Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nearly a dozen Hanford employees sick from unknown fumes

And this story still fails to make national news and get any coverage it deserves.. unbelievable.

This is a nuclear wreck and it should be getting headlines from all sources.

Instead, radiated crickets are all that is heard..

Nearly a dozen Hanford employees sick from unknown fumes

I saw a number of news articles poking ‘fun’ and making humorous quips about Kim Jong UN forcing students to copy his hair style..

Some laughed at how bad the hair looked to begin with.. others were making jokes saying “bad hair days” are coming for North Korean students. BUT.. is it even true!!?

Maybe not.. the most recent AP dispatch from Tokyo says that there are baseless rumors of hair cuts happening, and there is no evidence to point to anything showing that an official UN edict has been issued.

Word to the wise: The hair story probably is not real, but even if it was, it would be a distraction from the real news of North Korea.

You know, like the real news that North Korea has hell-on-earth style death camps that offer up a endless amount of brutal torture and inhumane killing..

Oh, and the fact that Kim Jong UN has an isolated regime and ………drumroll please…nuclear weapons.

His bad hair cut is meaningless compared to his real threat to the world.

A planet named Biden

Meet the planet named BIDEN.. It’s a dwarf and it is from an unlikely region in our own solar system. (Notice how science textbooks pretty much get re-written by the day at this point?) Biden is beyond Pluto—not a planet—and it’s 7 billion miles from earth. And the name?

It’s real name is VP113, hence: A joking name of BIDEN. I am sure the Vice President can use this in his campaign ads should he seek the Democratic nomination in 2016..

Imagine: “Already a planet, why not a president?”

And as ABC news reports, there just HAS to be people jealous that BIDEN got a planet named after him.. (though on those commercials, you can still pay $$$ to have a distant star named after you!)

The insane clown posse

Clowns are scary.

Especially when they show up in weird places. Like under street lights in New York City

The insane clown posse

Just out of prison, man robs Toms River store again, cops say

Dumb crime

Dumb criminal.

Dumber the second time.

Just out of prison, man robs Toms River store again, cops say

ANOTHER great video from Action Movie Kid


Seriously just LOVE this video.. it’s 12 seconds of pure fun.. it’s called TOY LIGHTSABER by Action Movie Kid on YouTube..

There are some other really fun ones too on his YOUTUBE channel.


As someone from Schuylkill County, PA, I’d be remiss not to at least give a post dedicated to a pretty surprisingly fun song called SKOOK STATE OF MIND.

I personally never liked the term ‘skook’ much but it works well in this song..

Matt Freiler, of Deer Lake, is the young funny talent behind the video. It’s gone ‘viral’ in so much as people from Schuylkill County have been watching it .. 

If you are not from this area the video will mean nothing to you…

I think one day it will be interesting to go back and look at the places where scenes were recorded to see what other ‘landmarks’ of this dying area are gone by that point.

Until then though, it’s a fun song and deserves a listen..

LIGHTS OUT: Is this the scariest short film ever made!? I have two thoughts on it.. first off, it shows our attention spans collectively has shrunk rapidly. Comedy is down to 5 seconds.. horror is down to 2 minutes.

BUT.. it also shows that there is creativity in the ranks of younger horror enthusiasts.. people who are tired of the blood and gore of nothingness and into trying to creature something new and fresh. This 2+ minute video, LIGHTS OUT, actually gave me a few jumps.. It was tense and pretty damn amazing. Congrats to David Sandberg for LIGHTS OUT .. an award well deserved.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Robin Lord Taylor as Osward Cobblepot, or the Penguin, revealed in publicity image for BATMAN prequel GOTHAM..


This is a really strange video.. what is in this pond?? Toxic sludge or a portal to hell?

I wrote about gyrating Cyrus in my opening to today’s news rundown.. and this sort of goes hand in hand, or booty in booty, on it: A gyrating animatronic doll is in the future. It may be one of the weirdest and creepiest things I’ve ever seen, but I can’t stop watching the moving GIF …


Animals are leaving Yellowstone..  BUT.. it happened before—in February 2012 the same story of animals fleeing Yellowstone was blasting around the internet.  While common sense and logic should prevail, Yellowstone is always the sleeping giant and a major threat to humanity.. And this video from March 20 posted on YOUTUBE shows bison seemingly running for their lives away from Yellowstone.

That’s creepy.

Even though weird video and rumors online persist, this story from the DAILY MAIL may quell your end times fears: Researchers are now saying that the Yellowstone supervolcano is dormant and may never erupt again! So they say….


This is how ridiculous things are getting: Creationists are demanding EQUAL TIME to balance Neil deGrasse Tyson’s COSMOS. 

They want to be able to scientifically tell the world that we are 6,000 years old and that God tore out Adam’s rib to form a woman.

I’d actually enjoy hearing about what happened to the dinosaurs. I heard competing versions: 1) They didn’t fit on the ark and 2) Noah didn’t get a male and female dino egg, hence the die-off. But until then, I’ll just enjoy the FACTUAL presentation of COSMOS..

I penned up a quick daily doodle for a friend of mine, however that will remain private and is not meant for public disclosure.

Afterwards, out if ideas, I asked my son Ayden to give me a subject to draw for my public daily doodle. He responded that he wanted me to draw him in the scene he was in, eating a strawberry Pop tarts and watching Scooby Doo on an iPad.

I did, but he did not approve, saying “my hair should be flat”…

Three years old and already self-conscious about messy hair…

Michelle Obama is being praised for a great speech on press freedoms in China. However, it’s ironic that the press is pretty much not allowed access to covering her on her trip to China. 

I’m sure they will be permitted to photograph her lettuce at the White House vegetable garden. You know, all the important stuff..

When agents go bad

Animal house: Secret Service agents who were charged with protecting the President’s life were sent home after a night of drinking. And it was not just a few wines at elegant restaurants.. it was hardcore John Belushi style.. One of the agents was actually found passed out in the hallway of a hotel..

Hips don't lie. Twerking might

I had a very long discussion with a friend last night about society’s ills and the dramatic changes that we have seen even in our relatively young lives.. It’s amazing.

We traveled back to 6th grade. I distinctly remember “Sister Monica” and other nuns debating whether they should show my class that cutting edge flick SISTER ACT.

They eventually did but I think fast forwarded their VHS tape past a less than tame part. And today?? SISTER ACT would be a joke ..

Things have grown much more scandalous than Whoopi in a nun’s outfit.. But complaining about changes may put me into the same page as those who warned of the devilish dangers of Elvis’ hips gyrating.

Replace Elvis with Miley Cyrus.

Good news, even the ‘new’ generation was disgusted by her buttchecks flapping in the wind of her BANGERZ tour.

Nigerian ‘House of Horror’ riot in Ibadan

Horrible news from Washington state: The numbers of deaths in the mudslide massacre continues to rise.. 

I was struck this morning when I heard emergency management officials from the area adamantly say that residents knew the threat of mudslides. That’s fine, and most likely factual. But let’s wait until we count all the bodies before we start blaming residents for their own demise..? How about that one..  

One interesting part of the story: A very small 1.1. quake may have actually been a triggering factor for the mudslide.