Saturday, March 21, 2015


An AP Dispatch:

A fire that tore through a home in a heavily Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood, leaving seven children dead and two other people in critical condition, may have been caused by a malfunctioning hot plate left on for the Sabbath, the city’s fire commissioner said Saturday.
Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the deceased range in age from 5 to 15 years old. He said a woman and teenager survived after jumping from the second floor.
The woman is believed to be the mother of all eight children, Nigro said.

This is now how firefighters—heroes—want to  begin a weekend..

The CERN burn continues..

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days.. For those who don’t know, the Hadron Collider fired back up a few days ago … so far the world didn’t end or fall into a black hole. But there’s always time for that..

But I was a little intrigued when I found that the Extinction Protocol was reporting a story that scientists with CERN are going to be attempting contact with a parallel universe. You certainly don’t see headlines like that everyday, so my eyes did a triple take. The Extinction Protocol is a decent website that usually links up its information to a valid source.. In this matter, they linked a UK EXPRESS article titled:

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

So a few things need to be contemplated before running into the world of lunacy.. First off, the UK EXPRESS is a clear tabloid from the land across the pond.. I read it, I enjoy it.. but I take it with a grain of salt. If the DAILY MAIL is the NY POST, the EXPRESS is probably the STAR.. 

Nonetheless, I read Paul Bowman’s article with extreme interest..  I sure don’t really understand what I should about physics but that doesn’t stop me from trying to. 

Ironically, this all travels back in the Internets to the DAILY MAIL, the powerhouse tabloid that gets worldwide attention.  Days ago, that paper reported.

Will the Large Hadron Collider find a parallel universe? Particle smasher could become a gateway to alternate realities, say scientists

Mir Faizil, a scientist at CERN, gets a lot of the attention in various postings regarding this..

Back to the EXPRESS, Bowman writes,

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, said: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.
“We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.
"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised.
"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.
“This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions.
“As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.
“We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these mini black holes in ‘gravity’s rainbow’ [a new scientific theory].
“If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we will know that both gravity’s rainbow and extra dimensions are correct.”

Without question, there is some eyebrows raised and even panic.. Some fear that this attempt to tinker and toy with the unwritten laws of existence are dangerous.. Many fear it will shred the vale between the here and there, the now and the then.. I even read one account that this will amplify our lives and give us super abilities and senses beyond the 5 we have, but that we will die quickly since our existence in this reality cannot handle the reality from some alternate universe..

I quite frankly don’t know what will happen.
We certainly trust those who make oodles more in cash than us to have the best interest of humanity in mind when playing in the scientific sandbox. And to me, I would love there to be some confirmation that alternate universes or parallel existences have gone beyond the science fiction realm and are now becoming mainstream enough to continue studying it for proof of their respective existences. 

Meanwhile, grab some popcorn.. Throw in DONNIE DARKO, and watch the pictures as they flutter around the universe(s). 


Girardville St. Pat's Parade Still On!

Snow won’t stop this..

“Lucky enough people are stepping up, making thing happen, that`s the old coal region initiative around here, that`s why this is the Saint Patty`s Day parade of the coal region in Girardville,” said parade manager Stephen Barrett.“We have a very optimistic view of this thing, this isn`t the first time we`ve had snow,” said Joe Wayne, the owner of Hibernian House.He says he’s ready for the event with his bar and the block outside being where everyone ends up after the parade.“Well, it`s like inside here, they said if you died you can`t fall over, and it`s not too different out here,” said Wayne.

Girardville St. Pat's Parade Still On!

Water Reads Your Mind, Does That Mean Water Is Alive?

This is a bit out there for me, but I can roll with it. I can head down this lane, this very watery lane. And quite frankly, as we develop more knowledge, we discover lots more. SO maybe one day we will become one with the water bottle. And we will consume what we are..

Water Reads Your Mind, Does That Mean Water Is Alive?

Starbucks #RaceTogether Campaign: An Idea That Failed in Execution

Salon went one step further, labeling Starbucks as a national joke and saying that the campaign was ‘neo-liberal’ self parody

Starbucks #RaceTogether Campaign: An Idea That Failed in Execution

New fallen snow on a Spring morning

There is a fresh blanket of snowing consuming the ground this morning.. it won’t last, I can hear the sounds of spring birds chirping away, perhaps in disbelief that their return home was greeted with a winter blast.. The cold is waning, though. . And the sky is a beautiful shade of pinkish purple the darker clouds lift..

It was a beautiful morning. Even though it was spring, it was amazing to see the snow thick on tree limbs. It will be over soon.. gone.. And forgotten.

Spring will turn to summer.. And summer will also wane away eventually.
Years go by fast anymore.. 

I don’t know if you agree, or perhaps if I am just beginning to fear the middle ages of life as I quickly progress in my 30s, but life is going fast. 

‘Just how we roll’: Bristol Palin’s fiance pictured playing with baby next to unsecured handgun

Yemen mosque bombings: 'Blood was running like a river', say survivors after attack kills 120

Yemen mosque bombings: 'Blood was running like a river', say survivors after attack kills 120

Friday, March 20, 2015

N. Korea prepared to use nukes ‘any time’ it feels threated by US – DPRK Ambassador to UK

Maybe by the time you read this it will be happening…

N. Korea prepared to use nukes ‘any time’ it feels threated by US – DPRK Ambassador to UK


Monica Lewinsky gave a really, really important TED talk on bullying

ok.. ok.. ok.. I get it.

But yet, there is a part of me that wants to discredit this and completely ignore the bullying aspect. She was a part of history. As was her dress. The 1990s was the Seinfeld era, the decade about nothing. 

Bullied? I don’t know about that.. I just don’t..

Monica Lewinsky gave a really, really important TED talk on bullying

Twas the night before a St Patrick’s day parade in Girardville PA.. a mess of snow. A quick attempt to clear the parade route. Guntown will go green but not until they clean the white…


The final snow day?

Let the Heavens Fall: The Rites of Destruction

Tracy Trtyman is Clyde Lewis’ producer.. her latest article is interesting..

Let the Heavens Fall: The Rites of Destruction


It took about a year to get the iconic shot in where blood pours out of the elevator in The Shining right, but only three days to film.

Funny.. this is probably, to me, one of the dumnest scenes in any movie. I mean that.. But three days to film? Sad..

Scientology Takes Aim at 'Going Clear' Documentary

As they should, this docu OBLITERATES them..

Scientology Takes Aim at 'Going Clear' Documentary


Believe it or not, you can still rent movies at Blockbuster
The well-known movie-rental business closed its stores and ended its DVD-distribution program in January, but about 50 stores remain open — and one man owns half of them.


I have no words except wow.


Kaia Bonshock, left, Brooke Hovenstine, Kelsee Dunn and Mackenzie Hasuga, freshmen members of the Shamokin Area High School girls’ softball team, decided to practice on their own in a parking lot for Kemp Memorial Stadium on Friday, despite an early dismissal from school because of snow. The team’s first regular season game is tentatively set for 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and will be played in Kemp Memorial Stadium, instead of the team’s field because it is not ready for play.

The happy Art Bell dance

For those who don’t know, radio great Art Bell is planning a return this summer. Either online, or perhaps a little online and a little AM. Undisclosed information at this time.. But my son, age four now, is happy. Perhaps by force.. He has been a captive audience member since infancy when he’d hear Art’s reruns on the FINE ART STREAM and U7 Radio .. Now he fully endorses the return with his own version of a celebratory dance. I suspect if Art can muster up another ten years, Ayden will be 14 years of age. And he will have a full experience of what Art Bell was .. Amazing.


And for perspective, Ayden at 1 year:


Vanuatu Official: Nation Will ‘Run Out Of Food In Less Than A Week’



Late last week, a Category 5 tropical cyclone ripped through the island nation of Vanuatu, killing at least 24 people and displacing 3,300 more. In statement to the Associated Press, Vanuatu’s president
Baldwin Lonsdale said that 90 percent of the island’s buildings had been
destroyed or damaged by the storm.

Chilling | Follow ThinkProgress

“Chilling” is now the word for this.. this category 5 storm was immense, and the world, sadly, isn’t paying attention to the plight of those affected. 



And if that is not enough, there is more:

Australian Red Cross
CARE International
International Medical Corps
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Medical Santo
Oxfam Australia

Samaritan’s Purse

Save the Children Australia
Save the Children USA
UNICEF New Zealand
UNICEF Australia
UNICEF International
World Food Programme
World Vision