Sunday, December 1, 2013

Moon grown and good.

Would you eat a carrot grown no the moon? The question is, at this time, would a carrot even grow on the moon?

NASA is exploring the notion that we will one day, in the distant future perhaps, live on our satellite. And in doing so, they are also set to experiment with the possibility of growing food on it.

According to some information appearing today in the ‘reliable’ UK DAILY MAIL, NASA is going to send turnip and basil seeds to the moon and photograph their development, growth, or lack thereof.

And the DAILY MAIL reports that experts think if plants can survive there, humans can too.

It all takes place in 2015. 

The real question humans should ask themselves: Where are we going to start putting all of our garbage? Our cans, our boxes.. our plastic.. and our dreaded Styrofoam?  I think it’s high time, with all these planets KEPLER has been finding, to get a big rocket ship and do daily deliveries of our trash to foreign lands. Perhaps that planet made of glass! Or maybe the one that is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit! I know, we can send them into the black hole that is glowing with bright light!

Come on humans.. aren’t we tired of ruining our own planet with trinkets and useless trash?! Is it not time to branch out and ruin foreign and distant planets? It’s the human way! Reach out and touch the stars, and secretly throw your old McDonalds bag of rubbish out the window when no one’s looking. 

But in the mean time, we’ll take it slow. First up: GROW FOOD ON THE MOON!

It’s a small step for plants, a giant leap for plant kind.

Good luck with that.

Who says drones can't be used for the good, too?

AMAZON is going to deliver your package with drones—not armed, I imagine, unless you consider a piece of junk made in China to be a weapon..

Seriously, Jeff Beezos showed CHARLIE ROSE all of the gadgets and contraptions that will make drone delivery possible tonight on 60 MINUTES.

Goodbye post office. So long UPS. FEDEX is not even a match.

No, not at all.

Not when you have drones…

At least if this happens, innocent Pakistani school kids won’t be killed in ‘collateral damage’ for no reason. 

But what if the people of Pakistan order from Amazon? Drones to the rescue while others bomb?

Oh the future prospects of this are … startling. AND COMING SOON TO A SKY NEAR YOU.

Who says drones can't be used for the good, too?

Centralia will be featured tonight on AMERICA DECLASSIFIED

If you’re slightly or really interested in the story of the town that was, tune in tonight, Sunday December 1, to the Travel Channel at 10pm tonight

I’ll be curious to see how much justice is done to the Centralia memory. I never expect much, that way I’m not agitated by a less than fair portrayal ..

Child taken from womb by social services

It was for ‘the best’ they say…
So they drugged her and performed a C section to remove her child.
Her apparent crime was ‘suffering a mental breakdown’..

Oh, and she’s not getting her baby back.

Child taken from womb by social services

My favorite weather source on Facebook, Weatherboy weather, is predicting son extremely cold weather coming this month—perhaps historic cold.

Yes Christmassy maybe. But unfortunate for those who are not ready or able to deal with such extreme weather.


Arctic ice.

It’s on the way..

I had a brief conversation with my wife yesterday.. we pondered our existence, and wondered if ‘time’ is really going as fast as we perceive it.

My only argument was that the major earthquakes on this planet over the past decade did speed us up fractions of a millisecond—that was scientifically proven. Maybe that slight alteration in time does something to us over time.. maybe it in fact does make us feel that the passage of time—and in essence our trek around the sun—is changed. 


It’s because we have a child, and now a dog, and a rush of life with work and few pleasure. Could it be the plague of parents—the idea that you’re watching your child grow too fast and also facing your own eventual ‘ending’? It’s already December.

So it’s true that life has accelerated. Or that the parental brain drain has set in..

I don’t know.

But things seem to be rushing by lately.

Any takers on telling me why?

So now we know.. 00000000 was the 'secret' code for nuclear detonation?!

So now we know.. 00000000 was the 'secret' code for nuclear detonation?!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

'Fast and Furious' actor Paul Walker dies in car crash

A tragic example of life imitating reality..

'Fast and Furious' actor Paul Walker dies in car crash

Sorry to break the news but Black Friday is a hoax

And you don’t need the crap you bought anyway.

Sorry to break the news but Black Friday is a hoax

In God we trust, maybe, but not each other

The monsters are always due on Maple St

In God we trust, maybe, but not each other

This is a full video of Comet ISON starting November 26 through today, November 30. Clearly, the comet vanished.. Reappeared. And now, maybe, is vanishing again.

Ison may have been like a cat coming back, but in the last few frames, it does not appear to be much of anything.

So.. who will pronounce Ison dead and when..?

Grim Website Tallies Black Friday Deaths

The Black Friday death count.

Now that you’re all done shopping, presuming you were in the capitalist druglike euphoria on Black Friday and THANKSGIVING NIGHT was it worth it?

And if you saw one of the 7 deaths and 88 injuries (known so far), would you still do it all over again…?

I fear your answer is yes.

Grim Website Tallies Black Friday Deaths

Elderly Woman Killed, Authorities Searching for the Killer

This Nanticoke PA crime is a bit shocking, given the circumstances.. The elderly woman was 97 years old and was beaten to death. 

The timing was equally offensive: It happened on Thanksgiving night.

Trouble has come to your little town, sheriff.. 

Elderly Woman Killed, Authorities Searching for the Killer

Friday, November 29, 2013


For anyone not from the coal region of Pennsylvania, the notion that a hospital being auctioned off and an old school being knocked down may not mean much..

But it meant a lot for me today.

It just so happened that Black Friday this year was filled with the voyage back in time, to the deepest and darkest pits of my memory.

I was born in the Ashland Regional Medical Center in September 1980. Today, that building, most recently known as St. Catherine’s Medical Center, was auctioned off and all of the possessions within it were liquidated— bankruptcy occurred last year that caused the closure of St. Catherine’s and the unemployment of almost 200 workers

Then came the other vision, I knew that Immaculate Heart Elementary School in Girardville PA would be knocked down but was still shocked to see have you equipment demolishing the school today as I drove by. I went to that school starting  in the sixth grade, in those mid-1990s when everything seemed great.

So much of my memories are now gone.

The town I was born in, Centralia, is empty. Every school prior to the university I attended are all closed. The hospital I was born in.. gone.

It would be selfish to make this situation about myself, there were many people born in the hospital over the past 100 years and with its rich history, many people died there to. And as for the school, there are thousands of people who have memories of that building, the one ripped down today.

There seems to be a deeper meaning to these two these events taking place on Black Friday, while everyone was out shopping until they were dropping, old memories, and laughter and sadness, were wiped clean.

It is also a signal sign that the once great cold region of eastern Pennsylvania is releasing a deep sigh of death. You cannot drive through the towns of Schuylkill County and escape it. There is no growth, there is no exceptionalism, and there is only a melancholy sadness for the past and constant attempt to keep a spirit of something from the late 1930s alive—a time when the area boomed with wealth and culture. There are few signs of those times now.. 

That of course does not mean there is not hope, nor does not mean that changes will not come to benefit the area eventually. But right now on this day, this year, buildings are dilapidated, structures are unsound, and beacons of things that once were are being demolished or sold off to the lowest bidder.

And yes, childhood memories from birth through Catholic grade school are being quickly extinguished because of either profiteering hospital owners or legal liabilities of the Catholic Church

There is no escaping that truth, no matter what coal mine you try to use as shelter..


Mark Dice makes me laugh again.. shouting people down for shopping too early.



Seriously America, are TVs worth this!?

[wpvideo Ho3Ty3Qf]

More Black Friday misery in the coal region of Pennsylvania as immaculate heart elementary school is ripped down to the ground after many years, many memories, and many tears

The song slightly muffled in the background playing in my car is fitting to the scene being witnessed


For the record.. this is the moment that the former St. Catherine hospital, and Ashland hospital, in Ashland Pennsylvania did NOT sell.

Black Friday was a bust for the bankruptcy sale.


This is the former Ashland hospital, it is in Pennsylvania and it is filled with history of coal miners, baby births, life and death.

It has been closed for over a year due to a series of financially catastrophic events and it has gone bankrupt. Now today there is a public auction of everything in it along with the building and real estate itself.

I was born here, but I will not die here.

It will most likely never be a hospital again, that is a shame.

I can say much much more, but I will refrain from that on such a public forum as this website.

Maybe one day.

Seattle Washington WALMART brawl.