A good read from SLATE
Families dealing with mental illness need support, too.
<a href=”http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/peshawar-school-attack-talibans-revenge-malala-yousafzais-nobel-peace-prize-1479754”>THE IBTIMES HAS MORE ON THAT</a> .. It’s an assertion and explanation that makes sense in a very sick way..
The horrors are only beginning to become known—teachers burning, execution style shootings, and children being beheaded ..
I am both sickened and saddened by the information coming out.. I may need to break with the news for an hour or more to clear my mind of the evil clutter that this disgusting day has brought to it..
Malala Yousafzai: ‘I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold blooded act of terror in Peshawar that is unfolding before us. Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this’
Not only were some children shot execution style one by one, but this happened too: a teacher was set on fire with gasoline and children were made to watch the teacher die..
More than 120!people, most of them children, have been killed after a group of gunmen stormed an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.
The number of the injured is quickly rising.. As is the casualty count of the dead..
The vast majority of those dead are
This from the Associated Press dispatch only minutes prior to this post being written:
The overwhelming majority of the victims were students at the army public school, which has children and teenagers in grades 1-10.
The horrific violence, carried out by a relatively small number of militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban group, a Pakistani militant group trying to overthrow the government, also sent dozens of wounded flooding into local hospitals as terrified parents searched for their children.
Sone children were shot execution style one by one, according to witnesses who escaped..
Government troops arrived at the school and exchanged gunfire.. At least 500 were in the school when large explosions were heard..
There are fears the numbers of dead and injured are not done rising..
This is a developing story..
The Sydney siege was yesterday’s nightmare before Christmas.. Today’s is much more violent and deadly..
Hackers released a seventh cache of files leaked from Sony Pictures Entertainment on Saturday, along with a promise of more to come.
It would appear things are going to get a lot worse for SONY..
Here is some cool conspiracy for your Saturday..
Sony Pictures, which made the James Bond and Spider-Man films has abandoned shoots after hackers crippled its computers and leaked four films
This is huge..
The news is being submitted to the masses by THE TIMES in the UK.. The reason, so the story goes, is because all of the hacking implications have now led SONY unable to process payments..
There are some other bits of news that join this headline about Sony today, including the news that Angelina Jolie cannot attend an UNBROKEN premiere because she has developed Chicken Pox!..
The brutal hack attack is doing a lot more hurt to credibility of not only SONY but other power players too.. Like Maureen Dowd, who according to leaked documents now being seen promised to show her column to Amy Pascal’s husband before publication.. Perhaps no ethical boundary was crossed, though? Dowd denies she did this. Sure the documents show she was going to, but now Maureen is in damage control..
With all of this information now becoming public—and more and more every day—SONY employees just got a message on their computers. From the hackers! According to an article appearing in THE WRAP, a new warning message was sent to computers.. the article dubbed it ‘ominous’. Several staffers who got the message, the WRAP says, felt disturbed after reading it..
Just to think back for a bit. This entire news cycle of hacking mania began when the Guardians of Peace delivered movies not released yet to the public after their hack job.. It wasn’t until days later that more of the drips and drabs of info was spilled. Racist emails between execs.. Dowd’s denials.. most of SONY pictures computers now offline to the point where payments cannot be processed. Social security numbers released. Families of employees getting threatening messages.. All because of THE INTERVIEW?
North Korea?
Still so many unanswered questions..
And investors have just got to be watching this.
I have asked many times over since this story developed that, if North Korea is linked and proof is evident that the nation state was behind the hack job and subsequent further hackings and warnings, then what? Is this an act of war? Cyber war is how the future’s games are going to be played.. does America respond? Did we already?
Clandestine efforts may be made in the aftermath of the PR and criminal disaster now hitting SONY.
But follow up responses may not matter when payments aren’t made, the talent cast trust the employers, and the public sees the true secrets of Tinseltown’s most ugly players.
This SONY hack attack has more implications than anyone could have imagined last month. Then it made a blip on the evening news.. A few movies released by hackers.
Today… so much more is happening. So much more of cyber war..
I have a feeling we are only seeing the opening credits in this long movie.
The argument uses Biblical history as evidence that Paganism didn’t lead to Christmas.
But explains Christmas trees..?
And why the Church chose a Pagan holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ.
I love Christmas.. I think religious people and secular can agree, Christmas is fun and festive, cool and cold.
I was born and raised Catholic, so I understand both sides of the argument. But I was never offended by the notion that Paganism was the original Christianity. I love it..
I even love Krampus.
I was always afraid he’s give me a stick.
That’s over 250,000 tons.
If we would have tried a bit harder, we could have got this to 300,000 tons.
There’s always next year.
The Weather Channel waits a bit to issue their winter forecast.. the NOAA does it in the fall. I think Accuweather does it the winter before (I kid, I kid. But they do at around the end of the summer and sometimes get it right on the money in some freakishly psychic way.)
But the Weather Channel waits.
They waited so long I actually missed it when they issued it—November 23!
But since I was searching for weather related news—while looking outside at about 13 inches of snow that fell yesterday—I found it. Read it. Digested it. Became somewhat dyspeptic.
The point at which I cringed:
WSI forecasters looked at several other technical indices and long-range computer models that also point to an above-average chance of blocking patterns in the northern latitudes — the kind of patterns that can force bitterly cold air from the polar and Arctic regions southward into the U.S.
WSI says that, based on conditions over the Pacific Ocean, the West Coast is more likely to be protected from those intrusions by a northward bulge in the jet stream — known as a high-pressure ridge — and that those cold air intrusions are more likely to be pointing toward the East Coast and the Deep South instead.
So. Get ready for that.
The story behind this photo.
It is a statue of Neptune. According to a number of websites, like this one, it is guarding an underground ballroom. The site linked—and many others—are showcasing a number of other photographs of the secret room under a lake in Witley Park in England.. The site has gone viral, as they say.. It is being shared across the internet and people are making their typical sarcastic and somewhat but not really humorous short lived comments about the images featured.
But that’s the internet. A place where news cycles get spun and news stories constantly get recycled.
On this most recent burst of news articles, it all started on REDDIT—things mostly do, either REDDIT or 4CHAN. In this case, a user posted the images of the under water ballroom and …viola.. sent around the globe.
But now this message appears on REDDIT where the image was once hosted:
Hi, folks, I’m the guy who first posted this to /r/interestingasfuck , and it kind of spread from there.
Since then, I received a very polite email from the son of the couple who lives on this estate asking that I please take the post down. They suffer several break-ins on their property whenever information about this room hits the internet, and he’s worried both for their safety and the curious people coming to find the room. Not only is the lake an obviously dangerous place to poke around, the couple also has several firearms close at hand because break-ins are such a problem, and he is worried that someone is going to end up shot because his parents are so scared.
You’re free to do as you please, of course, but I have removed my
post. It’s probably too late to do much good, but it’s something we can
do to help
Perhaps even more interesting, if you follow through to the FLICKR account where the images were first (first?) posted in the year 2008, this message appears:
Since my visit, I have been informed by a number of sources that the ballroom is now also locked and alarmed. I don’t need to point out that breaking into a locked premises is breaking and entering and is illegal; it’s also against the generally accepted urban exploration rules (somewhere here: www.forbidden-places.net/why.php).
Due to the above, please don’t contact me for access details as I won’t provide them.
I also suggest against visiting Witley as you will have a long walk around the lake only to be confronted by a padlock. If you get spotted wandering about private properly with bolt croppers, expect to be arrested.
I get this feeling, regardless of what the owner of the property hopes for, this newfound internet exposure is only going to lead to further attempts at break ins..
I grew up in Centralia, and still live close by at this point in my life adventure. For decades now, tourists and sight seers have been coming by the town to look for any bit of history or smoke filled mountains from the underground fire that they can. Often they walk away confused and disjointed—you can hardly see evidence of a burning fire, they don’t know that until they get there. I also think that it’s probably best all of the houses besides the few with residents are gone. If not, they’d be broken into by people, things stolen.. valuables trashed. Memories bashed.
Even Chernobyl has looters and people who don’t care too much about radiation, and instead just want to get a piece of nuclear history.
In the matter of the house under the lake: The property owners will not have to face even more news coverage as these images are one again passed around. They must cringe when they turn browse the Net..
The mass face sitting begins.
These protests will feature women sitting no men’s faces. Also included: Whipping, female ejaculation, spanking and fisting—all banned by the new regulations for online porn in the UK.
Should be quite an interesting day of voicing concerns about civil liberties and the freedom of expressing. And female ejaculations.
For those who think the Senate torture roper was going to make an impact..
CBS announced that May 20, 2015, will be David Letterman’s final show on the network..
This will be a milestone for the country. I really mean that.
Letterman may not be really all that funny anymore, but he was once so cutting edge that he was sharper than new knives. He was inventive and ironic..
I was at a taping of the LATE SHOW in the early 2000s.. Not impressed completely by that but still amazing to be in the Ed Sullivan theater.
I grew up watching Letterman. Ever since, as a kid, I read the Frank Miller DARK KNIGHT I was inspired to figure out who the pop culture icon was featured in the comic:
I fondly recall Friday nights, staying up late, watching LATE NIGHT and then LATE SHOW when he switched networks..
I also had a secret in school. Not many other kids really knew who Letterman was, so I would set my VCR each night to record his show. The next morning, before school, I watched his skits and copied some of the humor off of it, doing the same types of things at school that day. No one ever knew.
Until now.
Regardless, the whole thing changes on May 20 next year. Letterman will ride off into the sunset, and become the next biggest talk show host since Carson to leave television. Will Bette Midler kiss him, too?
I am not so sure about Stephen Colbert.. the jury is out.
But on Letterman, my decision was that he redefined late night comedy.
Now someone has to redefine it again. I don’t think it’s Colbert.
I personally have always believed whichever network chose a woman to host a late night comedy show was going to be the one that redefined it. And that has yet to happen..
I wrote what one of my friends called the weirdest of all posts yet the other day here concerning how, well.. I think the sun’s angle in the sky is changing compared to this month other times in the past. I understand this sounds loony.. I get that is also is illogical. But at the same time, photographs prove to me that something is different..
I note this previous post from days ago only because I received what I felt to be an interesting comment on the story.. The screen cap here:
I ask you only to add this to your already steady diet of lunacy. Watch the videos.. discern for yourselves. I am humble enough to know I should not comment much on things that I can be proven very wrong about. And this issue is one of them.. You can watch the videos yourselves and check out the links included.
I just know this: The sunset last year at this time is not where it is this year.
That much I know.