USA TODAY is going to stop publishing handout photos from the White House.
A massive sinkhole has developed in Bosnia, shocking those who see it, and pervading a seemingly peaceful countryside with a shocking image of how cruel the planet earth can be.
The ASSOCIATED PRESS dispatch reports it this way:
SANICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Just outside the rustic village, children fished in a tranquil pond bobbing with green algae and lined with willow trees, as cattle grazed nearby.
Now, Rezak Motanic gazes in disbelief down a gigantic moonlike crater where the pond used to be. It’s like something from a science fiction movie: a sinkhole swallowed the water, the fish and even nearby trees.
To the weary eyes strained on daily news, this should come as no shock. There seems to be an increased amount of sinkholes across the crust lately. Maybe we can chalk it up to increased attention, or …just maybe there are more of them.
The prospects of having a pond filled with fish and life simply vanish before you eyes is unbelievable.
And as these things go, the AP reports, townsfolk are coming up with paranormal ideas and dismissing scientific ones. The most interesting of thoughts: The owner of the pond just died—and took the pond with him.
While some may scoff at those with superstitious theories, think of this: The amount of hell on earth that Bosnia went through is inescapable. It’s no shock that they believe that evil can be alive and well under their feet—paranormal is what they lived with for thirty years.
The AP story ended like this:
"Only days before Hasan passed away he said: ‘I’ll take everything with me when I die.’ And that’s what he did," Motanic said. "His daughter saw him walk on the lake the night he died."
Husein Nanic said it could be a sign that the end is nigh: “All sort of miracles happen before the doomsday,” he said.
A little stroll through daily headlines may leave us all with the impression that the Mayan calender may have been off about twelve months.
A very bad santa.
The Associated Press reports this:
A man who played Santa Claus at a Massachusetts mall has been barred from the shopping center after he was charged with groping an 18-year-old woman playing an elf.
Herbert Jones was released on $1,000 bail after pleading not guilty Monday to indecent assault and battery. A judge ordered him to stay away from the Hanover Mall and barred him from playing Santa anywhere pending the outcome of his case.
I always find it to be a shame when men who play Santas do these things, especially when they have REAL beards! It takes dedication to look like Santa for 11 months of the year.. only to screw it up because you can’t keep your yuletide joy to yourself.
No word from Mrs. Claus on the event..
I saw some anger about this report—some of the families of those slain by Lanza appeared to be hostile to this report. One analysis I read said that it’s a detailed report and really did not have to be. The report in essence was only to determine if any more suspects should be arrested. It could have been only one page long with one sentence on it, but instead the State’s Attorney’s report is more detailed..
The overall hint is that the gun violence and mental illness of Lanza became a deadly combination.
The good part of this whole horrible event is that maybe something will finally take place to improve mental health in the United States. The WASHINGTON TIMES reports,
Rep. Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania Republican, said last week he intends to introduce legislation next month “to fix the problems that have plagued the nation’s mental health system for decades.”
He said in 1955 there were 550,000 psychiatric beds and today there are fewer than 40,000, that the standard to make sure a mentally ill person gets treatment is unworkable, and that federal privacy laws make information-sharing in such cases difficult.
“We have to advance this so we have a key to unlock the door,” Mr. Murphy said. “I ask my colleagues to join me in working for these mental health reforms so that families can share the joy of recovery, instead of the sadness of loss.”
As far as Lanza and the lack of a motive: Would a motive have really made any more sense to this senseless evil? Would a reason to kill innocent beautiful children given any more help to those grieving, almost one year since the nightmare stole Christmas in 2012?
I say no.
I recall how sad those days were after this shooting.
And now a year later we are reminded of it all over again.
I don’t think a motive would have even made sense … Nothing can make sense of what Adam Lanza did that fateful December morning in 2012..
Two Billy Joel songs unite.. JFK blown away.. and it will give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack ack. You ought to know by now.
The history of history in 2 minutes.
The latest event to raise my conspiracy-tainted eyebrows: The Vatican has Peter the Roman on the display—the first pope—and it’s the first time. It’s happening under the watchful pontificate of Pope Francis.
Reports indicate that the bones of the body supposedly of Peter.
Does this pope knowingly make these allusions to St Peter just to mess with people?
The ATLANTIC article is fascinating.. Mapping how we say certain words tells a story of who we are and shows a picture of how we migrate.
I reported on this about a month ago for the first time, it was around Halloween when I took note of some stories on this island.
Since then I have noticed much more attention being paid, in this article summed up the mysterious darkness that surrounds the silent night..
Will this change the timeline that some people thought the human race is on?
Well, not the actual grape, but the life form that exists in the bag of them.
A few days ago, a friend showed me a video cell phone video from her daughter—it was a video of a spider crawling around in a bowel. I was told: She went to a big grocery store and bought a bag of grapes. When she came home, she found a black widow lurking within her fruit.. When she returned the grapes, the store manager said that he heard other states had the same reports.
And now this..
There is a story online today about a woman who found a black widow spider in her grapes .. in Pennsylvania. The story is NOT about my friend’s daughter—but the story if certainly similar. And her story is also the same as others from the nation, in which people in several states are reporting this sudden rash of venomous spiders..
I often wonder if stories like this are just another little urban legend, a blip on the rumor radar—intensified by the free wheeling internet. But I bring myself back to reality with this little fact: ANY black widow spider on grapes found could be potentially deadly..
Clean your grapes.
And watch for the spiders with hour glass red ..
Nothing creepy about this, now is there?
You are looking at an image of the official portrait of the Danish Royal Family by Thomas Kluges. And it’s really, really weird.
GAWKER has some observations on the matter.. GAWKER described the painting the best, and I will not even try to match it. Caity Weaver wrote:
The painting depicts three generations of royals, all eerily aglow as if they have just feasted on a village of Thomas Kinkade’s flaming houses, dressed in various articles of clothing proportionate to their size. Its members engage in their various favorite pastimes: holding onto a baby’s leg; constructing a tower to heaven as an affront to God; using black magic to animate a toy horse, causing it to prance and lurch with queer, jerky motions. In the foreground, an 8-year-old bores into the souls of those Beyond The Fourth Wall. Behind the group: the ruins of the city they have destroyed.
The ghastly image is terrifying. Though the official description of the painting says the Royals are featured ‘their own universe’ in plain clothing, it looks more like the cover of a bad horror flick. The only thing missing on the girl in the left hand corner is blood dripping from her mouth. The boy directly in the middle appears to be a harbinger to an OMEN sequel, and faces on the grown men appear to be hiding a undesirable scowl of evil.
It has been called terrifying.
UPI says it will haunt your dreams.
Can anyone really disagree with those hypotheses on the art?
And here is a must read for a chuckle: Check out the comments section on official Kluge painting website. They are formulating a hypothesis that it appears the Danish royals are feasting on the blood of innocent peasants.
Your eyes are not fooling you.. You are seeing two children in this photo—though only one child was present when the picture was snapped.
According to NEWS 9 in Oklahoma, Scott McCabe was taking a photo of his son’s cousin on his cell phone. McCabe’s son was not there because he died on May 20 in the Oklahoma tornado at Plaza Towers Elementary—the school devastated when the storm his. McCabe believes that his son is present in the photo of the girl, named Madison, with sparklers on the Fourth of July..
McCabe has faced some criticism online, with some accusing him of faking the photo. But I watched the interview that NEWS 9 had with McCabe. I saw a man who was humbled and brought to tears. I saw someone who found comfort in this photo..
And that may be all that really matters.
Peace of mind.
Art Bell announced yesterday that he was throwing in his towel and choosing to not fight Sirius XM radio. They are holding him to a non compete after his brief stint on satellite radio ended abruptly after his ‘Spooky Matter’ Halloween show.
But now news is coming from Bell that his fans—and competitors in a sense—may benefit from his absence from radio. Artbell.com is planning on utilizing free streaming to simulcast paranormal and other related programs. There is already a planned schedule at the website put up by webmaster Keith Rowland.. The announcement on the main page reads:
While we wait for Art’s return, we’ll be offering up other Internet radio shows on our LIVE stream, for your listening pleasure.
Monday - Paranormal Podcast w/Jim Harold
Tuesday - The Spec Sheet w/MV and Curtis
Wednesday - Podcast UFO w/Martin and Sam
Programs start at 8 PM East / 5 PM West
The stream will be running 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the show. Watch for more shows to appear here. If you have a show and would like to be streamed here, contact webmaster@artbell.com.
This could be an exciting time for someone who wants to take a foot int he door approach.
There seem to be a void needing to be filled with Bell’s departure. Sure, Coast to Coast AM exists, but in the current incarnation, we know it lacks the zeal and spontaneity that Art Bell brought to radio.
Now with the Dark Matter network, there seems to be a chance to do something new, creative, and cool on line.
This is the latest GFS model run. If you’re driving anywhere you see blue and purple on the East Coat this Thanksgiving eve, get prepared. It may be a ‘planes, trains, and automobiles’ type of scenario for you, with snow ruining many people and their voyages..
At this point computer guidance is still crazy… nothing seems to be resembling any consistent or coherent forecast at this point.
It seems that models are converging no the notion that a snow event somewhere will happen.
But where? What timing?
Check back on that.