Saturday, March 19, 2016

Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?

Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?:

The summary: 

This “hotspot” is due to the faster turnover of water through the Atlantic’s currents as compared to the Pacific, where water can take 200-300 years to make a full circuit from one end of the Atlantic to the other, as compared to the 600-900 years it might take for water to get around the Pacific.

In this case, warm waters from the Caribbean Sea that would normally be circulated northeast across the Atlantic Ocean are instead pooling off of the U.S. East Coast, due to the interruption of the North Atlantic Current. As water warms it expands, causing the ocean level to be higher wherever this expansion is experienced. NASA currently uses this effect to track ocean temperatures via satellite, using radar to record regional sea level changes to determine their temperatures.

Another recent study has shown that this has already happened, when a 4-inch sea level rise was recorded in a region of ocean between New York and Newfoundland that occurred in 2009 and 2010, due to a sudden change in the North Atlantic current.

Radar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed two spaces...

Radar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed two spaces on the north and east chambers of the pharaonic mausoleum that could contain the “discovery of the century,” Egypt’s antiquities ministry said

“It could be the discovery of the century. It’s very important for Egyptian history and the history of the world,” he said, adding that the chambers may well have belonged to a king or queen. Further tests will be done on March 31 to discover more about the newly-discovered spaces, he added.

Friday, March 18, 2016

One comet to swerve closer to Earth than any other comet in centuries: An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.

One comet to swerve closer to Earth than any other comet in centuries: An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.:


An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.

The first and bigger of the two comets will be visible Monday to the naked eye in the southern hemisphere, as long as city lights are far away. Stargazers in the United States will probably need only binoculars to see the bigger comet in late March. Scientists, however, are bringing out the big guns. The Hubble Space Telescope, the powerful ground-based Gemini telescopes and others will be trained on the celestial visitors, which will provide an extraordinary close-up of objects usually glimpsed only at a distance.

It’s about to feel like 2000 all over again.John Titor–the...

It’s about to feel like 2000 all over again.
John Titor–the real time traveler!?–set for MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT with Heather Wade!? 

Remember, TITOR never appeared on BELL’s COAST TO COAST AM, but was active in the AOL chat rooms of the early 20th century.. now 16 years later–and lots of time gone on–Heather Wade is able to brag up the fact that she may just have done the extraordinary: Contact made with the time traveler among us.. 

Fun times ahead .. ‘stay tuned’ appears to be the words..


The retired wrestler Hulk Hogan was awarded $115 million in damages Friday by a Florida jury in an invasion of privacy case against over its publication of a sex tape.

The wrestler, known in court by his legal name, Terry G. Bollea, sobbed as the verdict was announced in late afternoon, according to people in the courtroom. The jury had considered the case for about six hours.

Nick Denton, the founder of Gawker and a defendant in the case, was found personally liable, as was Albert J. Daulerio, the site’s former editor in chief.

VIDEO: Unidentified object hovers in downtown Cleveland Friday afternoon, March 18 2016

VIDEO: Unidentified object hovers in downtown Cleveland Friday afternoon, March 18 2016

And you thought selfies were only a thing of the modern age.....

And you thought selfies were only a thing of the modern  age.. this one is from the 1800s. It probably took a while.

Nothing like a clown at a birthday party…

Nothing like a clown at a birthday party…

Google Maps has a street view of some amazing stuff.. including...

Google Maps has a street view of some amazing stuff.. including this:

Hashima Island, commonly called Gunkanjima, is an abandoned island lying about 15 kilometers from the city of Nagasaki, in southern Japan. It is one of 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Prefecture

Check it out..

SCIENTISTS are one step closer to cloning dinosaurs after the discovering the remains of a Tyrannosaurus rex that was pregnant when it died.

SCIENTISTS are one step closer to cloning dinosaurs after the discovering the remains of a Tyrannosaurus rex that was pregnant when it died.:

Soo…..welcome to Jurassic Park?

Happy spring.This is the SNOWSTORM potential for this weekend..

Happy spring.
This is the SNOWSTORM potential for this weekend..

A very large fireball was observed over London, UK at 03:16 UTC...


A very large fireball was observed over London, UK at 03:16 UTC on March 17, 2016. The event was first observed by UKMON’s Church Crookham station, northeast Hampshire, England.

According to the United Kingdom Meteor Observation Network (UKMON), the fireball momentarily overloaded the camera with light.

“Preliminary calculations estimate the brightens to be around -7 mag and explosion -14 mag. An estimated terminal altitude was just 30 - 34 km (18.6 - 21 miles),” UKMON’s Richard Kacerek said.

“With the second video we will be able to triangulate and calculate the orbit,” he added.

Photographing the Real Bodies of Incorrupt SaintsGREAT read.. A...

Photographing the Real Bodies of Incorrupt Saints

GREAT read.. 

A few highlights:

It’s tempting to find these lapses in realism and historical provenance and find satisfaction in that detective work. But the preservation of the incorrupt is often meant to be noticed. The sacristan, an officer in charge of overseeing Anna Maria’s sacred relics (what he sweetly called her “little old lady things”) explained that the wax on her isn’t designed to trick people. It’s to preserve an honest impression of her the moment she was discovered in her grave.

Yet the mystery is part of how the incorrupt draw us in with their uncanny sleeping faces, as if the twins Hypnos and Thanatos were playing tricks by switching places. They are somehow both a memento mori and the opposite of the anonymous grinning skull. We will all die, but maybe, if we’re very good, we can linger in this world

Hacker Group "Anonymous" Releases Trump's Social Security and Phone Numbers

Hacker Group "Anonymous" Releases Trump's Social Security and Phone Numbers:

The group said they would declare war on Trump.
Now we see the results..

Fukushima Five Years Later: "The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now"

Fukushima Five Years Later: "The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now"

Thursday, March 17, 2016

With the energy of a Metallica song, I wish you all a Happy...


With the energy of a Metallica song, I wish you all a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, 2016..

Shake your shamrocks but be safe.It’s Green Beer time across the...

Shake your shamrocks but be safe.

It’s Green Beer time across the world..

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, world.

The year of overload

I just watched THE THREAD, a pretty good documentary on how the internet completely helped or ruined the Boston bombing investigation, depending on your point of view.. You should really give it a watch..

It forced me into a strange place.. contemplation over what this whole NET thing is doing to the world. To us. To news.. to everything.

I turned 21 a week before 9/11 happened. When that terror attack took place, I went online and immediately began updating –in HTML mind you–my website about the terror attack.. There is still a record of it somewhere on So in that regard, I was immersed in the NET world at 21 before REDDIT and Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. Back then it was AOL Chat rooms and Drudge, along with very basic chats..

But now? Twitter? REDDIT.. The REAL error of citizen journalism is here. And it’s fast, sloppy, messy, and amazing. 

But to what end?

The funny thing is after watching THE THREAD, I feel out of the loop. Even though I was a NET kid, it was new then.. it was all new. Now it’s ‘always been’ to the generation born since 2000. Think about that.. Kids of today have no idea what a boring Sunday afternoon watching NICK meant.. Now it’s constant life online. Nothing boring but yet everything is. Kids of today? You don’t KNOW boring..

And even though I was somewhat on the ‘cutting edge’ of media evolution with my VERY OWN DOT COM in the early part of the century, it’s rudimentary when compared to the fast paced information overload of today’s age.

Fast news.
Loose rules..
What you see isn’t what you get.
And the best chance of real factual information may come when the book is written years later.

But we are all experimenting with this old media murder. The journalists of yesterday who are still paying their school loans are watching the carpet pulled from them. YOU. Me. EVERYONE can be a reporter.

Is it too much/ Too much Trump? Too much of a good thing?
Live streaming until it gets dull?

Periscope…And all of the rest of the social networks popping up hourly.

Yes it is changing everything.

What's the point?

Why have a blog?
Why have a tumblr?
So many voices….
All I hear is a mumblr..

It may be a snowy spring weekend..

It may be a snowy spring weekend..