Friday, December 27, 2013

Creepy Illuminati of the year

Creepy painting of the year
You are looking at an image of the official portrait of the Danish Royal Family by Thomas Kluges. And it’s really, really weird. The ghastly image is terrifying. Though the official description of the painting says the Royals are featured ‘their own universe’ in plain clothing, it looks more like the cover of a bad horror flick. The only thing missing on the girl in the left hand corner is blood dripping from her mouth. The boy directly in the middle appears to be a harbinger to an OMEN sequel, and faces on the grown men appear to be hiding a undesirable scowl of evil.

Best illuminati symbolism of the year
The Kardashian Christmas card was the best “Where’s Waldo” of conspiracy theory this year. It’s certainly not a traditional greeting.

A Dicknado struck in 2013

Dick of the year
Andy Dick was seen visibly intoxicated and harrassing people in the Hamptons. It was known as a summer DickNado. 

2013: The year we looked to the sky and dodged a few bullets

Meteor of the year
It was in Russia in February. And the strength was enough that it sent a shock wave around the world twice.

Flop under the dome.

Most promising TV of the year that turned into a flop
UNDER THE DOME had so much potential. Although the book was 500 pages too long for me to finish, I thought the show had some promise. After a season, I wished the pink stars would have actually fallen on my head to block by vision from seeing his TV series. And since I am luttog

The weird secret service alien guy from earlier this year

What the hell of the year!
A Secret Service agent guarding President Barack Obama could be a shape shifting alien! That was a claim this year..

GIF of the year. Congrats Rob Ford

GIF of the year
If you did not follow the epic story of Rob Ford, you should have. The crack smoking Canadian mayor dominated headlines and become a 15-minute of fame sensation. And his trouble may be summed up with just one moving GIF.

2013's prophecy of the popes and all that weird stuff.. lightning and devil shadows oh my

Prophecy of the year

Ten months ago, St. Peter’s Square was struck by lightning. It was shortly after Pope Benedict resigned and Pope Francis was chosen—Francis the Roman? Long ago, a ‘prophecy of the Popes’ was penned supposedly by Malachi. The last Pope was going to be Peter the Roman. Francis has been steadfastly reminding us about Peter all year, even this fall putting St. Peter’s bones on display. Is it the END? Or the beginning. And if he is the final Pope, what about those weird devil shadows appearing on walls around Bergoglio? 

She cooked. She said racist things. She fell.

Downfall of the year
Paula Deen cooked, Southern style. She also thought like a Cofederate soldier. Now she’s not on TV.

Underreporting and just plain bad reporting in 2013

The most under-reported story of 2013
Washington DC and the media was in a tizzy when, during the autumn government shutdown, there were reports of a ‘shooting’ in the nation’s capitol. The media picked the story and ran with it, alleging that a shooter was in the US Capitol building and that cops were down. It turned out that a woman named Miriam Carey was in a car, supposedly ran a barricade, and was chased by cops. They cornered her, and then shot and killed her without attempting to arrest her—afterwards Congress applauded the murder on the floor of the House. Late this year, it was somewhat determined that there really was no need to kill Carey. The amazing part to grasp is that an unarmed African American woman with a child in the back seat of her car was shot dead without just cause. And no civil rights leaders spoke out? No one spoke out? Instead, we as a nation applauded the verdict rendered without due process and went about business as though it never happened.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Year of the fly

Year of the fly
President Obama was photographed on multiple occasions this year with flies surrounding him or landing on him. He once caught a fly during an interview. 2013 was the year they took revenge.

Weird photo of the year

Weirdest photo of the year
Beyonce looked like this in a photo and her PR folks wanted to get the photo off the net. No luck there. I think we were looking at Sasha Fierce. 

My dog just turned all Cujo and nearly attacked a neighbor's manger scene ..

And I cannot even blame it on animals, they only had Jesus and the three wise apples ..should I be worried!?

Too much celebrity in 2013

The biggest pest of 2013
It’s been the year of the Bieber Fever. At least for some—for most we’ve been trying to rid ourselves of this nasty flu for 12 solid months. The media world celebrated when Beebs grew a version of facial hair, he spit on fans, and urinated in a mop bucket. All in the year of a life of Justin Bieber. And unforuntately, we lived the life with him. He went from cute to creature. We’re stuck with him in ‘14 unless he really keeps his promise and quits music.. 

Worst plastic surgery of the year
It’s bad enough there is one Justin Bieber, but imagine someone paying to look like the second Justin Bieber? And in the end, he STILL does not look as womanly as Beebs.. 

Bad photo ops

Worst photo op of the year
Who planned this one!? Obama and Putin.. friend for life? Putin probably recalls the days of Bush. He was known as Pooty Poot. Now he’s putting Pussy Riot behind bars. 

The person of the year..

Person of the year
It is not the Pope. At least not according to the Coal Speaker. Edward Snowden changed a LOT this year by exposing some of the most secret of government secrets.. By telling the citizens of the world how the government spies on them was an eye opening event—and something which may have changed the world for good. 

Worst candidate for person of the year
Miley Cyrus exposed a lot this year. She twerked, she became a popular Halloween costume, and she lost her innocence for the world to see. She came in like a wrecking ball and sold lots of albums. At the end of the year, she just now looks wrecked. 

A tremendously bad wreck shut parts of the PA turnpike down this morning.. It appears to have been snow related..

The storm seemingly came out of nowhere, as I showed this morning with a post of some very snowy roads.. 

The most important story of the year

The story of the year
2013 was the year I gave up politics. I will still vote, and I will still be informed, but 2013 is the year where I realized that regardless of political stripe or belief, life goes on. The news is dominated by political tirades. Right, and left. Both sides are pitted against each other in heated verbal battles. People screaming and yelling, acting like righteous rebellions for some kind of cause. Angry old men on the boob tube… But what do they really accomplish? In 2013, they shut down government and almost risked a United States default. And inaction on a farm bill may push milk prices to $8 in 2014. And for those who battle to defend the President, Obama’s health care website was so disastrous that it became the top story for months by barely working and failing to keep up with the users trying to access it. Government itself is made up of people—people who push papers and have desk jobs, those who know regulations and tell you to smile when they take your drivers license photo. In some states, like mine, government employees sell me wine and liquor. In other states, they clean up messed on streets and respond when gas lines are ruptured, threatening entire towns. I would like to believe that government is not made up of politicians. They are the roadblocks to progress, the hindrance of common sense. Politicians are reptilian shape shifters, pretending to care when they don’t and looking for the next mistress in a crowd of fans. They drink and drive.. and we pay. I am so done with politics, but not government. They are distinct and different. In 2013, I finally came to the full realization, years in the making, that “right vs left” is a sham argument, a meaningless piece of tripe given to us by the media, and a mistake to fall into. Let 2014 be the year of reason, the age when you also find out that the political beliefs you harbor have simply been implanted into your brain. Think for yourself. The nation depends on it. 

2013.. the year that was.

It was not a bad year. But it just seemed that way.. That does not mean there were any overtly bad things that actually took place, but it was the overall lack of good..

Massive scares took place early on when a meteor almost hit Russia—the explosion was so fierce that it shook buildings and injured people.. From that to the strange days of government shutdowns and the wild world of a health care website that didn’t work.. It just did not seem right in ‘13. 

Maybe it was the year. Maybe 2013 brought with it some unlucky times… 

We beat the odds back in ‘12 when the Mayan Calender did not spell doom. So we paid the price with a lackluster and mediocre time in 2013.. 

The Boston bombing this year rattled nerves and killed innocent people. A young child was among the dead.. It was a tragic and horrendous act.. And in the aftermath, an entire city got locked down while police freely broke into homes searching for a teenager bomber that later was shot in the throat but lived .. 

The world still seems weary.. The economy seems to be getting better on paper, but in reality there is no hope for too many. Gas prices virtually stayed the same, but it just seemed like they have gone up exponentially. And we did not get embroiled into a war (almost) but warfare is so widespread you’d think it’s going out of style..

The world so desperately wanted a hero in 2013 that it chose to applaud Vladimir Putin for hedging off a Syrian war. Of course it was while he had a Pussy Riot behind bars. 

A Cardinal became a Pope in 2013. He chose the name Francis. And his actions celebrating Peter the Roman seemed way too eerily close to the Prophecy of the Popes.. 

Malala told Obama to stop killing innocent people with drones. The media ignored it..
That is how things worked in ‘13.. 

Perhaps nothing got worse in 2013—but it did not seem to get better. Little attention was paid to Fukushima. Little attention was given to really important news.. instead we were given Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. We were fed a steady diet of pop culture of doom, gloom, tongues, and salivia.. 

Nothing was as it seemed in 2013. 

We are weary from a few bad months. 

Here’s hoping ‘14 brings with it some good, some bad.. but just some of the typical. 

You don’t have to tell me. It’s not going to happen.

The McDonald's employee resource site has been shut down

It’s no surprise. The site was completely out of touch with reality..

There was one section on the mock budget that left a line for second income—perhaps an acknowledgment that Mcdonalds money alone will not assist you living.

There’s a lot of debate lately about the wages Mickey Ds pays—and the lack of them. I heard some in the debate argue that making more than minimum wage is just too much for flipping burgers—but that argument discounts one important factor, that flipping burgers and the service economy as a whole is the new American job!

There isn’t much manufacturing .. Tech development in the United States is behind so many other nations.. Fast food and restaurant work is here to stay—until the robots take over I guess ..

But it really is a big economic issue.. The fact that so many, often including college graduates, are with left with no jobs besides service work, makes me almost think it propels the debate into an uncharted territory..

I don’t eat fast food much, but I have worked in restaurants most of my life and have a dream of owning one in the future .. (Distant future as I look at my
Bank account).. And I can tell you: One income from a restaurant is not enough to survive.

'twas the day AFTER Christmas and roads looked like this.. Apparently PENNDOT is still sobering up from spiked egg nog..