soon..

The New York POST encapsulates the dramatic conversion of power from Mubarak to the ‘no one yet’ in a cover of Hosni in a mummy wrap. Good pun. Got to love the New York POST..

Stay off the crack, drink chocolate milk and enjoy every moment - that’s all I’ve got

Charlie Sheen’s advice to students as reported here: Charlie Sheen warns students off drugs and to stick to chocolate milkshake

I think we all can agree with Charlie Sheen’s milk advice. Although I don’t expect to see him on a milk ad any time soon, unless they let him put the white around his nose rather than his upper lip.

Friday, February 11, 2011

It’s been a long day.. Longer night.

Heavy-minded events took place after the 8pm hour this evening.. a death in the family and a potential death for a family pet. Friday night lights a bit dimmer this evening.

Here’s hoping everyone in Tumblrland and the rest of the world too had a fantastic day and has an even more fantastic night..

And until this website should happen to update again, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.

RIP family member Richie.. Time for rest after a trying life.

And I hope Bailey the dog gets better soon, too.

Some other news bits of interest from the day

So much for that: Kill switch given to “DO NOT TRACK” internet privacy bill in the House despite support from key players in Congress.

Foot bone shows: We walked 3.2 million years ago.. MORE.. A foot bone from a species made famous by the 1974 discovery of the specimen called Lucy had arched feet like modern humans

"Hoax" in the Holy Land: "Proven fake"

Chandra Levy’s killer sentenced: 60 years..

6.8 quake: Chile..

Governator returning to acting..

Video infant baby monitors being recalled after death of two children..

Science works on a modern approach to finding an ET..

The new Madonna song Lady Gaga song released BORN THIS WAY..
Does Gaga owe debt to Madonna?
Our Lady of Gaga?

She’s just being Miley: Cyrus to host Saturday Night Live..

UPI: Billy Joel is shrugging off remarks made by his old touring buddy, Elton John, who called him an alcoholic coasting on fear and laziness

The upcoming CELEBRITY APPRENTICE looks like an absolute train wreck..

…and the Donald wants to run for president..?

Any news on the baby!??!!?

Thank you for asking, friend..

We’re entering into crunch time.. Any time within the next two weeks..

Tonight, I literally felt a hand, or foot, pushing through my wife’s stomach.. It amazed me at how strong this kid is.

We’re in for it.

Maybe there'll be an app for that? Scientists Work on Plan to Call ETs

Maybe there'll be an app for that? Scientists Work on Plan to Call ETs



A blast from the past! So happy I came across this little memory of the late 90s glory of LATE NIGHT WITH CONAN O’BRIEN and the guy who had bullet proof legs..


This Happened

 The Michelle is too damn Bachmann

The Patriot Act is literally the destruction of the 4th Amendment. That’s what it’s all about.

Ron Paul CPAC 2011 (via evilteabagger)