Friday, February 27, 2015

Gary Glitter sentenced to 16 years in prison for sexually abusing three young girls in the 70s

The singer was arrested in October 2012 under Operation Yewtree, the national investigation British police launched in the wake of a child abuse scandal surrounding the late BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile… the Saville hell on earth continues, even after the scumbag’s death..

Gary Glitter sentenced to 16 years in prison for sexually abusing three young girls in the 70s


PORN LOVERS WIN!! the big decision from Google Blogger that was going to block all of the blogspots including porn has been reversed.. An outcry ensued after the initial decision. PORN will now live on, on blogspot. With the ‘nudity’ tag as requested by Google.

But I still ask: Does anyone still use BLOGGER?


DEAD AT 83..

Fears grow for Christians held by ISIS

Fears grow for Christians held by ISIS

More warnings to the shoppers of America: Holder says malls should increase security.. I hate to say this aloud, but have you visited a mall lately? The security at my local nearly bankrupt and empty shopping plaza features security guards that make Paul Blart look like an FBI agent..

DC's Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual

I am not shocked.
As a matter of fact, being a BATMAN fan since my early years of life, I always sensed something a little edgier about Catwoman when compared to the other villains.. Selina Kyle is not the quaint woman of Tim Burton’s imagination in the early 1990s.. 

And anyway, I always pictured Catwoman as Ertha Kitt, as she was probably the role model for any Catwoman to come.

This comic book coming out has generated a lot of controversy and attention—

This whole thing started when Genevieve Valentine wrote a blog about this. The explanation for this new role of the arch nemesis of BATMAN:

When I was first plotting out what I expected to be a six-issue arc, there were a few emotional beats I considered indispensable. One was Nick, around whom Selina’s moral axis pivoted and whose death would set up Antonia to be both guilt-trip and threat to Selina – a contestant for the throne, even if neither of them wanted to think of it that way. Another was finding time for a few key moments with Batman, particularly in the first issue to set up their connection even when at odds.
And one was establishing Selina as canon bisexual.
She’s flirted around it – often quite literally – for years now; for me, this wasn’t a revelation so much as a confirmation.

And boom. The Bible versus are now being quoted on news articles and comic book sites, and many people are suddenly condemning someone that doesn’t exist except on paper.

Now the question becomes: Who does the CAT want more? The BATman or the BATgirl? 

So don’t fear, BATfans, Catwoman’s sudden burst of sexual creativity is not going to be ruining any childhood imaginations.. her proclivity for both genders is not going to incur the wrath of God on the comic book world.. And quite frankly, we will survive.

I think this is a fine move. Comic books are always and should be on the cutting edge of societal evolution. I think for some male oriented readers, this may challenge and rattle the core of their nerve endings for a bit. But they will grow used to it.. After all, why condemn a woman who is bisexual but be pefectly fine with a wealthy man, Bruce Wayne, who uses his money and influence to get attractive women to sleep with him?

And really, what BATMAN and CATWOMAN do in their bedrooms is nobody’s business. Well, unless it’s on a certain page in a comic book..

DC's Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual

What is flashing us from CERES, the dwarf planet we are suddenly hearing a lot about?


Ceres continues to baffle astronomers as the Dawn spacecraft gets closer to being captured into orbit around the dwarf planet.

The latest images, taken nearly 29,000 miles (46,000km) from Ceres, reveal that a bright ‘alien’ spot that stands out in previous images lies close to yet another bright area.
While Nasa has not provided an explanation, scientists suggest these spots may be frozen pools of ice at the bottom of a crater that reflect light.
I don’t think there’s a point

Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda, on why she is not questioning her father’s suicide ..

I saw some very mean spirited comments regarding her words.. People need to lay off.

This is what it's like to be dead

A Reddit AMA allowed a man who claimed to have died twice to entertain questions from the masses about what he felt, what he remembered, and how it felt..

Some of what he said may surprise some.. rattle others.. leave many without hope that anything at all happens after this life is over.

You can read the text of the full AMA here. A few highlights posted:

On what death felt like:

Both times I was just “not there”. It was just all black. I would describe it as when you take a nap. A short nap with no dream, you wake up and it feels like you’ve been sleeping a long time, when in reality it’s only been about 15 minutes

Was it emptiness:

It was definitely not just a gap. Much like a dreamless nap, you don’t just wake up and feel like time just jumped ahead. You know that you’ve been asleep for a while. At the same time, you can’t really remember experiencing anything at all, unless you had a dream

On afterlife beliefs:

I am still an atheist, and now I know that there is no such thing as God or Heaven. At least not for me. My reasoning behind that is no God would ever put a person and family through such a experience

I believe this man’s experience was exactly as he described.. I think that is what scares me the most. The idea that nothing exists after this, that this pitiful planet on earth is the last place we will be. That all the emotion and love, pain and joy, will all just vanish as we perish.

I have Raymond Moody’s stories, the tales of bright white lights that captivated me as a child when I read about his NDE research, is truer than the man on REDDIT who said that, for him, nothing existed in the blackness of death.

This is what it's like to be dead

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A screen shot from CNN is their reporting showing ISIS destroy priceless antiques—items of interest from ancient history that lasted for centuries. And now ruined in mere seconds with a sledgehammer..

This is not the first time such deeds have been reported. 

Most likely will not be the last..

Llama chase in Arizona captivates nation; at one point, 3 were on the run

Llamas have always fascinated me.
And today they stopped the entire nation in its tracks as a live chase ensued on TV..

llama chase


Llama chase in Arizona captivates nation; at one point, 3 were on the run

Astronomers Find Supermassive Black Hole 12 Billion Times Size of the Sun

We are told that this new amazing discovery comes from a supermassive black hole that formed sometime around 900 million years after the big bang. 

While it may seem a strange concept for some to consider, this black hole is not working the way it should. It’s too big ..

NBC NEWS reports,

But with measurements indicating it is 12 billion times the size of the sun, the black hole challenges a widely accepted hypothesis of growth rates. “Based on previous research, this is the largest black hole found for that period of time,” Fuyan Bian, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University (ANU), told Reuters on Wednesday. “Current theory is for a limit to how fast a black hole can grow, but this black hole is too large for that theory.” The discovery was described in a study published Wednesday in Nature.

Is this a black hole so massive that it could actually pre-date the currently accepted time frame of the beginning of everything?

Does this throw everything ever taught out the window?

Does anyone else even somewhat comprehend any of what this could mean?

Space is amazing. Science is too.
But when it comes to the perplexing concept of black holes, I have trouble understanding. Glad I’m not paid to try..

Astronomers Find Supermassive Black Hole 12 Billion Times Size of the Sun

The perfect song for a night when science is rocked by a supermassive black hole that challenges our current thinking about how old this whole thing is anyway.


Climate change.. Earth changes.. global warming.

Say what you will and read what you say.

The facts often get in the way of a good debate, don’t they?

Take for instance a moment of somewhat clownish behavior on the floor of the Senate–the chamber that is supposed to house the ‘adults’ of government..

Then This skit occurred..

The woman behind Senator James Inhoffe looked a little embarrassed for him.. The Senator himself seemed a little shaky as he threw the snowball, perhaps quickly realizing how strange of an attempt it was to disprove manmade global warming..

So word on whether the fellow conspirator ni the snowjob actually caught the cold ball..

But I would sure love to have been a fly on the wall in the room when the decision had to be made: Who was going to go outside and get a snowball and put it into an evidence bag for a Senator to throw on live somewhat-watched TV..?

Jesus Christ almighty George Snoory Noory shaved his mustache..

I’d imagine a hairless top lips helps with pizza roll digestion..

My God..

So true.. So very true..
Caillou is the hellbeast of parenting.. The curse of pain..

He’s just a kid who’s four and each day he annoys some more..

Condom Sales Skyrocket in South Korea as Adultery Is Decriminalized

Happy days are here again for the cheating hearts of South Korea..

Condom Sales Skyrocket in South Korea as Adultery Is Decriminalized

Matt Drudge reacts to net neutrality today on Twitter..

Facebook Introduces New Tools to Help Prevent Suicide

There’s something amazing and also creepy about this at the same time…

Facebook Introduces New Tools to Help Prevent Suicide

I think when the winter time is over, everything needs to really really good bath..