Tuesday, June 24, 2014

10 Things About Lucid Dreaming

I had my first lucid dream the other night, after weeks of meditation before bed.. I was taking a walk with my son, and we stole a baseball bat. I was worried about being captured, but during the dream told myself it was a dream and I can control it now.. I woke up soon after ..

10 Things About Lucid Dreaming

Monday, June 23, 2014

What company rules your state?

There is a reason people say never to mess ith a Quiji board.. And now video that may prove it.. Believe it or not, a video portends to show signs of a woman being possessed after playing with the board.. Alexandra Huerta, 22, was playing with the ‘other world’ when she was by her brother Sergio, 23, and 18-year-old cousin Fernando Cuevas.. Then came the ‘growling’ and hallucinations.. They were taken the hospital soon after..

Tsunami warning reduced to advisory after quake in Western Aleutians

Tsunami warning reduced to advisory after quake in Western Aleutians


Reuters reports this:

A local tsunami warning was issued after an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean west of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Tsunami Warning Center said.

The warning covered coastal areas of Alaska from Nikolski to Attu, the center said, adding the level of tsunami danger was being evaluated for other U.S. and Canadian Pacific coasts.

The quake struck about 14 miles (23 km) southeast of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska, at a depth of about 71 miles (114 km), USGS said.

There was other earth movement today with a really strong shake in new Zealand.. appears that the earth is moving quite a bit lately..

There are dozens of aftershocks now taking place after the big 8.0 movement..

Here is the latest information on Tsunami.gov..

The fire department in the southern German university city of Tuebingen extracted a 20-year old American exchange student after he got trapped inside a giant vagina sculpture…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TklVoyfQzAI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

The sounds continue..

This Sh*& is bananas, GMO bananas

Thanks to Bill Gates, genetically modified bananas are on the way..

What looks to be a pretty amazing movie is going to be released into theaters on July 2.. the film is called DELIVER US FROM EVIL and is based on a book by a policeman-demonologist..The New York TIMES details the story of how the book became the movie–and why it may do exceptionally well at box offices..


Here’s a list of weird/strange articles on wikipedia in no particular order for you to read and just add more useless knowledge in your puny human brain. General murder/death trigger warning for most.

Bloody Mary || Kennedy curse || Taman Shud Case || La Voisin || Greyfriars Bobby || Pripyat || Albert Fish || Mary Toft || The Cure for Insomnia || Roanoke Colony || John Murray Spear || Arecibo message || Nuckelavee || Phaistos Disc || Tanganyika laughter epidemic || Mad Gasser of Mattoon || Murder of Junko Furuta || Peoples Temple || Ed Gein || Stargate Project || Jackalope || Numbers station || UVB-76 || Bélmez Faces || Donner Party || Adam || Mariana UFO incident || Valentich disappearance || Cleveland Torso Murderer || Trepanning || Dyatlov Pass incident || Grey goo || Overtoun House || The Garden of Earthly Delights || Wilhelm Reich || Starchild skull || Original Night Stalker || Owlman || Ararat anomaly || British big cats || Jack the Ripper || Clapham Wood Mystery || Pope Lick Monster || Shadow person || Out-of-place artifact || Black Dahlia || Jersey Devil || Crawfordsville monster || Koro || Philadelphia Experiment || Glasgow smile || Roswell UFO incident || David Parker Ray || D. B. Cooper || Total Information Awareness || Goatman || Grey alien || Joachim Kroll || Peter Kürten || Gilles de Rais || Alien abduction || Joseph Vacher || Mothman || Polywater || Catacombe dei Cappuccini || Villisca Axe Murders || Grace Sherwood || Loveland frog || The Hermitage || Jatinga || Sankebetsu brown bear incident || Mongolian death worm || Devil’s Footprints || The Sick Child || H. H. Holmes || Dysaesthesia aethiopica || Bloody Benders || Lamia || Black Paintings || The Monster with 21 Faces || Shirime || Lina Medina || Exploding head syndrome || Quantum suicide and immortality || Mokele-mbembe || Spontaneous human combustion || Dulce Base || Chandre Oram || Oscar || Men in Black || Vladimir Demikhov || The Great Red Dragon Paintings || Bloop || Retroactive continuity || Elizabeth Báthory || Delphine LaLaurie || Silverpilen || Polybius || Guided rat || Robert J. White || Chelyabinsk meteor || Armin Meiwes || Big Crunch || Belchen Tunnel || Moberly–Jourdain incident || Boy Scout Lane || Princes in the Tower || Rosenheim Poltergeist || Peter Stumpp || Bermuda Triangle || Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery || Hill of Crosses || Self-immolation || Lycaon || Burke and Hare murders || Pykrete || Kate Morgan || List of unusual deaths || Sawney Bean || Rogue elephant of Aberdare Forest || Yoshio Kodaira || Incorruptibility || Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus || Toynbee tiles || Rat king || Sailing stones || Thalidomide || Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916 || Tunguska event || Head transplant || List of cryptids || Borley Rectory || Sedlec Ossuary || Alien hand syndrome || Capgras delusion || Mellified man || Atuk || Monster of Glamis || Spring-heeled Jack || Allagash Abductions || Aokigahara || Raymond Robinson (Green Man) || Premature burial || Brain transplant || Nightmarchers || Decompression illness || Midgetville || Zombie || Mercy Brown vampire incident || Necromancy || Lamkin || Harry K. Daghlian, Jr. || Icelandic Phallological Museum || Neisseria meningitidis || Unit 731 || Bunny Man || Bubbly Creek || Malleus Maleficarum || Moll Dyer || Original Spanish Kitchen || Charles Bonnet syndrome || Voynich manuscript || Black Annis || True name || Dorothy Talbye trial || Black dog || Wandering Jew || Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway || Yara-ma-yha-who || Rod Ferrell || The Juniper Tree

Amazing cave art from 36,000 years ago ..

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mafia 'adore evil' and are 'excommunicated', says Pope Francis

A big wow on this story.

Pope Francis says that the mafia adores evil and they are excommunicated.. 
Will there be a horse head in the Vatican bed?

Mafia 'adore evil' and are 'excommunicated', says Pope Francis

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

The New York TIMES is reporting this seemingly wretched news.. It reports this from Brussels:

The top American agriculture official on Tuesday called on the European Union to do more to ease restrictions on gene-altered food and feed crops if it hoped to reach a trans-Atlantic trade pact.

“There can’t be a trade agreement without a serious and significant commitment to agriculture,” the official, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, told reporters on Tuesday, a day after an informal meeting with European farm ministers. European consumers “ought to have a choice” whether to use biotech foods, he said.

Mr. Vilsack has a tough case to make, though. There continues to be deep resistance to bioengineered agricultural products in the European Union — or to easing many other agricultural trade protections, for that matter. The fight over food, in fact, is a big impediment to progress in talks that are already moving more slowly than officials on both sides had wanted when President Obama announced them last year.

Very disappointing..

And in some ironic twist, this is simultaneously happening: Obama is forming a team to study Colony Collapse of bees.

So while the United States is busy defending GMO food as safe and secure, it’s also going to face some rude awakenings as they get deep into the honey bee trench. Many global studies have already hinted as a cause: GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup..

The American study may very well have a different conclusion. After all, Vilsack is telling the UK to accept more bioengineered food.  Maybe some cozy relationships of the past is adding fuel to the cause..

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

Seeking a sinkhole solution: 'Whatever's holding up the dirt isn't there anymore' in Palmyra

This has been an ongoing story of sinkholes in Palmyra, PA.. the location has been prone to enormous sinkhole recently.. 

Seeking a sinkhole solution: 'Whatever's holding up the dirt isn't there anymore' in Palmyra

Thousands of oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania suspected of leaking methane

Try to fathom these numbers: 280,000 and 970,000 abandoned oil and gas wells .. and if only a slight amount are leaking methane, that is not at all trivial. 

Thousands of oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania suspected of leaking methane

Vladimir Putin orders Russian troops onto 'combat alert' as Ukraine fighting spills across border

Vladimir Putin orders Russian troops onto 'combat alert' as Ukraine fighting spills across border

Bin Laden 'demon toy' and three other wacky CIA plots

The Washington POST reveals: The CIA cooked up an Obama Bin Laden ‘demon toy’.. the theory: An n Osama bin Laden action figure whose face peeled off to reveal a scary devil beneath.. It was meant to scare Afghanistan children and their parents..

Bin Laden 'demon toy' and three other wacky CIA plots

Just sayin’ is all.

Happy summer.