Saturday, October 22, 2016
YOU MAY BE NEXT from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
YOU MAY BE NEXT from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
President Eisenhower’s $14 Billion Heart Attack
JFK may have had his own checkered medical history, but his predecessor’s health proved far more precarious for the country.
This is a fascinating read.. the President, who ate a burger and onions, ended up with a heart attack.. the nation ended up learning about his daily regiment including bowel movements…. and he won a second term despite a mild stroke and speech problem.
History is amazing…
Clown sightings: the day it all began
The UK GUARDIAN has a good article concerning all of these clown sightings.. and (as they refer to it) patient zero and the first person this year to start the frenzy.. From the article:
The first person to spot a clown, the patient zero in the current epidemic of threatening clowns sightings spreading across the US, was a little boy at a low-income apartment complex in Greenville, South Carolina.
He ran to his mother, Donna Arnold, and told her what he had seen: two clowns in the woods, both brightly dressed and made up. One with a red fright wig and the other with a black star painted on his face. They whispered something to the boy.
“They were trying to lure him to the house,” his mother told me, pointing toward the woods.
A path into the woods led down into a shaded hollow, at the bottom of which was a small pond. Beside it sat a house that seemed abandoned. Someone had boarded up the windows, and the balcony sagged. New bags of potting soil sat near the basement door, though.
A friend of mine said to me last night that her daughter is frightened to go trick or treating this year for Halloween.. that the school bus is buzzing with rumors and speculation from older kids about clowns.. that the clowns are supernatural and they could kill or at the very minimum steal a child away from safety..
And a modern day urban legend is born!
Exciting times to be living through such a rash of clown sightings..
The problem is, most of these ‘sightings’ most likely aren’t real. As you can read if you go back through my archive dump of 'creepy clown’ news (click the tag below this article) , I don’t think even half of them are actual real..
Some may be. Others could be copycats.. and lots, a big number I bet, is mass paranoia and hysteria.. seeing shadows and thinking they are clowns behind shrubs.
The modern tale of horror as we inch closer to Halloween is the pale face under a full moon … it is frightening, these clowns. Even if they are not really there.
Friday, October 21, 2016
The small town clown ban hits my son’s school!
I received a circular from my son’s school today the clowns are banned!!
The Halloween parade coming up for his kindergarten has been marred by the small town clown scare of 2016.. The clowns, the mailing to parents said, will not be permitted.
No outfits with white paint.
No red wigs..
nothing…Clowns are barred from appearing.
It is getting a bit silly, isn’t IT?
A ban on clowns, but not on vampires..? Not on ghosts..? Not on ghouls of any sorts.
No, clowns. They are an emblem of death but … maybe they are being banned because of a fear of death and not the fear of clowns!
Maybe we are not afraid of the teenagers hiding in the woods with white paint? Maybe we are not too affected by those meandering around under street lights with wigs and red noses.. No, instead, maybe we are frightened by what these symbols of the underworld represent.. maybe we are freaked by our own demise?
Regardless of what they represent or why we are afraid, schools and entire towns banning clowns for Halloween seems a little big ludicrous..
Target is affected, too..
Target Removes Clown Masks From Stores After Recent Scares »
It is a world a silly. Insane. CLOWN. Can’t wait for November when the clown crisis clears up… Until then it’s cloudy with a Chance of mild hysteria
And along with stores banning them, ENTIRE TOWNS are also saying they can’t appear during Halloween trick or treating. School across America, not just my son’s nestled in the coal region of Pennsylvania, is calling quits on white paint.
It is all silly. It is all ridiculous.. it is all too much.
Let the small town clown nonsense of 2016 just end.
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Board passes anti-clown ordinance - Kemper County Messenger - DeKalb, Mississippi
The Kemper County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance during its regular meeting on Monday that makes it unlawful for any person of any age to appear in public in Kemper County in a clown costume, clown mask or clown makeup. The ordinance was signed into effect by Kemper County Board President Johnny Whitsett at 11:28 a.m. on Monday and expires the day after Halloween.
This sort of thing is getting little old.. A little stale.. The small town clown scare is getting a bit out of control..
West Coast now under web attack as East Coast recovers
Major issues across the United States today..
Of COURSE clowns are scary!!This BBC article explains some good...
Of COURSE clowns are scary!!
This BBC article explains some good history on why..
So during your local home town clown frown you can have more reason to be afraid…….
Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal ...
Actually.. this is pretty fascinating.. The more Podesta emails that come out the more weird and bizarre it gets. I have no doubt that John is a Coast insider and also listened to Art Bell back in the 90s..
That being said.. Wayne Madsen reported a few days ago a theory.. he did not believe that Russians hacked into US systems but instead a behind the scenes cladestine mission took place among hackers within the UFO community.. and that they spilled the beans to Wikileaks..
That is getting hard to dispute when you see Tom Delonge and George Knapp show up in emails, along with Astronaut Mitchell ..
There indeed is a thick plot that rivals one of the best and most watched X-FILES shows..
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Politicaled out..
The debates are over..
And I’m done.
Politics has become one of the most tiresome things taking up my time..
Today my ninth anniversary and also a very minor injury to my son in school by tripping over his shoelaces out things in perspective.
It’s almost and I’ve almost blogged 0% about Halloween!
What has happened to my priorities?!
Expect some non political vibes through October 31… The reason of the season is not treason.
It’s time for ‘real news’..
It has been nine years to date since this photo was taken. In...
It has been nine years to date since this photo was taken. In it, you can clearly see my wife over-zealously pushing cake into my face. It set up for a great photo! Amazing image of pumpkins and a fall-themed cake, along with my beautiful wife’s amazing dress.. And my handsome looks. Well, the back of my head.
It has been nine years since we ‘tied the knot.’ And actually about 15 or so years since we first met and become friends..
With all the trouble in your world, you may not be too interested in a ‘love story that worked.’ But we did. In our own way..
There are times we don’t work as well as other days. Arguments ensue.. Busy weeks and weekends with a child in school who is now getting interested in after-class art groups and basketball and soccer.. It’s been a busy times. There are nights now where by 8pm we realize we forgot to eat.. This is parenting and marriage.
One day when the busy becomes calm, we will miss these times.. These moments of our ninth year.
Tara and I had an amazing wedding day. At that moment in time her mother was still alive.. Our families came together for a church service that my sister played the organ at and an after party that went into the night. I danced on a bar — a little embarrassed by that – but it was just that kind of night..
Time goes on. Days dry up and turn into night.. But the spring time of morning is born again every day.
And for 9 years and going, our lives have been reborn each morning to ‘do it all again.’
There are trials and tribulations in life. My best advice, find someone who can help you through it and who equally can use your assistance for them. And make sure you love them.
If you have that, you’re lucky.
I have that.
I am lucky.
*PS, I am tweeting this to Ali Krieger. She is my wife’s and son’s favorite soccer player and it sure would be nice to have Ali send my wife a happy anniversary note. I think I’d be excused for wedding gifts for the rest of my life!
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
When truth is reality and fiction is real: The political climate we live in now entering DEFCON 3
Last night, Matt Drudge of Drudge Report top story linked an article appearing on Real Clear Politics. The story posted on that site showcased a YouTube video from personality Joey Salads. Salads claimed that he set up a hidden camera and placed a car with Trump for president signs in a ‘black neighborhood’–unnamed by the way. The video ended with people trashing the car. Drudge’s headline brought notoriety to the video and it was shared around the world.
And none of it was real. Not an ounce..
It was actually conservative YouTuber Mark Dice who exposed the video as a fraud .. Compliments to him on seeking truth and constantly exposing the rich nature of hypocrisy online–and on YouTube where people often profess that hidden camera joke gags are real but instead are simply vain attempts for clickbait and cash along with instant fame..
Dice and others online showed a camera angle not seen before–someone from the building behind where the supposed trashing took place actually was filming the set up: Camera crews were filming Salad talking while the 'black youths’ were waiting to their cue to trash the car.
And THAT is how a hoax happens..
This has been an ultimate deplorable yer for information such as this.. The lies and propaganda from a variety of sources of deafening..
The Drudge Report didn’t set out to trick the public, but instead was duped itself.
Lots of duping is taking place.
Yesterday when Julian Assange was 'taken off the internet’ immediate rumor mill websites posted links that he was DEAD. In bold headlines. Clickbait without any form of journalistic standard can now be found online … It won’t take long to find it.
There is some rumors that should be followed up on, however.. Such as the one where John Kerry was in London telling the Ecuadorian government that there could very well be ramifications if they don’t cut off Assange. And he was cut off. Did John Kerry really do it? Say it? We won’t know because these days the 'real’ reporters wait for talking points and don’t follow up, while the online reporters assume they know and don’t wait for facts.
It is a rough world.
Wikileaks and the outcome of the Podesta emails are interesting. We are told to blame the Russians!! Yes, the Ruskies did it with their dreaded election hacking. But Wayne Madsen actually says it could have been UFO hunters hunting for X files that worked with Podesta and actually hacked the government servers. And gave it to Wikileaks.
Maybe..? Blink once and it’s gone. Blink 182 times and Tom Delonge may have it..
Disclosure without the capital D.
This election is also working to divide people in ways I have never seen before.
Take Saturday Night LIVE for instance … First off the show hasn’t been that humorous, at least not to me, since the late 90s and early 2000s… But the Alec Baldwin Trump impression is actually quite comical. For two weeks now, SNL’s cold opening utilized humor from the now two presidential debates. The portrayal was Trump as a loose cannon of insanity and Hillary as a power hungry professional who is buying time until she win the election. But there is something very not funny about the SNL political humor these days. No, not because Trump bashed the Baldwin impression, but instead because we are so divided and the real world imitates showbiz so well that it’s easy to forget if we are watching truth or fiction..
There are families becoming divided because of this election. People debating and hating at 3am.
I know of at least one father who virtually disowned his son because of their political differences on Trump.. Yesterday while waiting for my pizza to be heated up at work in an Italian restaurant, FOX NEWS was playing and half the crowd was becoming visibly disgusted while the other half was proudly standing straight when Trump clips were played.
Everything has gone political.
And yes, even Halloween has.
Expect lots of Trump masks and Hillary outfits this year for the annual parade and Trick or Treating in your quaint little neighborhood.
The small town clown syndrome hit back in August. There were clowns popping up all around forests and even urban dwellings, scared the Bejesus out of people.
Maybe the real clowns are just waiting for their cue… The real clowns of the autumn air are coming in November. To a polling place near you.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Target Removes Clown Masks From Stores After Recent Scares
It is a world a silly. Insane.
Can’t wait for November when the clown crisis clears up…
Until then it’s cloudy with a Chance of mild hysteria
The battle for Mosul is being live streamed on Facebook
As always, I’m amazed by technological advancements but disgusted by humanity..
in-all-conscience: coalspeaker: Strange tweets last night...
Strange tweets last night were sent out by Wikileaks .. ‘pre-committments’ as they were called.. and only a few hours later, the internet world was in mayhem as Wikileaks sent out a message that “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party” … they have “activated the appropriate contigency plans..”
The world is buzzing about whodunit, but before curing the initial cryptic tweets, some thought it was a message that Assange was dead. Gizmodo was among those to note that the 64-charater codes were strange indeed.. Rumors quickly were uploaded to Reddit and Twitter, saying that the numbers meant a ‘dead man’s switch’ was turned on–many know that these switches do exist..
After the initial ‘severed’ Tweet sent by Wikileaks, there has been silence .. no more Tweets. No official statements by any governments or “state party.” Nothing.
Wikileaks as an issue has been thrust into the presidential campaign, as anyone paying attention will know. With a debate this week and at least 9 sets (at the time I write this) of Podesta emails being dumped, along with these newest tidbits of info of espionage from the world of the darkest parts of the web, we will hear Trump talk about this quite a bit..
These “codes” are SHA-512 hash digests, likely for encrypted archives which are to be released at a later date. When the archives are released anyone with the appropriate software can compute the hashes and verify their integrity and authenticity (insofar as them having come from WikiLeaks unaltered).
Good point on this matter .. what I wonder is this: Were these coded SHA-512 hash digests (thanks for that info) sent after it was determined that Assange was “severed” fro the NET..? And was that the precautionary action taken by Wikileaks because of the severing..
Also interesting is how many people are still rumoring Assange to have been killed in some fashion and that the ‘sever’ comment is more than just cutting off a high speed line in an embassy..
Strange tweets last night were sent out by Wikileaks .....
Strange tweets last night were sent out by Wikileaks .. ‘pre-committments’ as they were called.. and only a few hours later, the internet world was in mayhem as Wikileaks sent out a message that “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party” … they have “activated the appropriate contigency plans..”
The world is buzzing about whodunit, but before curing the initial cryptic tweets, some thought it was a message that Assange was dead. Gizmodo was among those to note that the 64-charater codes were strange indeed.. Rumors quickly were uploaded to Reddit and Twitter, saying that the numbers meant a 'dead man’s switch’ was turned on–many know that these switches do exist..
After the initial 'severed’ Tweet sent by Wikileaks, there has been silence .. no more Tweets. No official statements by any governments or “state party.” Nothing.
Wikileaks as an issue has been thrust into the presidential campaign, as anyone paying attention will know. With a debate this week and at least 9 sets (at the time I write this) of Podesta emails being dumped, along with these newest tidbits of info of espionage from the world of the darkest parts of the web, we will hear Trump talk about this quite a bit..
yesterdaysprint: The News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware, July...
The News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware, July 10, 1915
Weird for its time.. Weird to read now ..