Monday, January 6, 2014

Brain dead girl Jahi McMath released from California hospital

This is just an emotional draining and horrific story. I cannot even imagine what he family of this beautiful girl, Jahi, is experiencing.  There are so many things I think about when  I read updates on this matter.

One thing I don’t like seeing over and over again: the media uses “brain dead” to describe Jahi in almost every headline. I understand why they would.. but can’t we give this 13-year-old girl more respect? Can’t we describe her as “loving Jahi” or “beautiful Jahi”? Oh, better yet, just “Jahi McMath!” Maybe that would work!

While I am not an expert on the brain, I am not quite sure if anyone is.. We are going into uncharted territories as we explore more about the brain, its functions, and what it does every single day when we wake up.I listened to a pretty interesting Coast to Coast AM show Saturday night about the science of reviving people in comas. 

We can say brain dead until we are blue in the face.. sometimes miracles happen.

I think we know that Jahi’s family is praying for a miracle.. As should we all..

Pray to whatever or whoever you believe in.. if no beliefs are within you, simply send some good will and feelings their way. There’s a butterfly effect of good that can result..

Brain dead girl Jahi McMath released from California hospital

The other surge: Violence against women surges in Afghanistan

The other surge: Violence against women surges in Afghanistan

Sunday, January 5, 2014


The bastard makes pan frying a steak look so easy. How I loathe your skills, Gordon Ramsay..

Wow… Happy winter I guess…

My childhood locked away in a cabinet in antique store..

Colts punter tweets half-naked picture of Andrew Luck

A word of caution: Always check your photos before posting. And maybe …well… Don’t take photos of people in locker rooms.
Bad form…

Colts punter tweets half-naked picture of Andrew Luck

Great.. My local mall has succumbed to the monarch mind controllers. It’d be ok if they at least had a Texas Roadhouse..

That’s right.. Because when I hear the word bravery the first thing I think about is rabbits ..

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Children Beheaded as Violence Engulfs the Central African Republic

This is horrific and brutal.. And not being reported by any major American news organization ..

Children Beheaded as Violence Engulfs the Central African Republic

(Taken with

My shoddy camera work does no justice to this beautiful sunset seen over Interstate 81 outside of Hazleton PA tonight.. It was breathtaking

Oh Art Bell… You have such mysterious and reassuring messages ..
You mean the real sun? The UK SUN?
The Chinese restaurant with the world sun in it??? Details, Art, details!

The search for time travelers on Twitter begins!

Scientists are searching Twitter feeds from the past to see if there is any mention of news before it actually happened. So far, they have come up with zilch.

Where’s John Titor when you need him… And would Titor tweet?

The search for time travelers on Twitter begins!

Remember last month we were told that Kim Jong Un's uncle was assassinated in North Korea?

It was a big to-do. Even Dennis Rodman was called in for his covert mission back to the nation.

But now we find out some more horrid details.. apparently Un’s Unc was eaten alive by 120 dogs for his ‘treachery’..this according to Chinese media tonight.

This is the first time public accounts have been rendered a to how Un did his deed…

What a way to start a new year..

Now this is amazing and beyond cool: The World Cup will begin with a mind controlled exoskeleton kick! Wearing a state-of-the-art exoskeleton, a paralyzed teenager will make the ceremonial first kick at the World Cup in Brazil this summer.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Good Friday night, t’all..

Somebody call global warming and tell it we need it for a while.. Now the Antarctic rescue ship stuck in ice

First the ship carrying global warming scientists got stuck in thick sea ice.. And now this. 

Oh the irony. It may have escaped a few .. 

Somebody call global warming and tell it we need it for a while.. Now the Antarctic rescue ship stuck in ice

Snow brings misery, pain, and back aches… But it sure is beautiful

Noticed this today while observing my son play..

Interesting fun fact concerning Ayden’s Scooby Doo toys.. all of the characters are able to sit down except for one, Daphne. Her only ability is to kneel.. I wonder if there’s any hidden message from the toy makers on this one?



PETA making some cold waves as scantily clad women in lettuce bras brave cold weather in Minnesota.

I guess they succeeded.. they got attention.