I think one day we will find out that Dennis Rodman is a paid secret intelligent asset of the United States government.. today is is again in North Korea to 'see a friend.' He seems to go see that friend every time Lil Kim tries to end the world or cause destruction, the latest is an execution..
This time though, we are told in press releases, that he’s there to train the Pyongyang basketball team.
Good luck Dennis. Save the world.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Dennis the secret agent man
In Texas, Search Warrants Can Now Be Based on a "Prediction of a Future Crime"
I think you need to read that headline again:
In Texas, Search Warrants Can Now Be Based on a “Prediction of a Future Crime”
It’s here.
In Texas, Search Warrants Can Now Be Based on a "Prediction of a Future Crime"
Prosecutor says strip search of India diplomat 'standard'
The U.S. State Department was scrambling to tamp down Indian outrage over the arrest of a diplomat in New York City who says she was stripped and cavity searched over charges that she didn’t pay her housekeeper enough money.
This bizarre international incident seems to be spiraling out of control a bit..
Prosecutor says strip search of India diplomat 'standard'
My son LOVES this NEW WOODY WOODPECKER show, and this episode in particular. And I have found some humor in it, as well, especially the scene that occurs at 4:09 minutes into it. The chicken reminds me of a few CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS members I have come in contact with through the years here in the coal region. Enjoy..
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Dreaming of an Agnostic Christmas? Half of America strips religion from Christmas
Nine out of 10 Americans do Christmas and three-quarters believe in the biblical account of Jesus’ birth — but only a little more than half actually regard the holiday primarily as a religious celebration.
But do the non religious still buy the Hess truck???
For that case, do the religious?
Dreaming of an Agnostic Christmas? Half of America strips religion from Christmas
A funny thing happened on the way home from the hospital
Much to the chagrin of some readers to email me expressing a desire to stop reading about time slips, one more funny thing happened on the way home from the hospital.
For those not aware, you can read back from the week and find out all the information you want to know, my father had a very trying stay in a hospital and received medical care for some life-threatening physical ailments. For one whole week it was like life was on hold, as though there was no passage of time but yet time went by faster than ever before.
I wrote a lot about strange and anomalous events this week, déjà vu, and even the death of Nelson Mandela and how it relates to some old urban legends about him being a time traveler..
So just when the family started to think everything was right yesterday, my dad was discharged, and this timeline got straightened out, something funny happened on the way home from the hospital. My father got released a during a snowstorm, with the roadway treacherous and the drive home tremendously troubling.. To make a long story short, my sister was a passenger in the backseat while my dad was comfortable in the front.
Before we took my dad home, we made a pit stop at my sisters house. She ran in, came outside, and was speaking to her husband. I was in the car I half a block away watching, I had just gotten off the phone when she exited her home. Suddenly through my phone I heard her husband tell her not to forget her keys, and I heard through my phone my sister responding to him that she won’t. I also heard myself talking to..
My father looked at the phone, startled and most likely wondering if he should go right back to the hospital, but I confirmed to him that there’s something strange happening with my iPhone. When my sister got into the car I told her to speak and when she did she heard herself talking through my phone…I told her that we heard everything that her and her husband was saying half a block away..
I know phone sometimes can pick up each other in a certain range, and I sure know that the government tracks every single thing we say on them. But I have never heard about a phone picking up a conversation of people who were not on the phone, and all the while my phone was hung up…
I don’t know if this can be chalked up to some alternate universe, with the conversation taking place within it. It sure was not déjà vu, although the first thing my dad said when he got home was that he was having an extreme case of it.
Common sense tells me that this is just some sort of a weird technological glitch, something which makes you ponder computers and wonder how much more they can hear them what we assume..
My phone is not the same as my sister’s or brother in law’s.. different companies, different cell phones, different makes and models. But yet I heard a conversation through my cell phone of two people, and I found it interesting that only those two people were heard. My sister and brother-in-law, but not other people who were walking on the street.
For quite a while yesterday the idea was floating through my head that instead of some sort of a weird alternate or parallel universe, we are actually living in a computer matrix simulation of events. A matrix world could explain that the day my father comes home from a week long stay at the hospital is also the day that we get a major snowstorm and the morning my son comes down with a fever and flu.
Or maybe that is just how life works? The wonderful world of coincidental crises?
Is some computer player in the sky was just making us do things we don’t want to do? This some master coder laughing as he watches people try to figure out that there simply in a coded matrix? enjoying simulating events? seeing what computer characters make choices—choices that the coder is already making us make?
Is God merely some skilled gamer who made a really intricate game? We are told that God knows all…sees all…plans all. Likewise, the computer programmer knows how to the game will end and when he will turn it off, he will create players and situations for them to play within, and he will make a world for them to live in.
Does a website know that it is a website? Does a SIM know that someone is watching it’s every move?
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Here are some holiday happenings from the world of physics
Want to wrap your brain around some .. the holographic universe. Are we just a projection of another cosmos? Maybe this could explain that whole ‘time slip’ phenomenon I wrote about for days on here..
Either way, the theory of the holographic universe has now been mathematically tested. And it could be very well what we are.. one model suggests that the universe exists in nine dimensions of space and one in time. There are some other amazing things in the DAILY MAIL story about this premise..
While you’re trying to ponder that one, here’s another: The prospects that the universe itself will end. That everything that is will not be and everything that has happened will have been for nothing, since no one ever will no of it—since there will be a lack of something, and a lack of nothing. This is the phase transition theory, and it’s getting more traction.
According to a study from Denmark, the collapse of the universe is ‘closer than before’.. Essentially, every particle in the entire will become too heavy and the universe will collapse on itself. And cease to exist. Imagine.. a history of time gone. There would be no time, no need for history, and NOT EVEN a lack of history since a collapse and end of the universe would equal a lack of nothing.
So what are we? Why are we here?
I don’t know.
I bet you don’t either.
Here is something Christmas cheer for your day. This is a photo from Rochester, Michigan. It’s an amazing display of Christmas lights in the city.
We can take a lesson from this.. Rochester is the fifth poorest city in the nation …but it can warm your heart with beauty.
Let’s hope 2014 just gets better… right?
I think we’re all growing quite tired of depressing headlines, poverty, crime, and violence. I think it’s about time the human race shapes up..
Maybe ‘14 will be the season with reason.
Beebs: If you're bored, YOU'RE B-O-R-I-N-G
If you’re bored it’s because you’re boring, Beebs: Justin Bieber is growing bored with performing.
And something else quite notable about the Beeb’s weekend:
Party at the Bieber house: Ambulance called in to assist a girl passed out.Did she sign one of those non-disclosure agreements that forbids her from speaking anything of what happened in the Bieber mansion? This we know: When the young party-goer regained consciousness, she requested that the ambulance not come. Hmm.. wonder why a 20-year-old who passed out would not want any attention..?
Monday, December 16, 2013
Woman with stomach pain is found to have a 40-year-old FETUS inside her
The 82-year-old, from Bogota, Colombia had what is known as ‘lithopedion’, or stone baby, when the unborn child develops outside the womb.
Call it the 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN, part 2
Woman with stomach pain is found to have a 40-year-old FETUS inside her
Teen addiction to pornography 'a growing problem'
It’s much easier to do it these days than it was during the times when you had to nervously look a cashier at a local gas station in the eye..you tried to hide it.. you attempted to conceal the evidence.
But no matter that, PLAYBOY’s logo would always peak out over the paper bag..
But this new information shows that porn addicts are most 12-17 year olds..
Teen addiction to pornography 'a growing problem'
As I stare at the moon...
I realize that China has a rover up there right now staring right back at me
Instead of cookies and milk, it appears that Santa may need some Zovirax!
Seriously, Miley, you’re not really shocking us anymore.. instead we’re gagging. In a bad way.
Either way, here’s the full story: A sex-themed show put on at the Jingle Ball..
Something extremely important happened this weekend—and few American news companies chose to do much reporting on it.
China landed a rover on the moon—and now the first photos are coming back.
I spent a little of Saturday night listening to Richard C. Hoagland, with his crazed white mane of luscious hair, espouse something odd beliefs about China’s quest to find the glass structures on the moon he has been talking about since his Cronkite days. But he did say something else that made sense: The United States could have done this with a rover for years. But it decided not to.. instead, China has now entered the space race and, quite possibly, is planning to be the leader of the world to whoever or whatever is out there..
The question is: Will China use space for peaceful purposes? While we’re at that, will the United States or any other nation want to simply explore space for the pure attempt to help mankind as a whole? Or will we, as a world, disintegrate into a future where drones and lasers zap people from planetary or satellites somewhere deep in space?
Time will tell. In the mean time, all eyes of the planet are on Jade.
Well, all eyes except the media in the United States frightened to inform the populace that we’re not number one in this, or almost anything anymore.
Footage of the Jade landing released..
Another one planned for 2017..
"If a Drone Strike Hit an American Wedding, We'd Ground Our Fleet"
But after a dozen or more deaths at a Yemeni wedding, don’t expect anything to change.
This is a must read from the ATLANTIC..
"If a Drone Strike Hit an American Wedding, We'd Ground Our Fleet"
A little Christmas cheer .. Jumpin Joe Biden gets a little fun-loving with a White House reporter.. More here.
Check for mistletoe..
Murdoch's NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from "Fahrenheit 911"
This may raise the temperature among many who slammed Michael Moore’s 2004 movie.
Here is the actual NEW YORK POST story featuring the explosive opinion that there is a 9/11 cover up. Paul Sperry authors it. Here is the quote worth reading from the POST story:
President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text isn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages are completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood (this story by comparison is about 1,000 words).
A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.
Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) can’t reveal the nation identified by it without violating federal law. So they’ve proposed Congress pass a resolution asking President Obama to declassify the entire 2002 report, “Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”
Some information already has leaked from the classified section, which is based on both CIA and FBI documents, and it points back to Saudi Arabia, a presumed ally.
This is a very important story to read.. and amazing that it appears in the POST.
Where there’s smoke there’s fire…and someone finally is seeing it.
The 9/11 ‘inside job’ crowd may have been partially right.
An inside job with an outside patio built on for good measure.
Murdoch's NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from "Fahrenheit 911"